The different categories

Woo! Someone else that’s listened to them! Yes, I love the yandere CDs.

Cute girls who love you so much that they’ll kill you? What’s not to love? :o

Seriously though: I love how the drama CD’s expand on the yandere lore. They go to great lengths, in portraying the different kinds that are possible: the yandere that can be negotiated with, the yandere that doesn’t know they��re going to far, the yandere that asks for the impossible and becomes dejected, the yandere who fails to express her feelings properly, etc.

These are sympathic girls who just love too much. Poor yandere. Poor, poor, yandere. People just don’t understand them. :frowning:

I admit however, that I greater enjoy the “over-the-top” yandere found on Volume 2: the more realistic girls of Volume 1 were “depressing” rather than scary.

However after long consideration, I doubt a Yandere Harem is possible. :expressionless:

Nah, that’s definitely love… They love their (dead meat) “oniichan” so much in the same way someone loves fried chicken, grilled steak or something like that. :lol:

Of course. There’s absolutely NO WAY anyone can keep many yanderes happy and satisfied! One Pre-requeriment to a yandere is to be ‘insanely jealous’. They would NEVER accept to share “oniichan” love with any other girl! :wink:

You probably like Kirintei and his works then Narg. :slight_smile:

Well, in reality, it isn’t nearly as much fun as you’d might think it is.

But, you can have a yandere harem. You’d probably need to be the head of a personality cult— you know, the living god of “the universe, love, and understanding”, or otherwise viewed as a messiah. Those often develope a small harem of insanely jealous girls who are, of course, fixated on the high priest/messiah/living god. But thanks to his control over them, his understanding on how to manipulate people, their jealousy to each other, and usually some very good drugs (controlled and given out at the proper times), they can be kept in an ever shifting balance of happy and insane, and it all totters along for few more days until the harem master has to take the proper steps to not end up dead— I mean, together forever with his one TRUE lover.

I bet the dark sith lord Narg of Twincestia could do it. For a while, at least. He’s certainly studied hard enough. :wink:

But then it’s not really yandere harem anymore. It’s more of an enslaved harem…

Typically yandere twincest isn’t hard to manage, because the pair will see each other as the same person (obviously there are exceptions to the rule: Shion Sonozaki for example). However twincest yandere might still test each other from time to time for weaknesses… or at least establish which of the pair is the Alpha. And the “truce” between twin yandere, certainly doesn’t mean they’ll tolerate a non-sibling in the mix.

It’s true that School Days teaches us that two rival yandere can be guided to tolerate the other as an equal - but you’re REALLY stretching it with three or more. In the “harem” ending of School Days, they basically just figured out a way to “time share” the same lover and be satisfied with it… but adding more girls to the mix, means less time to enjoy. Thus enter unhappiness, which always turns to bloodshed.

I don’t think the problem would be keeping the harem from killing the shared lover: it’s keeping the harem from killing each other. They might not strike against you, but they’ll happily carve the other girls when opportunity strikes. Typical yandere also have that, “it’s better to beg forgiveness that ask for permission.” Therefore they’ll kill each other when your back is turned or attention is elsewhere ¬ñ then exclaim how they did it because they loved you, and they don’t want anyone else to have you. That’s just what makes a yandere… well… yandere. She wants to be the only one, doesn’t want to share, and will violently kill to make that a reality.

The fact that she’s also capable of killing you as well - and most often even better at killing or more powerful than you - only makes it sexier. :shock:

I feel a disturbance in the force… :shock:

Narg… are you abandoning the twincest side and going to the yandere side? :lol:

Of course, i think the only way you can have a yandere harem without killing each other (but we all know they will still kill someone else or even YOU :lol:) is getting triplets or fourplets yanderes. :wink:

You can get worried about all the murder victims and murder victims you will surely find, stocked under your bed as a sign of love, later. :twisted:

Don’t be ridiculous. Narg would never abandon twincest. He’s just expanding his range, and naturally including the presumably vast* array of yandere twincest titles on offer.

*I haven’t heard of any, of course, but Narg can pull twincest titles of just about every category out of nowhere, so he probably has at least a dozen.

Actually, I know at least one even here (in)famous twincest pair that has at least one yandere half - and it worked as twincest as well as separated halves equally splendidly!

That is - except for one certain one-half-ending with the yandere half! :shock: :cry: :oops:

I am taking here about Mayu and Mana of “MinDead Blood” - with Mana being the yandere!

Yakimochi Twinbell has potential, but I don’t know if it actually has yandere in it <_<;

Technically both are yandere… it’s just one is more surprising than the other.

Mayu did her part when Arisa got too close to Shizuru.

As a genre, yandere twincest isn’t all that rare. However most of it is one sided (i.e. only one of them): Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni had Shion. Knives from Trigun is a clear cut “male yandere” if there ever was one. Another would be the twin boys in Code Geass. Yandere twincest that work together are rarer: mostly because yandere is still fairly new as moe trends go. You have Nana and Nono from the Volume 2 Yandere CD as previously mentioned. However they aren’t the first… as the spoilers above will show. Problem is that most twincest that kill, were murderers to begin with or converted into murderers (most via enslavement or magic compulsion), so that negates being labeled as such.

Thus they aren’t as common in eroge as I’d like. But seeing how yandere is gaining more popularity, I think we’ll see more of it.

