The Off the Wall (for this board) Questions Thread

Seeing as how I have a really odd question (for this board at least) question I wanted to ask, I thought I’d start a thread for myself and others to ask them. The rules are fairly simple: no polls, nothing about games, nothing about Japanese language and culture of any kind, nothing about computers or consoles. I think that about covers the most frequent things discussed on this board. Also, as with all other topics in this section of the board, try to keep away from politics and religion. Anyways, I’ll start off with the first question (which will act as somewhat of an example).

Does anyone here know how to properly prepare jasmine rice? Cooking is a minor hobby of mine, and I found a really good recipe for a rice pudding that uses it. The information I’ve read online has been conflicting (to say the least). Seeing as how this is the only forum I am actively a part of, I thought it better to ask here than to not ask at all.

No but if you’re looking for a delicious meal, try my own receipt : “le riz-solÈ”.

I have to warn you because I’m the only person on this planet who (want to) eat(s) it :smiley:

i hate that I cant be more helpful but all i can say is ask a chef,or alternatively try to read a realistic cooking manga (ie not iron Wok jan ).

Most of what Mr Ajjiko does seems edible :smiley:
Nevertheless I’m not addicted to curry and I prefer my bread when you don’t try to japanese it.

Is it within your means to buy an electric rice cooker? I’ve always found cooking rice in a saucepan to be problematic, but a rice cooker gets it right every time. Most rice cookers come with a measuring cup for the rice, and they have markings on the inside of the cooker to show you how high to fill it with water. Always rinse the rice a few times to wash away any excess grit or starch - it stops the rice from being sticky. You could also try a microwave rice cooker. I’ve heard those can deliver good results too.

Out of curiosity, this rice pudding recipe of yours uses cooked jasmine rice? For some reason I always assumed that rice puddings would start with raw rice.

You would think so, but this recipe calls for cooked jasmine rice. I am planning on getting a rice cooker, but I probably won’t be getting the one I want until next year with my current budget constraints. Not to mention I haven’t quite figured out where on the counter I would put it. Anyways, if anyone is interested, here is the recipe:

(For those of you outside the US, all measures are of the US variety. I learned some time ago that there is more than one version of many measures that aren’t metric. For those who don’t know about this, look here.)

I’ve never had problems with the saucepan method. And it fits the requirement of not being a unitasker.

OrcAttack: Based on that last part “unitasker”, I will assume you are a Good Eats fan!

[Going a bit off-topic]

I used a rice cooker in the past; however, when I switched to brown rice, it no longer worked for me. Since it takes a lot longer to cook and most of the rice cooker I have ran into does no have a setting for this type of rice, I almost gave up on it. I could have used a saucepan; but, it did not cook up evenly, with half of it would end up in a rice crackling. Not that it is bad, just that it was not what I wanted. In the end, I started cooking rice in the oven (!).

It’s nice to see that I’m not the only fan of Good Eats! :smiley:

You need to have the brown rice soak longer in water to get a similar consistency as you would get when you steam white rice. Not a bad idea to have it soak overnight while you sleep, but 1 hour of soaking in water should do it.

Soaking brown rice in warm water also makes the rice more nutritious (and is known as GABA rice).

I have tried soaking it before but something funny happens: I end up with a watery rice mix. However, I will admit it is possible I messed up somewhere. Said that, my main application for rice is not just plain steamed/cooked rice. Here is what I usually do.

1.5 cups of basmati brown rice
1 small onion, diced.
2 tbs oil (I prefer peanut oil)
1.5 cups of chicken stock + 1.5 cups water or 3 cups of chicken broth or just 3 cups of water
salt + pepper
tomato paste (small can; optional, but a good idea)

  1. Preheat the oven at 200C (~just under 400F).
  2. In a saucepan, boil the liquid and then keep it warm.
  3. In a pan at medium-low heat, heat the oil and sautÈ the onions. Add some salt and let it cooked stirring a little bit. Cook until translucent (add a bit of water if necessary).
  4. If it is too “dry”, add some more oil. Stir in the rice and let it toast. Do NOT let it burn. (This is the reason why I can’t soak the rice).
  5. If using tomato paste, add it when the rice is toasted and stir.
  6. Add the liquid from step#2, stir and wait for it to boil.
  7. Once it boils, transfer the mix to a large enough baking dish.
  8. Add the bayleaf, salt and pepper if necessary.
  9. Cover with foil and make sure it is tightly sealed (to prevent the steam from escaping). Put it in the middle rack of the oven.
  10. Cook for ~55 minutes.
  11. Remove from oven, then the foil (warning, hot steam!). Rmoeve the bayleaf and fluff the rice. Serve immediately.

