The Baldur's Gate topic

I noticed there are more BG lovers here than I expected. So let’s try to create a topic for the fans.

I always played a Lawful Good character (in any D&D game). I tried to be a bad man, but I just can’t do it. :stuck_out_tongue:

My favorite class is Wizard. Second and third place go to Monk and Fighter.

My favorite party in BG1:


BG2 & ToB:

I like Aerie. 8) My greatest achievement is probably killing Firkraag with one quivering palm hit (while playing solo).

I start off as chaotic neutral, but I always shift to chaotic good or evil, depending on my mood.

Human. Lawful Evil. Kensai/Wizard. Had the Mage avatar - cause it looks so cool with the higher level robes. Viconia was my woman. Pretty much did every evil possible thing, except sacrificing Viconia when I the chances to sacrifice Viconia. I might be evil, but I like having hawt Drow sex. Besides, just because your evil, doesn’t mean you can’t love.

Became a god… an evil god…

BG2 party consisted of (other than myself): Viconia, Edward, Korgan. Added evil Sarevok in ToB.

Everyone else died. Horribly whenever at all possible.

Chaotic Neutral Wizard/Cleric, and always ended up shifting evil by the end. Can’t remember who I stuck with in BG1, as it’s been forever since I played it. But BG2 and ToB, (Without mods) I went with Viconia, Korgan, Imoen(Still annoys me there aren’t any evil thieves in this one.), Edwin, and Sarevok would replace Minsc once I could no longer manipulate him. My pet insisted we always take everyone else to the Planar sphere and make ourselves a nice little stone statue garden with them all. Except that Anomen guy… Always made sure to disintegrate that one…

Enjoyed it more with mods though.

Why is everyone always evil? :cry:

My friends who played it were evil also…

I just can’t be evil, even when it is roleplaying. I’m just mr. good.
I couldn’t change Sarevok to chaotic good though. 8)

Aaah, I miss those days. Baldur’s Gate, Planescape and Icewind.

“My hotel is as clean as an elven arse!” 8)

Edit: MrBiggens, go buy BG! :wink:

Well it would depend on what version I played, the original or the one modified for bg2 engine…

Ah BG2, good times. Almost as good as Planescape: Torment. I played various classes and chose my party members differently depending on what it was. The only constant was that I kept taking a Neutral Good alignment, sadly I just can’t be pure evil. To quote Dr. Evil: “You’re the Diet Coke of evil.”

I’m not going to play again until The Gibberlings 3 mod group finish their Delainy romance mod (I’ll also add that funny Dungeon Crawl Inc ( mod, love that webcomic).

Planescape: Torment is on a level all it’s own.

Anyhow. the whole ‘evil’ role in the BG games was pretty weak. It was geared towards good characters with the random ‘evil choice’ tossed in now and then. The trials in hell for example was probably the closest you could get to any form of ‘real’ choice towards potential evil. It was pretty much left up to the player to create their own evil. Even the evil NPC’s felt kind of kittenish.

People play evil roles because it’s something they wouldn’t do in real life. Besides, anyone can be a good hero, but it takes style to be truly evil.

Lawfull Evil elf Sorcerer, Party: Aerie, Sarevok, Imoen, Krogan.
Became the new Lord Of Murder.
Knocked up Aerie.
Had Fun.
Raped that annoying green dragon in Throne Of Bhall with one stike of my trusty Black Blade Of Disaster.
Got the Black Blade or what was the name of the evil sword at the end of BG2…

Was going to finish Imoen Quest and romance for bg1tutu/bgt, but lost all the files when i reformatted. :frowning:

I generally play a ranger, neutral good. I like the idea of being able to bend the law to accomplish good deeds.

In BG1, I initially didn’t realise I could swap party members, so I ended up with a hodge-podge of whoever I met first: Imoen, Jaheira, Khalid, that annoying bard person (Garrick?) and the depressed elven mage (Xan?). I think I tried to get Minsc to join my party, but I never got around to rescuing Dynaheir, so he got impatient with me and left.

