The different categories

Let’s start a discussion about the different categories you can find for an eroge.

The more I think about it, the less I understand so here are the different categories I know.
If i’m wrong or if you know some other categories, please tell me.

Nakige “crying game”
Utsuge “depressing game”
Yaruge “do it game”
Nukige “a game where you extract” (and you know what a girl extract from a man…)
Moege “burning passion”

I guess yaruge is the same as nukige = sex romp.
A moege is a game with a lot of girl like Snow Sakura.
YMK and Hitomi would definitively be in the utsuge category.
And then Key’s games like Clannad, Kanon, … would fall into the nakige category.

After that you can add sub-categories like dark / light or romance / assault, …
and you can put a game in two different categories (Kana => nakige/utsuge)

I don’t really know about the different categories, but I would say that YMK’s category highly depends on which route you take through the game.

Edit: After some further thought, another category (I think) came to mind: guro. Would that be a “guroge” then?

Does ‘Yaoi’ and ‘Yuri’ count?
Yaoige and Yurige? XD

While I’m not the best person to ask since I’m not in to dark eroge, I’ll tell you what I know. First, the word itself comes from the beginning of how you say grotesque in Japanese (gurotesuku). What I heard in another thread was this:

What I have read online in researching the term a little bit, however, indicates that the definition above isn’t broad enough. According to a bit on Wikipedia I read:

Sorry I can’t be of more help in explaining the term than this.

Yeah, besides gore, guro can refer to scenes with scat, vomit etc. As a term, it’s not strictly limited to a sexual context either.

For me, if an eroge has any good endings, then I’d hesitate to classify it as an utsuge. With, Yume Miru Kusuri for example the true ending of each storyline is happy (and the bad endings are rather short), so for me, it’s not the sort of game that has the outright despair and gloom characteristic of an utsuge. Kana would probably be the best example of one that’s been translated.

There are only two important categories.

Futanari = TRAPS :shock:

Futakoi = TWINCEST 8) … or rather it used to until a certain anime used that as a title. Seems that mundane 'ole “Futago” is the word of choice… probably because Futage might give people the wrong idea (see: TRAPS).

In the context of adult entertainment, guro is the category of ero which encompasses what “normal society” considers grotesque and disgusting. It’s a broad spectrum term that covers everything that’s visually horrifying: scat, urination, dismemberment, gore, disfigurement, etc. Guro does not mean rape per se; although rape can be guro. For example someone forcing a girl to have sex with them, and then cattle prodding her with electricity until she wets and craps on herself from the pain. That would be guro. So would be ripping her arms off, cutting off her head, or just mutilating her body with permanent disfigurement.

We still on the same page? Now here’s where it gets complicated.

As the years went by, people began to deconstruct guro into subcategories. Making it more distinct than just “one word to cover it all.” Today most erogers will say guro is ONLY the violent stuff that has people being torn apart with blood and guts splattering everywhere. For example tentacle rape USED to be classified as guro, but now it’s classified only as tentacle rape, unless the tentacles are tearing the heads and arms off girls, or bursting out their wombs in gore¬Ö then it’s “guro tentacle rape.” Ero with scat USE to be classified as guro, but now it’s only called scat, unless the person’s intestines are being ripped out and openly exposed into the open.

If you see internal body organs because someone violently tore them out and threw them in the open: 90% chance it’s guro. :wink:

One final note: Guro has a “special” sub-category called Vore. Vore is when something is eating and digesting someone… with all of it shown. For example a werewolf eating the arms off a woman while he’s having sex with her. It might be a giant venus flytrap that a person fell into, and showing how the acid slowly burns away their skin. A title can be guro and not vore, but a vore title is nearly always guro (cause they tend to show the gore).

Guro are popular because of the shock factor. Sorta like bloody shasher horror movies. There are guro titles with great stories and plots. Black Cyc used to be my favorite when it came to these kinds of eroge - they’ve kinda lost their touch and “toned down” the violence as of late unfortunately. Nonetheless, MinDeaD BlooD and Gore Screaming Show are great examples of guro. There are people who generally dislike guro, but enjoyed these titles.

As someone stated earlier, guro is not only limited to sex. Over the top horror movies can be guro: Hostel is a good example. So are Texas Chainsaw Massacre flicks. I’ve seen some even say, medical video recordings of organ transplants used for trainning and professional review are guro.

