The Da Capo thread of everlasting sakura trees and delays

Shera comes out again within the next few hours.
Da Capo has also been moved to the ‘new titles’ section on MG.

Totally what I’ll be doing, too. Once the boring Christmas dinner with family and friends is over, I’ll be driving home like mad (Actually, I’ll have my little sister give me a ride. I don’t know how to drive :smiley: ). I’ll be celebrating my Christmas by playing eroge :twisted: . I’m so going to be cast down to hell when I kick the bucket, though :lol: .

pretty much the same with me
i will blow all my Christmas money and most of the money from my job to eroge as well

i don’t really care if it’s eroge or not, i really like visual novels period (slight addiction). I will probably buy DC, even though the price is outrageous, just to support these guys so they might translate something else.

any idea on the length for shera, da capo, and suika
and what is the forth part of suika about the chapter that doesn’t have an anime version

Medium (10 - 30 hours)

Medium (10 - 30 hours)

Medium (10 - 30 hours)

Preach it, High Priest Narg! Preach it!

Testify, Brother Le Nuage! TESTIFY!

yay i was able to extract the CG’s from Tasty shafts, Shera, edelweiss and My Sex slave is a classmate.

Couple of notes:

there’s an unused CG in tasty shafts ( least, i don’t remember seeing it )

Shera still has some of the Japanese images in it’s files…

Edelweiss has some unused CG’s ( 703 versions of the same image, along with 513 versions of a different same image… like WTF? )

In My Sex Slave is a Classmate, the CG/scene we cannot get is in the game files…it’s just unobtainable ingame…

Extracted out of Hinatabokko

I will try to get a credit card just for Da Capo (and maybe edelweiss since everyone here think it’s at least as good as snow sakura).

Not me. :stuck_out_tongue: I thought it was a mediocre game. I only recommended it in the other thread because that was the type of the game the OP wanted. Even ignoring the horrible English in Edelweiss, I personally like Snow Sakura much much more than Edelweiss.

They’re really two very different types of games. It depends what kind you’d enjoy more.

Is Edelweiss just some kind of sex romp (same boat as APV for example) ?

Not till later on in the game.
It’s fairly story centric the first…half or so.

It’s not a sex-romp at all. There are 1-2 sex scenes with each girl. The first half is about you and your friends all trying to get sex, and the second half is about a girl’s individual story and a sex scene or two. I’d say the first half is more focused on sex than the second half (even though there is none in the first half).

how many h-scenes are there per character in da capo and suika

only a few more hours till the game comes out to bad i can’t get it till tomorrow

It’s out.

i hope my aunt gives me a credit gift card for $100 USD for Christmas so i can start the game before January 2nd

Successfully extracted everything from the game files:
Fully uncensored
all text appears translated
…over 11000 voice files :slight_smile:

I’v noticed a few errors thus far.
It’s fairly obvious that more than 1 editor worked on it, at first the lines were well done and had no errors. Now they are starting to drag on and on and some spaces are missing.

I love the BGM also…

Forgot to mention

The voice files say ‘Onii-chan’ while the text reads ‘Nii-san’

Honorifics are kept somewhat. They were kept in spots where they work well ( EG, Moe-Sempai ), and removed in places where they don’t flow well.

Edit again:
Just now the voice files said ‘Nii-san’ while the text read ‘Onii-chan’

appears they got these mixed up :frowning:

Edit for the third time:
it appears that starting on day 2 the ‘Nii-san’ and ‘Onii-chan’ error gets fixed.

[size=150]They rewrote the test![/size]
The Japanese answers don’t work anymore :frowning:

Anyone know the answers?..
Based on quick googling iv attempted to answer them…

  1. What is the temperature of a black spot on the sun…?
    4000 degree’s Celsius

  2. How many chromosomes are there in human DNA…?

  3. Which one exists only in plants…?
    Cell Wall

  4. What is Photosynthesis’s waste product?

  5. What is the required speed to run 20km in 30 minutes?

  6. What name is given to the reaction when a material reacts with Oxygen, producing heat and light…?

  7. What is produced when performing an oxidation-reduction reaction with Bronze oxide and carbon…?

  8. Who is your favorite Female Character…?

  1. Which one of the following is a monad…?

  2. Test your instincts…

Edit for the hundredth time:

The above is confirmed correct by myself.
You’ll get an extra scene where everyone is amazed at your test score.

Not to Sound like im smart, but the sun’s black spots is closer to 4000 celcius(again i could be wrong as this is off the top of my head), other than that your answers look right, at least as i remember most of them from jr high and highschool, Anyway…
The game for those of you waiting to see if the translation is up to par, id have to say im about 2hrs into playing, and though ive only really concentrated on 1 girl so far (you will see what i mean) i have only noticed 1 error of grammar, and it was “you’ve” instead of you have, in this case technically it was right… as it means the same, it just doesnt sound the same, anyway thats not really that much of an issue, i like the game so far, i didnt really do alot of reading about it, but it reminds me more of “True Love” than anything ive played recently.

yay, through trial and error i figured out the Japanese test answers, so the English ones should be the same answer, just they changed the entire question.

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. A