In BG2, I can’t drop Jaheira fast enough. (I find it creepy when she starts hitting on the child of one of her former adventuring companions, especially given what happened to Khalid. Plus the whole ‘strident’ thing doesn’t do anything for me.) I usually choose Aerie, Anomen, Minsc, Yoshimo/Imoen and Keldorn. I like Aerie. It occurs to me (after the fact) that she reminds me of Kana Todo.

Yoshimo is a dirty traitor. :evil: I used him in my first BG2 adventure.

Hmm, I guess we should warn MrBiggens that this topic will be filled with spoilers for both games.

Yoshimo may have been a traitor, but I still found him likable. That’s just my opinion, of course; you’re free to dislike him as much as you like. =)

I hate him. I always kill him when I see him the for the first time. :slight_smile:

We should create a poll to find out which girl everone romances.

Well, my problem is that I usually play a female PC, so in BG2 I inevitably end up with Anomen romancing me because I don’t have the heart to be cruel enough to say “go away, you self-involved prissy fop”. I mean, he’s useful as a party member IMO, and a nice enough guy, but half of his ‘romantic’ sallies seem to be him talking about himself and how important he’s going to be when he passes his trials. rolls eyes

I played an Imoen romance mod a year or three ago. I quite liked that one. It had flashbacks to your shared childhood in Candlekeep and everything.

You can find the Imoen Romance here:
Not sure if it’s the same one you’re talking about though.

And a general list of goodies (BG1, BG2, Torment, so on and so forth.) here:

Yep, that’s the one I played, for BG2. I enjoyed it. It even lets you romance her if you’re both female.

I haven’t come across any Imoen romance mods for BG1, though. Does one exist?

Lawful Good Paladin here. Got him to level 40 on my second playthrough – Carsomir +5 FTW! I suggest you get all three pantaloons so you can acquire The Big Unit in ToB. That was super fun, but really hard to remain lawful since you have to take part in a kidnapping to get the silver pantaloons. Also the cloak that blocks all negative spell effects kicks ass – I think that’s in the Sahagan City as I recall. Knocked up Aerie because my Jaheira romance broke, characters that were supposed to show up cart her off to trial never showed up. It … always breaks there for me. Converted Sarevok. High charisma makes the whole game a lot easier.

Most recent playthough: True Neutral Sorcerer. Used BG1Tutu to play him from the very start… which was really, REALLY hard. Even towards the end of BG1 I could only take two arrows before croaking.

I find the loading splash screen that claims you can import your character into Neverwinter Nights humorous. That game would have been stupidly easy with any ToB endgame character.

That’s why at the end of the game, before I went into Suldanessellar for the endgame, I killed every NPC in the game that could be killed.

Men. Women. Children. Cats. Rats. Cows. Everyone.

Athkatla. Brynnlaw. Trademeet. Umar Hills. All these places and more… complete and total genocide of every living thing that could be killed.

I made it my mission to slaughter every source of life I could find… because yea… the evil in the game was lacking, and I needed to vent my raw seething hate on something worthwhile.

Like unadulterated and unreasoning mass murder. Ah… those were the good 'ole days… :twisted:

What I miss are games like Dungeon Keeper, where the whole point of the game is to be evil.

Anyway, I remember there being a mod that was working to make a number of changes to the game, adding in more evil quests, choices, responses, and so forth… I have no idea if it was ever finished or lost to the sands of time however. There was also the vampire NPC Valen, who added a few evil twists to the game, but with her mist ability, claw weapon with level draining, and scripted charming, she was a bit overpowered. Still fun though, as she’d randomly kill people on a whim.

There’s also the Assassinations mod … Itemid=121

*Edit- Found the link with a bit more digging. Though it looks like it was never finished, and only a few evil NPC’s were released.