There also are MANY erogames catering to specific sexual fetishes (oppai baka games are a favorite in this BBS, for example :stuck_out_tongue: ), but I do not know/remember if a specific category for “fetish/??? games” exists…
On a unrelated note, who said that a sexual fetish has not real life applications :lol: ? … id/1008639

To me, an eroge can be an utsuge with non-bad (even borderline good) endings if they are bittersweet or marked by some sort of heavy loss. Yume Miru Kusuri is, to me, more of a nakige than anything else - the good endings were too good.

Dunno if these are genres per se, but another category i remember is “Stealing someone’s Lover” games, where the protagonist is trying to get the wife/girlfriend/lover of other male characters.

There’s those games with more than one protagonist/point of view, too, like those old games from Himeya/CS’ware like Desire, Chiruhana and the EVE saga.

Another i remember are monogamous games where the protagonist is trying to keep his (one and only) wife/girlfriend/lover happy/satisfied, like those old F&C’s Custom Mate games.

Good catch Peter Gilis. Don’t know why someone didn’t catch this sooner, since we have Gibo, and to a lesser extent Hitomi, as translated examples of games where you steal away from someone. However, they probably have their own classification, which is a sub-category since both involve you stealing away from dad.

Yeah, and Hitozuma Hime Club too, considerating all the women are tsumas/wives of someone else.

I’m sorta surprised no one mentioned Yandere yet… the 'ole:

“I love you. I love you so much. I love you soooo much. I love you. I love you. I love you. Why don’t you love me? Why? I loved you. I soooo loved you. Who is that girl? Why do you like her instead of me? Why? Why? Why? I… I… I’LL KILL YOU!!! DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! Arraaagh!!! Heh, heh, heh… ha, ha, ha, ha! She can’t love you anymore: she’s dead! I LOVE YOU!!! Do you love me? Why are you running away? Why… WHY? WHY!!! Come back… come back or I’ll kill you!!! I LOVE YOU!!!”

Errr… ahem… sorry, too much yandere flashback there… :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes… it even comes in delicious twincest flavor. 8) They love you. They love you sooooo much. :twisted:

Seriously. Just one yandere is scary enough… can you imagine two of them working together and talking to each other?

I mean it. They are the scariest twincest in a long time. They practice swinging kitchen knives at each other (and are good enough to parry most of the strikes). Then they delude each other with their sisterly banter: it’s like they’re FEEDING the hate and murder by being together. They share the kill. SHARE. shudder It’s so morbid, that Narg is attracted to it… can’t look away.

Going. To. Die. Twice.

Although let’s be frank here… Takanashi was the REAL badass on that drama CD. She loved her brother soooooo much. :twisted:

Yet another category that was hiding in plain sight. One route in Hitomi qualifies as being Yandere as well.

They are the “Netorare Games” (yes, this word is not eroge jargon anymore :shock: ), blame on me for forgetting one of my favorite categories :oops: .


Doesn’t ??? mean someone’s being stolen away from you, rather than the other way round? (e.g. StarTRain as opposed to Tenshi no Inai 12gatsu)

From what I can see, Lancer-X is right. I may be wrong (since I have not formally learned about this conjugation of a verb yet), but from what I can find out that is the passive form of the verb, indicating that the action was done to you.

Still, now we have yet another category… Netorare (SOMEONE stealing YOUR girlfriend/wife/lover) games. I was not remembering this one. :lol: In such hgames, the girl can even have endings with anyone other than the protagonist.

An example would be Fukou no Kami ~ God of Unhappyness from Blackrainbow, an eroge where the protagonist’s father (!) marries the childhood friend/classmate/would-be-girlfriend of the protagonist, and he ends with no one!

He definitely was blessed by the Goddess of Unhappyness! :stuck_out_tongue:

Both of them are correct, I believe, just see the results for ??? from Erogamescape: … &submit=on

Then Netorare means more preciselly “someone stealing the lover of other person”?

Interesting… the artstyle remember me TSUYOKISS. It’s the same artist? (aside the DBZ references, that is! :lol: )

Ugh. Yuck. Why do they ruin them like that? Maybe it’s because Narg takes his yandere just as seriously as he takes his twincest, but I HATE those fan made videos.

Those yandere drama CD’s are perfect as they are.

Wanna hear the entire story and all those lovely girls? Get 'em from Amazon:

Yandere 1 CD

Yandere 2 CD

Buy them. Buy them now. Narg wants a Yandere 3 CD, and goods sales means it will happen. 8)