the big announcement your guess

Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled at the news, but whatever happened to Jingai Maikyou?

Edit: After reading that bit on Starless, why do I get the feeling this is going to be the eroge equivalent of A Serbian Film?

Don’t know what that is, look at these: … ss-3d.aspx

Or maybe it could be the equivalent of Salo: … sodom.aspx

Yeah, from what I’ve heard … I’m not terribly interested in STARLESS. It’s an … interesting acquisition, but far outside my tastes.

I doubt Starless is quite as good as A Serbian Film-- for hardcore Sei Shoujo fans only.

From encubed:

For obvious reasons Kikokugai is the most likely one to be released without voices, going by the information given on the pre-AX page, though there is conflicting information on this point.

Sumega is a definate pre-order and joy for double dipping on Seinarukana :lol:
I think the special edition cover is more eye-catching, though it would be nice if JastUSA did reverseable cover with the regular edition cover on the back guess its to early to ask for that

What would prevent releasing them with voices? No voices existing in JP version, or licensing costs?

it could be like demonbane

I thought Kikokugai was voiceless. I know a remake is planned but…oh dear, I get the feeling I’ve just started what will be the equivalent of all those threads in MG with people asking for DCPC and Shuffle Essence+

The voiced version of Kikokugai is the non-ero rerelease that came out this year. It’s also the one with the cover art they used for the pre-AX page. Given that they also said all titles were 18+, I highly doubt that they’re using this rerelease despite the cover being used. It also seems unlikely that they would port the voices over from the rerelease (chances are the script has changed beyond just the H scenes anyway)

I think, in this case, it might have been better for JAST to go with the rerelease, because it is voiced, has much nicer art etc. and the H scenes in Kikokugai seriously aren’t anything to write home about, but anyway

The original version of Kikokugai didn’t have voices, just like Phantom of Inferno. A voiced all-ages remake was released not that long ago, but since this version does not include sexual content, no voices for those scenes exist. And, unless Nitroplus calls back the voice crew to dub just those scenes (or re-record the dialogue for the entire game with a new cast), none ever will.

(Edit: Looks like Lancer-X beat me to the punch there.)

Personally, I’d love to make a “definitive” English version of Phantom of Inferno or Hourglass of Summer on the PC using the existing PC versions as a base. Seeing as the revised version of Phantom is an X360-exclusive, that throws a wrench in things. If there’s a way to carry the PS2 voices into Berry’s port of Hourglass, correcting the mistakes in the script wouldn’t be tough at all, so that project would be entirely feasible.

i would too like to see a full 18+ version of phantom brought ovr

Why do this?

  1. From what I’ve heard (in-game, I mean), the PS2 voice acting is superior to the PC version (they’re entirely different voice casts).
  2. The additional sex scenes feel out-of-place and don’t flow very well (the PS2 version was the original version of the game, by the way).
  3. The sex scenes actually produce plotholes (ie: one flashback now refers to a scene that never happened, because that scene was replaced with a sex scene).

It wouldn’t be a problem for me to allow the player to select the original or X-rated versions in the installer, and play the version of their choice with its corresponding cast (granted, some additional translation work would be needed for the extra scenes). However, I’d wouldn’t want to invest my time in such a project if I wouldn’t be able to play the original version of the game.

On a tangentially-related note, Han shot first. :stuck_out_tongue:

I dunno man, they look pretty similar to me. Tomomi has a different name listed for the seiyuu on each, but if you click the links you’ll see it’s actually the same person.

TBH they felt about usual for eroge to me, although I haven’t played the PS2 ver. For reference, Yumemishi (Ignosco reviewed it on menhelmate if you want more details) was also originally a PS2 game (by the same company, too) but had a number of perfectly in-place H scenes in the PC ver, some of which are actually important to the plot.

? I didn’t notice this, although it’s been a looong time since I played this game so I might just be forgetting something.

don’t know if jastusa still puts trailers on there disk , but maybe throw the seinarukana trailer on the aselia disk. it here the file at the bottom.

I’ll have to check the respective in-game credits. I was under the impression that Nana Mizuki didn’t touch adult game roles, and what little I’d heard of the PC version of Kaho didn’t sound like her (she used to be my favorite voice actress until she started using the same “airhead” voice for every single character she played).

I’m largely basing my thoughts on the drama CD that was bundled with the game, so you might be right if the drama used a different cast (I can’t see why they’d do that, but it’s possible). I spot-checked a lot of the content since I didn’t feel like playing through the entire game in earnest (kinda like how I checked the Realta Nua content after 100%-clearing the PC version of Fate / Stay Night); it wouldn’t be surprising if my memory was playing tricks on me.

Having played the original version of the game, what I saw of the sex scenes felt like subtle character derailment to me (Kaho would never think of “soiling” a Shinto shrine, for instance, and Keitaro seemed like more of a dick - no pun intended - for taking Ligene to a love hotel on her first real date - it’s a plot point that she’s never had time for romance because of her job).

Please excuse me if I’m off with the details; it’s been a long time since I played through the game as well.

On Mana’s route, when she and Keitaro go back to her place, she playfully tests his earlier confession (earlier according to the timeline, that is - Keitaro hasn’t day-hopped to that day yet) by reaching over for a kiss. After having fun with his reaction, she changes into her usual sportswear and they chat about something (something fairly important to the plot, but I can’t recall it for the life of me right now). In the PC version, the kiss segues into a full-on sex scene, and Mana stays in her uniform afterwards. The subsequent chat never takes place, so when Keitaro recalls the key points from it in a flashback later on in both versions (which shows Mana in her sportswear, by the way), he’s recalling a scene that never happened in the PC version.

I’m sure there are other instances of this, but, like I said, it’s been a long time, so my memory is pretty hazy.

I’ll probably revise the above once I have the time to properly check the scenes side-by-side. If you’re right (and I hope you are), then that means I can skip the PS2-voice-porting altogether. Of course, it’s always possible that the PS2 voices are of higher quality (see: Ever 17), so who knows what’ll happen…