The NEW, Not Very Official, Hammer Out In A Day, Virtual

I don’t think that the patch promise is entirely empty… I suspect that there is some hitch in the each game itself, and that the patch will be released after cracking the game is a moot point to the company. At least that’s the way it appears to work in Japan.

The liscensing agreement for V-Mate does pretty much leave the patch issue open to interpretation by the company issuing the game, although they give some ‘suggested’ parameters that indicate that an ‘average’ game company might release a patch around three years after they released a game.

Personally, I think that someone will eventually crack it anyway, but if GC wants to play with their new toy, let them.

Wolfson! You’re back!
I was wondering where you went the past few weeks.

Wow!!! A famous italian bishoujo game newspaper asked me an article about Virtual Mate!!!

You can bet i’ll have no pity at all for G-Collections this time!!!

OK, time to unleash my venomous tongue over the matter in italian…

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 11-19-2004).]

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 11-19-2004).]

Italicus, I’m afraid that articles have to be objective, and not subjective…

So, no opinions, just facts.

Originally posted by Benoit:
Italicus, I'm afraid that articles have to be objective, and not subjective...

So, no opinions, just facts.

I was requested as opposer to Virtual Mate. [img][/img] SO i can be subjective as much as i want.

Originally posted by Italicus:
I was requested as opposer to Virtual Mate. [img][/img] SO i can be subjective as much as i want.

Just a small advice from my own work as an amateur-reviewer, though:
Try to point out in your article what is a fact and what is your personal opinion. If nothing else, it at least enhances your credibility and thus gives your article more weight than if you just mix both of them.

Thanks, i’m an amateur reviewer too, so i know exactly what to do - and since this is directed to italian ears, i know exactly where’s the soft spot to shot at.

Just a copy paste from g-colfs site.

And i wonder how many of his words are actually true…
my dad is that, my girlfriend is that…if they are all true, he has one life i would not want to be in
idont like v-mate that much too, but he is taking it a bit too far…likea child on ADD

Btw, if you said you donft want to do business with G-Collections, follow up on it and donft post on this board with such comment.
And other boards as well, as you can see on few of the u.s. boards, you are not welcome because all you do is keep repeating yourself over and over and over and over with different phrases.

I also remember (I could be wrong), but you said you wonft post here anymore. Why are you posting?

Look, if you wan to make a difference, going all out and whining like a little child is not going to solve it.

P.S. You really need some fresh air. Why not take a vacation and cool off your unneeded temper
P.P.S You donft need to reply back to me, since I will just ignore your nothing but annoying flames.

Originally posted by Teagan:

If i'm going to shot at someone, i've to jell at him:

"Hey you turn your face and look at me, i'm going to shot at you.".

Honor forces me to do that, otherwise i cannot call myself a man.

If you don't know what this word - honor - means, too bad.

If you americans want to go straight to hell, do it at your pleasure. If i can save italians from this thing, you can bet i'll do my best.

Sayonara Tea Can. [img][/img]

PS Repetitia juvant

PPS ... et siccant

PPPS Haven't you all heard about Cato Maior? "Ceterum autem censeo Carthago delenda esse!" every day repeated ad nauseam in Rome's Senate? [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 11-19-2004).]

Originally posted by Italicus:
...a famous italian bishoujo game newspaper asked me an article about Virtual Mate...

For Italicus: Of the 4-5 erogame magazines printed now in italy, I read GX only, but I can make an one-time exception if you can give more details.
For all others: I'm curious. How many printed b-game magazines/newspapers (like the Japanese TechGian or BugBug) exist in the rest of Europe and USA/Canada?

Ita…there’s a difference between defending and whining

Originally posted by Italicus:
If you americans want to go straight to hell, do it at your pleasure.

Yessssss....yes, please do ... don't worry, I'll be just fine ...

Originally posted by Italicus:
I was requested as opposer to Virtual Mate. [img][/img] SO i can be subjective as much as i want.

If you want to actually be taken seriously, you can't. People tend to ignore those with obvious axes to grind. (Unless they happen to be President of the United States, that is, but that's another matter entirely...)

I mean, I don't think you want to ENCOURAGE public support for VMate by making yourself look bad...

Originally posted by Italicus:
If you americans want to go straight to hell, do it at your pleasure.

personally i am not american, but not another racist + personal attack comment....

i believe i have given you enough warnings, and also the final warning, already on repeating agressive and inappropiate posts, and i think this draws the line. i am afraid i will have to ban you, and this is the first time i have to do this but given how ridiculously and consistently persistent italicus has been for the past month i believe this has to be done. i am giving myself one night (until saturday morning EST) to think over people, if you believe there is a good and convincing reason why i should not do so, email me.

i am afraid i have been too lenient on him all this time...

PS note that i am banning him because of his recent attitude and agressiveness, not because of the article thing or his views on the vmate system.

Originally posted by Benoit:
Wolfson! You're back!
I was wondering where you went the past few weeks.

Heh! Actually, I was just avoiding all of this mess... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
i am afraid i have been too lenient on him all this time...

In my opinion, Italicus have simply mistaken his (base?) desires for his Civil Rights, but this is a common occurrence nowadays, unfortunately.
The real problem, from my viewpoint, is his nickname itself, which makes a truly bad impression of my homeland on foreign readers, if misused like he has done with his recent behavior.
Therefore... BAN! (No hard feelings, Italicus).
Originally posted by Wolfson:
Heh! Actually, I was just avoiding all of this mess... [img][/img]

Haha looks like you didn't suceed [img][/img]

Originally posted by Baldo:
For Italicus: Of the 4-5 erogame magazines printed now in italy, I read GX only, but I can make an one-time exception if you can give more details.
For all others: I'm curious. How many printed b-game magazines/newspapers (like the Japanese TechGian or BugBug) exist in the rest of Europe and USA/Canada?

Well, depends on what we're talking about here. If we're talking about mags that touch the full spectrum of hentai (ie.: Mangakas, OAVs, Artbooks, games, etc.) then there are a ton of them. Spain has 3 or 4 that I can remember, France must have some (cause I have one ^_^), same for Germany, dunno about the UK or the Benelux. If you're talking about mags that are mostly about games, well, then I only know Hentype from Spain (which used to carry ads for!). They started stuffing the mag with phonesex ads and other aggressive stuff so I stopped purchasing the mag, but I still see it in stands. They even went as far as selling Water Closet for 20 euros, something that completely freaked me out (cause it was shortly after I cashed out twice that much money for a copy from peapri).

GX was also sold in Spain for sometime, a translated reprint of the Italian version. I still have #1 somewhere, but it has been discontinued for lack of interest.

I know for sure that in Belgium there is no such thing as a magazine about erotic anime and manga. I don’t think there’s even a manga/anime magazine here…

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 11-23-2004).]

Originally posted by GoHF:
GX was also sold in Spain for sometime, a translated reprint of the Italian version. I still have #1 somewhere, but it has been discontinued for lack of interest.

Truly surprising, especially considering that,in Italy, GX sales are been incredible. The policy of giving for free complete Viper games with the magazine has surely boosted its success, but GX, except for the number of pages, IS really good. Evidently, the Spanish Hentype is even better (for a side note, even GX contains ads for J-List, and the phrase "Special Thanks to Peter Payne" has been a constant in the staff roster from

Originally posted by Benoit:
I know for sure that in Belgium there is no such thing as a magazine about [i]erotic anime and manga[i].

Well, of the (erogames only) 4-5 magazines published now in Italy, at least one (Samuko) is a translated reprint of the French version. Perhaps Belgium B-gamers look to French and Dutch markets... or not?