Sorry Narg, I was thinking about cases in reality. If you go look up the serious personality cults, you’ll often find a core of gals who get very yandere, and only the fact that their fixation is such an expert manipulator who pays so much attention to them keeps them from just locking up the rest of the cult (or maybe just the females) in one of the compounds buildings, and burning it down to the ground. Of course, most of those gals, once removed from that environment, return to reality and normal behavior over time, so that they could be your next door neighbor, with 4 kids, teaching school to first graders, with nary a thought of killing to get what she wants. Extreme conditions bring out extreme behavior in people.

In bishojo, sure, you could have a some twin yandere. It would work better in a one mind-two bodies though, so each is just half of the one mind, rather than two cooperating yanderes who happen to be twins. No chance then your yandere twins would kill each other just to get more time with their love.

I don’t like applying real life to bgames (or vice versa), because simply put: most bgames are impossible for real life. One of the major points bgaming, is to escape or avoid the negative limitations of real life romancing. It’s like applying real life to a first person shooter ¬ñ mixing the two is fairly pointless, because reality has more variables and exists outside that “protective bubble” that keeps everything so simple. As a Marine once told a bunch of kids, “First person shooters can have realism, but they are never realistic.” Same goes for bgames. In even the most “open sandbox” games, the player is given a set of predefined choices. You’re give the right and wrong options at all times (unless the whole point is to simply lose). In real life, there are times when you have nothing but wrong options; or even when you have all the right options, you still lose.

But see, that’s what I’m getting at: said person isn’t yandere. They lack the key quality that defines a yandere. It’s no different from a tsundere: the moment you’ve conditioned out Tsuntsun, she’s just Deredere. Thus the same for Yanderu. Yandere isn’t a species¬Ö it’s a “state of being.” One the same token, yandere aren’t just crazy murderous girls: they’re a specific type of crazy murderous girl. Just because a woman kills her boyfriend, doesn’t mean she’s a yandere.

The other key factor is that a yandere shouldn’t be controllable. That takes away a fundamental cornerstone… it’s like having twincest without twins. Yandere are unpredictable and unstable to the point where no matter how charismatic you are, you’re no more in control of them than you are in keeping the sun burning. You can keep a yandere happy by doing what she wants, or perhaps reasoning with her in some way, but in the end SHE is the one in command. You live by her whims and desires, not yours.

I’m afraid I don’t quite follow: stereotypical twincest in bgames, are pretty much “one soul in two bodies” (as the common bgame quote goes). They’re more of a collective mind, than individual persons, and it’s because the protagonist treats them as a “single unit” that they love him so much. Thus the cooperating yandere twins is just a natural derivative of that: they don’t see each other as threats, because the twin is just an extension of them. They’re already what you claim: the other half.

In any case, that’s pretty moot. The “preferred version” of yandere twins (going with the 2chan crowd) remains twincest simply because they haven’t managed to kill the other yet. No one said yandere twincest don’t try to kill their opposite, it’s just the two know each other so well they find ways to escape traps and attacks set by the other. They’ll put away their differences for a short time to condition a lover or murder some rival girl, but the mutual twincide starts up when nothing else occupies their time. It’s basically an eternal sparring partner. One day one of the twins will kill the other¬Ö or perhaps it will be a simultaneous death blow. At which point they pretty much cease being twincest. :stuck_out_tongue:

Again: just listen to the Nana and Nono story. It pretty much lays out what I’ve said, but in a much more entertaining fashion. 8)

Whoops! Sorry Narg. Reality was intruding on my normal bgame mindest when I was posting that. Normally, I don’t have that problem.

However, yanderes are controllable as long as you understand them. It isn’t so much a matter of charisma, as it is “knowing how they tick”. That doesn’t mean you’d have perfect control even if you did know— people don’t have perfect control of themselves, let alone others. :wink: Make the mistake of trying to use charisma on someone who doesn’t have a normal perception, and you will fail. That’s what makes yandere uncontrollable, as I understand it (otherwise, it would just be two crazy people hooking up, right?). But, from what you’ve posted, it sounds like there’s a presumption that a yandere match means the hero’s death at some point in the future (if not during the story). It’s inevitable, isn’t it? Otherwise, it isn’t being true yandere, correct?

There should be a category only for the games in which you can find what you expect from a good B-game : SNOW !

I don’t know about that, but from what I understand there are seasonal games. Sounds to me like you are really interested in fuyuge (winter game). The others I am sure that exist are haruge (spring game) and natsuge (summer game). The one I am not sure about is akige (fall game). Then again, my knowledge in this area is nowhere near as complete as someone like Narg for instance.

Fixed. :wink:

Akiiro Renka and Cosmos no Sora ni are the obvious ones - because they are so VERY autumn (hell, akiiro renka even has it in the name). Other games that come to mind are Moshimo Ashita ga Hare Naraba (where the bulk of the important parts of the story happen in autumn) and Aki no Urara no.

Thanks for letting me know Lancer-X. Right now my knowledge extends in to translated titles. At the end of this semester of Japanese, however, I am thinking about trying to take on my first untranslated title. As I get closer to the end of the semester, I will probably be asking for suggestions on which title would be a good one to try, with information on how well I did on a level 4 JLPT. The one we are given as a part of my Japanese II class is from a previous year (i.e. not an official taking of the test), but should still give those of you who play untranslated titles (without the use of a translating program) an idea of my current level of Japanese comprehension. I already know that trying to play anything written by Kinoko Nasu is a bad idea.

I don’t know your stance on Yuri, but if you like it the Sonohanabirani Kuchidukewo (Kissing the petal) series is pretty good and doesn’t seem as kanji intensive as most things I’ve seen, Ignosco recommended #3 to me to start, and he didn’t steer me wrong~

I’m pretty sure narg can offer some advice too, since I want to try most all of the games he reviews :smiley: