The NEW, Not Very Official, Hammer Out In A Day, Virtual

Apologies to Dark_Shiki, for commandeering part of his “Virtual Mate for Dummies”, but it really was a pretty good basis to work this out into a much longer FAQ. ~Vaga42Bond

For G-collection’s official statement on V-mate, see:

For Interlex’s official explanation of the V-mate system, see:

* * * *

Q1: What is Virtual-Mate?
A1: Virtual-Mate is G-collection’s new anti-piracy scheme, and was designed by Interlex, Inc. The end user aspect of V-mate is basically a utility that you install on your computer. This utility makes on-line connections with Interlex’s server to ensure that the user is not playing a pirated copy of a particular game (see Q3 below for details). In other words, if the game being played is not a legitimate copy, V-mate won’t allow it execute. Besides its purpose as an anti-piracy tool, V-mate will "[enable] customers to interact with game developers and receive additional services via their Internet connection."

Q1a: What are these interactions and additional services?
A1a: Right now, there is work on an e-magazine (Yes, you can opt out of it. We hate Spam as much as you.). The biggest current additional service is the lowering of price. Future services will be unveiled as they become ready. Yes there is additional stuff. I asked three times about that. But I’m not allowed to tell you about them. Yet.

Q2: How does this on-line registration work?
A2: The first time you buy a V-mate game, you will be required to choose a username and password, as well as input your e-mail address. This username and password will be used for all subsequent V-mate games. After registration has been completed once, you will only have to input an activation code (on-line) for each V-mate game you buy during installation. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address you provided each time you activate a game. You may change your E-mail address and password at any time through the registration website.

Q2a: What is the privacy policy on Virtual Mate?
A2a: The offical policy, as on the page, is:

The information and your e-mail address will be stored in our license certification server for support purposes only. Your hardware information will be coded into irreversible data (personal information cannot be retrieved from this coded data) and sent to our server. Your email address will be transferred via Secure Socket Layer (SSL).
Through usage of this product, it is understood that you agree with the above terms and conditions to play Virtual-Mate games. All information regarding this privacy policy is subject to change. However, should changes be instituted, the information will be announced on our website. Through continued usage of Virtual-Mate games after privacy policy changes have been announced, it is understood that you agree with the privacy policy changes.

Interlex, Inc. may access and/or disclose information if required to do so by law or in the good faith that such action is necessary to: Comply with a legal process served on Interlex, Inc., protect and defend the rights or property of Interlex, Inc. and its family of websites, and to act in urgent circumstances.

We occasionally hire third party companies to provide server maintenance on our behalf. We only provide those companies with the information they need to deliver this service. They are required to maintain the confidentiality of that information provided and are prohibited from using that information for any other purpose. We are not responsible for any possible misconduct by these third parties.

Q3: Does Virtual-Mate require Internet access?
A3: Yes. Every time you start a V-mate game the game must connect to an Internet server. This connection is automatic and does not require input of a username or password. Once the connection is made, you can disconnect and play the game as normal. If you exit the game, and then try to start it again, then you’ll have to reconnect once more.

Q4: Is there a limit on how many computers you can install a particular V-mate game?
A4: Yes. The limit is 3 computers. V-mate keeps track of your hardware configuration. If it changes significantly (because you upgraded your computer), then V-mate will recognize the upgraded computer as a new computer. Formatting your hard drive, or reinstalling a V-mate game will not affect the 3 computer limit because your system hardware has not changed. Any special issues will be handed on a case by case basis as they arise, if they arise.

Q5: I can sell my V-mate game…right?
A5: Well…sort of. First off, our games aren’t really meant for resale. If you insist, however, each game can only be played on 3 different computers. If you sell it to someone, they can only play it if you haven’t used up your computer limit. Second, assuming you installed the game on one of your computers, they will need your username/password to play it. You can change your password… but so can they. You cannot change your username. You can create a new account for each new game that has never been registered. Once a game is registered with a username, the game CANNOT be registered under a different username. Any special issues will be handed on a case-by-case basis as they arise, if they arise. Yes, I brought up several possible special issues, and we have contingency plans for them.

Q6: What if I can’t connect to the V-mate servers, due to a lapse in my own connection, or due to the V-mate servers being off-line?
A6: Then you will not be able to play, unless it is a game that we have issued a patch for. See Q8.

Q7: What are the benefits of V-mate?
A7: We have reduced the prices of their games to $40 (from $50). There will be additional services through V-mate as well. While there hasn’t been anything publicly released, there are developments in the pipeline. Finally, V-mate is supposed to reduce piracy. And reduced piracy will benefit all paying customers.

Q8: What are you doing to rectify the perceived problems with V-mate?
A8: The current plan is to release a patch that will allow the user to play V-mate games normally like any other game. This patch will require an activation code to install, as with regular registration. The patch installation will NOT require an Internet connection. The patch for each game will be released LESS THAN 1 year after the end of sales.

Q9: What about…?
A9: More answers will come as soon as I’m less surly and cranky, so as to be able to slog through who knows how many pages of stuff demanding responses.

(Since Dark_Shiki’s been complaing so much about it, direct all thanks and compliments about the information to him over here. Now, if you’ll pardon me, I have a weekend to attend to.)

[This message has been edited by Vaga42Bond (edited 10-30-2004).]

The patch for each game will be released LESS THAN 1 year after the end of sales.

After the end of sales? So, 1 year after G-Collections folds? Or 1 year after game release? <.<

Thanks for the FAQ, Vaga42. There’s a lot to digest there, but in general it’s about what I expected.

The LESS THAN 1 year after the end of sales estimate for the patch contradicts PP’s statement

A patch which turns off the VirtualMate system will be released approximately one year from the release of this game

It looks like the only hope for playing offline is A3 which seems to indicate you can continue playing a game started online as long as you don’t exit it. That would allow laptop users to keep the game running in the background forever by using suspend/resume Windows rather than shutdown/start.

D’oh, I thought I fixed that one.

One year after the game is out of print. Less than, probably. Don’t be suprised if it’s a lot sooner.

Game ABC stops printing tommorow, say. By next year, a patch for Game ABC will be out. Most likely, the patch will come out before before that deadline.

Originally posted by perigee:
Thanks for the FAQ, Vaga42. There's a lot to digest there, but in general it's about what I expected.

I hope it's not too much new information to digest...since I did write 90% of it several days ago, not including the privacy statement from Interlex. [img][/img]

I would appreciate it, Vaga42Bond, if you'd replace "Apologies to Dark_Shiki, for commandeering part of his 'Virtual Mate for Dummies,'" with something like "I made a few small changes to the faq "Virtual-Mate for Dummies!" Dark_Shiki put together a few days ago out of the goodness of his heart. I am greatly indebted to him, and he will receive Let's Meow Meow! free of charge (i.e. out of my pocket) for his efforts on G-collection's behalf." [img][/img] [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 10-28-2004).]

So, of the games offered on G-Cols site. Are any out of print, besides Kango (no voice)?

It sounds good, thanks for the FAQ, Vaga42Bond.

This should answer most users’ issues about it being spyware.

However, that one year after out of print is still something I think we raise an eyebrow on.
For obvious reasons.

Originally posted by Vaga42Bond:
Q1a: What are these interactions and additional services?
A1a: Right now, there is work on an e-magazine (Yes, you can opt out of it. We hate Spam as much as you.). The biggest current additional service is the lowering of price. Future services will be unveiled as they become ready. Yes there is additional stuff. I asked three times about that. But I'm not allowed to tell you about them. Yet.

I don't want to know what they are at all, I would just like to know the following:
Are these services something general provided by Interlex or are they specific to G-Collections/to the games we own? Like, who comes up with the content of these services, Interlex or G-Collections? Do you understand where I'm trying to get at? 'cause one thing is having Interlex's general spam, the other is having g-collection stuff (not spam, meaningful stuff).

G-Collections stuff. Notice how Vaga42Bond is using “we” when he says “we are working on it” when talking about it.

Good faq, maybe now people will understand how pathetic this setup is

Maybe i just stupid or something but i dont think you or GC has answered the patch question yet.
What does 1 year after the END of sales mean. GC still has all the games they ever has released on sale (exept Kango no voice)
Then you or is it GC says 1 year after its out of print,same there, GC still has all the games for sale on their site. I just bought Tottemo last month and that game has to be over 2 years old by now.

So when does this freaking patch come out??
Sorry to be so persistent but i wont buy any VM game if i (we) dont have any CLEAR answers about this. I realy want those games but i cant spend 40 bucks on game after game and have them on a shelf after 2 years not working. Hope you and GC understands that.

Other than that i liked Dark_Shikis FAQ no worries on the other things for me.

[This message has been edited by Thomas (edited 10-30-2004).]

Originally posted by Vaga42Bond:
Game ABC stops printing tommorow, say. By next year, a patch for Game ABC will be out. Most likely, the patch will come out before before that deadline.

The proper phrase, under your scenario, would be, "The patch disabling VM will be released a year after production of the product is ended."

Originally posted by Ecchifan:
The proper phrase, under your scenario, would be, "The patch disabling VM will be released a year after production of the product has ended."

[edit: proper grammar]

@Ecchifan: There’s an edit button, you know. This isn’t the GC board.


This should answer most users' issues about it being spyware.

Except for that bit about "we can change the privacy policy at any time without notifying you by printing something on our website somewhere and you playing the game without having read the website means that you agree". [img][/img]

*shrug* Still a definite, absolute NO on my part. Would rather spend years making my own games, thanks. [img][/img] (And EF - Thanks, but I'm not going to say much more here until I actually get this thing finished, or at least testable. I do have a working bishoujo/multichoice engine, but not much more at this point.)

Here’s an idea I posted on the GC board. I thought it might be worth posting here too:

I’d also like to propose something someone on the PP board thought up (I think it was perigee). Couldn’t the resale issue be solved by allowing the ability to “deregister” a game from your account? This allows username/password information to be kept personal, and also resets the 3 computer limit for the next user. Since the game could still only be installed by three computers at any given time with this method, the anti-piracy feature would still be preserved (pirates could never exploit the system in any significant way with such a limit). This solution would also solve the upgrade problem, since a user could just deregister his games from his old computers and register it on his new computers. Don’t you think this solution would solve a lot of problems, and save GC a lot of hassle with customer support in the long run? Also, it seems like it would be pretty easy to program, as perigee pointed out.

Personally, this solution would solve most of the problems I currently have with V-mate. A timely patch would solve the rest.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 10-28-2004).]

Originally posted by Vaga42Bond:
D'oh, I thought I fixed that one.

One year after the game is out of print. Less than, probably. Don't be suprised if it's a lot sooner.

Game ABC stops printing tommorow, say. By next year, a patch for Game ABC will be out. Most likely, the patch will come out before before that deadline.

"Out of print"? None of your games have ever gone out of print.

Well, that answers my question. Thanks.

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
@Ecchifan: There's an edit button, you know. [img][/img] This isn't the GC board.

There's an edit button. It's called •ÒW.

You mean there’s an edit button on the GC board? Are you referring to those Japanese buttons at the bottom?

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
You mean there's an edit button on the GC board? Are you referring to those Japanese buttons at the bottom?

Yes. Yes. There is also a delete post button beside it.