This same recipe can be extended by browning some chicken (thighs preferred) before sautÈeing the onions, set them aside and add it in step #8. Of course, this recipe can be done with regular long grain rice, however, I have found I like it better when it is done with brown rice.

I hope this won’t offend KM but since this is a general questions thread and not a cooking thread and my interest in cooking is somewhat limited I would like to pose a new question. what do you think is ahealthy variation of sexual activity and do have any fetishes?

me ? I think once a day is good . I really want to try anal sex[rumored tightness and all that] but can anyone explain the facination with blowing semen all over a womens face?

Yes, Good Eats is a favored show. Talk about awkward phrasing for an answer! AB makes food science fun.

re: face full of semen. The grand display of manly prowess with visible evidence?

It’s a way to say to the woman : “I don’t want to kiss you or hug you anymore”.
You’re indeed free until she washes her face.

No offense taken, that’s why I started this thread.

I don’t remember who said it, but I once heard something along the lines of “The only abnormal sex is no sex”. As for fetishes, I don’t think I have any, considering it’s definition. Sure, there are many things that enhance my sexual attraction to a woman, such as uniforms and stockings (true stockings with a garter belt, not hose), but I don’t think this could be defined as a fetish.

Beh, anal… whatever turns you on. As for ejaculating on a woman’s face, I haven’t the foggiest about the fascination of doing that. Personally, I only like finishing inside (with birth control of course, unless you are specifically aiming for pregnancy).

I don’t know if I’m an atypical guy, but I’ve always been for lots of intimate time after sex (AKA cuddling).

well Ask any biologists/major and they will tell you wide hips indicate a greater chance of danger free child birth :stuck_out_tongue: as for the facials or gansha as i believe our japanese brethren say , I can only enjoy it when i think of it in terms of humiliation. After all walking anywhere splatttered in baby batter even to a bathroom isnt fun. :twisted: :twisted:

Yeah but will you hug her and kiss her after having ejaculated on her face ?

If you had paid attention, you would have inferred the fact that I wouldn’t do that. I imply this fact here:

I’ve got a new question for you guys that is atypical of the things we usually discuss. This time it involves math. Here is the situation: I’m working on a modification of a game file that controls the behavior of a double barreled shotgun. Some time back, I worked out the math of a regular shotgun blast. This was fairly straightforward, as all I needed to do was figure out the angle of a cone. The average of the two figures I found about the spread of 12 gauge 00 buckshot (a 6" circle at 18’, and a 16" circle at 50’) worked out to a cone with an angle of approximately 1.55962¬∞. Figuring out the math of two barrels that are side by side being fired at the same time is proving to be a much bigger challenge. Basically, the way they have achieved this effect in the game is by firing the virtual projectiles in two elliptical cones. The first elliptical cone is the area where the two cones of the simultaneous shotgun blasts overlap as they spread out (much like this Venn diagram example on Wikipedia). This ellipse has a Y value greater than the X value. The second elliptical cone is the entire area of the simultaneous blasts. This ellipse has an X value greater than the Y value. Now to discover the two angles involved in an elliptical cone, I’ve already figured out that this can simply be done by calculating the angle of a circular cone with a diameter equal to the X value of the ellipse, and then doing the same thing with the Y value. I also know that the distance between the two apexes of the cones of the side by side shotgun blasts is equal to approximately 20.5mm. However, coming up with the X and Y values to do my calculations with is proving to be a problem, because I’m having trouble doing it in my head, and I can’t seem to find the compass that is somewhere in the house. Not to mention the fact that I don’t have a way to measure very precise distances like tenths of a millimeter or thousandsths of an inch. I’m sure there are ways of virtually drawing and measuring distances on computer. (CAD maybe?) However, where I might be able to get a free and easy to use program, or even a website with some sort of app embedded to do such a thing I haven’t a clue.
The second problem is a question of probability. Unfortunately, I’ve never had a class in statistics. (Hell, I didn’t even get past Algebra in high school because the teacher always put me to sleep.) Basically, I need to find out how many 00 buckshot pellets (diameter of 8.4mm/.33") out of the 18 fired (one 2 and 3/4" 12 gauge 00 buckshot shell usually holds 9 pellets) tend to shoot in to the overlap area as opposed to the overall area. Since the game fires the weapon in two elliptical cones instead of two offset circular cones, this kind of information will be crucial to getting the game to produce something near an accurate spread pattern.