The Heart of Darkness


It was amusing, though wasn’t really in my list of personal favorites. Worth a watch at least.

-Vampire Hunter D

Both the first and second movie were interesting. I actually liked the second more, but that may be due to the fact it was so long ago when I watched the first and it wasn’t as fresh in my mind.

-Jigoku Shoujo

I got bored with this one fast… It was pretty much the same thing every episode with different characters and a slightly altered plot.

-Death Note

Very, very, worth watching. It’s on my list of favorites.


Although a lot of people trash on this anime in comparison with the game, I actually enjoyed it. The reason for this is because I looked at it as a different story telling, rather then an exact replica of the game. The game was better overall, but the anime is still worth watching if you’re a full blown fan.


It’s hard to say with this one… So much could have been done with it, yet the ending left a -lot- to be desired. Still worth viewing though.

-D Grayman

I love this one.(When it’s not filler anyways.) When it isn’t on filler, it’s amusing and the cliff hangers for the next episode are very brutal. Very worth watching.

-Zero no Tsukaima

Pretty much a one time viewing affair for the laughs, but that’s pretty limited.


Considering I’ve only watched one or two episodes because I didn’t want to spoil myself for the game, I can’t really comment… Then again… I have all three games, and I’m still in the middle of the second one and can’t seem to get motivated to finish it.

You might try Rental Magica. If you like occult and so forth it’s worth watching.

Sunabouzu was fun as well.

Vampire Hunter D- Very good, both of the movies. Lots of strange mutants and plenty of people die.

Death Note - It’s good if you like fairly intricate stories, but if you like seeing lots of blood and action, this may not be for you. Though I’ve only read the manga, not sure if the anime changed anything.

“I had a dream that no one else could have…
and I threw away everything that I didn’t need…
Thoughts that I can’t surrender dwell in my chest…
Even if I’m still in the rift between reality and ideals…
and my feet are bound by shackles of sacrifice…
My overflowing impulses aren’t fully repressed…
Because I have a heart that yearns powerfully…
Lies… Fear… Facade… Grief…
I won’t be weak enough…
To be apprehended by the various negative things…
I’m a trickster who doesn’t know loneliness…”

I find most of those recommended that I’ve watched pretty much awakened us… :twisted: But still not enough… :frowning:
Sigh Just wish they make an anime of “Fate/Zero” too… :expressionless:

Samurai Champloo is pretty good, I especially liked the finale. Plenty of blood, explosions and comedy throughout though.

Vick1000: What is wrong with Elfen Lied, other than the ending leaving you with a taste for more?

Well, he did have large pics of Lucy in his sig.

The Heart of Darkness… THE HORROR THE HORROR!

Anyways, Baccano! has a lot of bloody violence, very graphic too, heads poppings, bones here and there, meat and guts etc. I wouldn’t say the story is a dark one though, but it was an enjoyable anime.

I’m with most people on Tsukihime, anime was butchered. But my problem lies with the characters, who seemed to had loss their playful side, if you’re looking for a dark atmosphere the anime does that nicely, but that’s what went wrong for me, having played the game, everyone/everything felt too dark and moody.

Xenosaga trilogy was epic, although it might just be my bias for KOS-KOS. :lol:
I personally skipped the second episode after I got like half way, lack of KOS-MOS and the new style made me gag. So I recommend that you skip it if you don’t have any interest in Jr., youtube the ending or something :lol: , and start Eps. III!

Divergence Eve has some dark stuff in it, but its mostly a mindfuck… in more than one way.

I’m actually considering it. The only other game I did a youtube ending with was FF12 when I got tired/disgusted with it.(Had this game not shipped with a FF label, I doubt half the people who say it’s great would still be doing so.) Oddly enough, there were no surprises at all in the ending, and barely anything had changed. Probably about time I skipped Ep. 2 as well.

