The black cyc thread

Ok we all know that cyc is the king of macabre violence and guro storytelling
I wonder what I’ve come across lately though :? I
Remember Narg mentioned some artbooks a while back and I wonder if I have found them . Those that are true sith lords weigh in !!! … f%26sa%3DG … f%26sa%3DG … 084653.jpg … e43b84.jpg … 2a69f8.jpg … 8d4e56.jpg … f888f0.jpg … c57d26.jpg

There isn’t a MinDeaD BlooD artbook, because the Mana & Mayu expansion disk includes those kinds of images, as part of a “digital artbook”. It’s installed on your hard drive, the same time the expansion game is.

Gore Screaming Show included an artbook with the original limited edition preorder.

Gun-Katana included an artbook with the original limited edition preorder.

You get a Yami no Koe series artbook with the Daraku Box for Yami no Koe Zero.

MinDeaD BlooD light novels, based on the Vampire Hunter story route. Was divided between two books.

Preorder bonus cards for people who preordered the original MinDeaD BlooD back in 2004. Collector items nowa days.

Ah too bad still those cards are made of win :smiley: :smiley: does narg have them I wonder? and does that mean you get the cards in digital format on the expansion pack.

YAAAAAAY! :mrgreen:

On wednesday, my order containing the Daraku Box has been shipped… :wink:
… aaaaaaaand there is also a telephone card as optional preorder bonus for that box - which I gladly included in my order!

Curiously I find you never actually see fangs on mana and mayu in mindead blood.

Actually Mayu has one abnormally long fang, which is shown a lot in the game… and part of the her moe appeal.

Mana’s fangs aren’t seen except in extreme close ups. There are more of these types of scenes, in the expansion disk…

Given that you really can’t see Anima’s fangs (except in closeups), or those of other women turned, I suppose female vampire fangs are generally much smaller than male vampire.

Then again, female vampires are capable of extending their nails into claws, which the males do not do (preferring to punch if they are weapon less). So there’s a trade off. :wink:

actually I dislike the one fang as it reminds me of madarame from genshiken. and I love that mana pic she knows who her master is :twisted: :twisted:

I fear that is a terrible misconception: with Mana, you never know what she really is thinking!
Believe me: in “Another Side” she once caused an ending that I didn’t see coming, even more because I definitely walked HER path and defnitely wouldn’t have wished for that happening! :shock:

Aye. Mana is quite unpredictable and unreadable. That whole quiet innocent girl routine isn’t her true self. :twisted:

I think the only thing someone can guarantee from Mana is her devotion towards you, which in of itself can be a double edged sword sometimes. Mana is sensitive to how she sees loyalty and betrayal - so one has to walk a fine line if their going to do something she isn’t gonna like. Mayu is probably the best person who can read her, being twins and all that, although Shizuru also figures her out. But just because you “think” you know how Mana reacts to things, doesn’t mean you’re safe from her wrath if things go wrong.

Quite an insane little vampire girl she is… which is why she’s so damn cute! :o

Still… its possible to be her “master” so long as you keep her happy. However you’d then be enslaved to the whims of what keeps her happy… so are you really the Master? 8)

But she ENJOYS that sort of thing. Why deny her the love she wants? :twisted:

so no total breakage then :cry: :cry: major suckage .

Kyaaaa… if I continue replying, I definitely make a trip to Spoilersville.
So, I better don’t say another word without my attorney… :wink:

On an unrelated note, in the Mindead Blood CG gallery on the BC website , -sorry cant link at the moment - what is the thing going into the blonde students anus obscured by the digmos !?!? it took me awhile to realize shes bein electrocuted!!!

Cattle Prod or Stun Baton or a metal rod hooked to a car battery… I forget which off the top of my head.

But its always one of those devices. :twisted:

I also came across GSS trading cards, the Yuka one and the blond girl are hot.

Some people have all the luck…

… while I only managed by sheer luck to collect the five regular trading-figures of “Nukenin”, you apparently found something really worth going for! :cry:

You seem to be confused my friend . I came across it on the same Japanese blog at the beginning where I found the MDB cards before peruse it to find the pics I speak of. Im 95% sure they are TC. still if I actually physically owned them they’d have to invent a new emoticon for my bragging.

I just wonder whether they really are “trading cards” or “telephone cards”, though. TC might be either of these… :wink:

Phone Cards 8)

They’re at the bottom of this page:

Just more preorder goodies.

I like the Yuka one. She’s taking Gore apart, and wearing him. That’s so incredibly cute!!! :mrgreen:

I suppose preorder means we cant get them . sorry, I thought they were tra-cards still they might as well be if they enter my possession they wont be leaving. Sayoko , K, and the GSS girls so this what you meant by a NCC eh, Narg?

[spoiler=Yami no Koe 1, Special Edition - some thoughts and questions.]Now that I’ve finally stopped reading about and started playing a Black Cyc game, it’s a good chance to post some of my impressions of Yami no Koe 1. I hope I haven’t gotten too many of the details wrong :oops:.

For a game originally made in 2001, Yami no Koe 1 holds up remarkably well. The music is midi, and there are only 12 tracks, but they all fit the game well - and would be more memorable if I hadn’t come across them in the Yami no Koe 2 and ZERO demos that I played prior to 1, although of course, chronologically those games came later.

Content-wise, I’ve probably seen around 50-60% of the scenes, and I was surprised at how ‘tame’ everything’s been so far, compared to the general impression I’ve got from other Black Cyc titles - although there are quite a few hardcore scenes (mostly involving Arisu in SM Queen mode, or the ending sequence involving Nanami), there’s nothing overly ‘shocking’ in the game. I could be mistaken, but it doesn’t seem like there’s any guro (of the blood and gore variety) and I haven’t run into any scat either.

Given the format, the shortish ero-scenes here are probably more appropriate than scenes of a standard length. By about Day 15, there will probably be at least 3 scenes per day, and if they were much longer, clicking through the same event . The repetition of scenes was also a big problem for me - even on the first playthrough, quite a few of the same ero-scenes needed to be repeated to degenerate each character. Also, the general character thoughts if they aren’t interacting with anyone get very repetitive too. Due to the nature of the gameplay, these factors are probably inevitable, (and they are easily fast-forwarded through), but it would be nice if it was more variety in this respect. Also, the character development could perhaps be improved, and treat the degenerations as more than sexual personalities (but this seems contrary to the spirit of the game).

How many endings are there? I’ve come across three, although I’d only really count one of them as an actual ending (where Nanami gets targeted and broken by everyone - the only ending I’ve reached where the credits appear). The other two I’ve seen have been a ‘time over’ ending, one where I was only able to ‘degenerate’ 5 characters before the time limit, and the other was just seeing what would happen if I didn’t do anything.

Despite all the above comments (it’s easier to criticise than praise :P), I was definitely impressed by and have enjoyed the game as a whole - the concept is fascinating, as is the gameplay and the elimination of narration. Plus it’s fun just to watch everyone descend and give in to their base desires. From what I’ve seen, it’s also a good choice to dip your toes in the water with - it’s dark, and in a few places a bit brutal, but there doesn’t seem to be anything really shocking. It’s also an easy game to follow, even with minimal Japanese skills.

Although 2 or 3 look interesting too, I’m a bit worried that they don’t seem to add much to, or improve on 1 :(. I would be interested in playing ZERO (I like the more muted and darker colour palette used by the game, and obviously the art is a lot better) - but I’m probably not interested enough to want to buy it at full price.[/spoiler]