The Da Capo thread of everlasting sakura trees and delays

Just over a week to go, so I thought it deserves its own thread now. Will this game redeem Mangagamer? This is their first big release since Edelweiss. Only time will tell…

(Image shamelessly ripped from MG.)

Da Capo

50 Euro


English Publisher

Release Date
December 25, 2008 (pulled on the 26th)
Re-release: January 23, 2009

Comedy, ren’ai

Description (shamelessly ripped from MG again)

Official (Japanese)
Getchu (Japanese)

OP (Japanese)

encubed (first impressions)


i just hope i can afford the game
at around $70 USD it is kinda costly

Got my money, ready and waiting 8)
I’ve got all of their titles thus far :smiley:

I will probably get this game as soon as it comes out.

I will get this game too.

I mean… its Da Capo… what more is there left to say ?
Its one of the most famous visual novels of all times.

If you are a fan of visual novels and its your hobby to play them,
the price shouldnt matter so much.
After all you live just once, so do what you like while you live. :mrgreen:

For people still in doubt I recommend they wait for a review first,
to ensure that Da Capo is sufficient quality for them.

I think price is an issue when it comes to Da Capo. It’s not that good a game!
Suika, on the other hand, is probably worth what they’re charging for it (although it’s still too much given the age of the game).

The only real question that I care for Suika: does it have twincest or does it merely feature twins?

The fate of the world may very well depend on the answer. :o

just twins this i know from the anime and cg

you only get to hook up with one of the twins
the other is dead/coma for most of her chapter
she makes a pact with the death god you get to hook up with later in the game

Less spoilerific answer: only one of the twins is sexable.

What’s the purpose of putting twins if it’s not to have sex with the two of them at the same time ?

Back to Da Capo… I think I will maybe try to get a credit card only for that (and probably Suika too).

Exactly my philosophy on the matter. If it’s twin sisters (or brothers for the yaoi crowd), then you should be able to have a threesome. If the twins are a brother and sister, then they should be getting it on with each other. Twin titles that only let you have one twin and/or not have twin siblings getting it on are guilty of false advertising, blasphemy and unadulterated lies. Hell has a special place for those people. :twisted:

Narg is passing on Suika then… my “to buy” list still has a little over a dozen titles not crossed off, and they promise authentic twincest delivery. 8)

On the note of Twins…
What did Narg think of ‘Tasty Shafts’? Or doesn’t Narg play the ones where the twins are male…

It gave what it promised: a real twincest option. Story was REALLY simplistic though. There wasn’t anything you couldn’t predict would happen. They could have tried a little to be non-cliche. Not something I’d recommend for plot - just getting twins. :expressionless:

Normally I’d snap up high profile games like Da Capo and Suika, but I’m waiting on reviews this time.

suika also makes me hope i keep my job after christmas

whatever happens, I think it is safe to assume that future titles would be over 1GB in size. I hope that they will address the download problem of people with slow/unstable internet connections. :expressionless:

Da Capo:
DL Size 798.95MiB (837,764,970bytes)

I’m still waffling on whether to buy Da Capo, especially since I just bought a bunch of other new games and my wallet is kind of empty. I’ll probably wait for Plus Communication, whenever that may be. :roll: Suika, however, is a definite purchase ASAP.

This is one i want to be up at midnight for, so i can get it asap incase they decide to delay it again, with previous games they have left em up for 6-10 hrs before delaying em… so im going to be up at midnight and get it, cuz once ya purchase it, they dont take the download capability away from ya.

how long are da capo and suika
and how does the anime compare to the game versions