Another somewhat dark animes i remember:

-Blood, the Last Vampire - Movie (dunno about the TV series)
-Perfect Blue
-Kite (i had very difficult to watch this one till the end. Too disgusting)
-Cyber City OEDO 808 (old)
-Baldr Force EXE OVA (blowing heads and virtual rape)
-Phantom of Inferno OVA
-Touka Gettan (non-H sequel to KAO NO NAI TSUKI. Mistery, mistery, mistery and a hot mother seducing her own son)

If i remember well, it was announced the release of an anime version for KARA NO KYOUKAI, a somewhat sequel to TSUKIHIME featuring Shiki Tohno and a girl with the same “vision of death lines” ability than him. KITE too will have a sequel.

If i’m not mistaken, there’s another series from the same artist/director who made KITE, equally violent and sex-oriented. I don’t remember the tittle right now.

EDIT: My mistake. Thanks, Dalburnan.

Kara no Kyoukai I think is the one you’re talking about. Kagetsu Touya is actually about Shiki being stuck in a repeating day, unless of course they’re doing an anime of this one too.

A Kagetsu Touya anime would be nice, but first they should make a real Tsukihime anime.
That thing that is now called Tsukihime anime should be put to the torch, bathed in acid and nuke’d.

Omg, just imagine a Kagetsu Touya anime with that things “art style”, imagine that they ruin Len’s image.
I couldn’t bear it. No, not Len…

(comits suicide)

Yes, yes, just make sure you clean up the mess when you’re done. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously though, when you watched the anime, did you watch it expecting it to be exactly like the game? Honestly speaking, what anime ever truly does justice to a manga or game that it’s based off of? It almost always results in disappointment with die hard fans. If you forget everything from the game and walk into the anime with a fresh perspective, you’d be surprised that you can actually enjoy it. I always recommend people watch the anime before playing the game, simply because then they wont have any high expectations for the anime when they watch it, and the game will blow them away when it proves to be better. Now I know you wont agree with me, as I’ve had this debate many times with friends who played the game first and watch the anime after. I have, however, noticed that people who watched the anime first and played the game after(or at least watched the anime without any expectations like myself) enjoyed both.

See that?
Thats what I’m talking about.
Ditto on Hugmeir.

Coming from someone who claims to have watched the anime before the game, most of this paragraph is complaints about how the anime didn’t follow the game.(With the exception of the manfaces. That was almost as amusing as my rag doll on a string you mentioned. Fun for hours, I assure you.) How would one know that Hisui and Kohaku even played a major role in the story if their only information was based on the anime? Or even V. Akiha for that matter? It stands to reason when these arguments are put into play, it’s done so out of knowledge and expectation of the content before even viewing it.

Truth be told, the anime is far from being in my list of favorites, however I always find myself asking the same question, why only this anime? Why don’t people froth at the mouth, as you’ve displayed, over other anime’s that were absolutely abysmal? If this anime was out to tell a story, it served it’s purpose. The only reason people react(over react would probably be a more accurate term here.) so strongly to this title is -because- of the game.(Which in no question, the game was an amazing title.)

As amusing as this is, I’ll step out of this debate(and I use that term loosely), because fanboys/girls debating anything typically turns into a flame war, and I honestly don’t care to put grief on the staff of these forums. I’ll be happy to continue in PM if you like of course.

(I also come to the realization we’re possibly being rude to Death13 by going so far off topic with this discussion. So I’ll take the cue, I apologize on behalf of all parties involved.)

Sorry you took it that way. As I said, feel free to PM me if you wish to continue the discussion, I can provide a number of links to ratings and reviews that back up my earlier comments. There is no such thing as victory when dealing in opinions, illusions or otherwise(With the exception of changing the other person’s stance), but I do however want to prevent someone else’s thread from possibly getting locked if the discussion happens to get heated. I hope you understand.

At any rate, a few more titles:
Sci-fi Harry

There was another I was going to mention, but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was now. I’ll try to post it later if I remember.

…Wonder what other newer titles are going to be recommended…
…Some of which disappointed me… But…
Mostly… Were pretty much welcomed to our collections…
[/size] :mrgreen:
