The real european roots

What make us europeans?

European Union?

Naaah, roots are far more deeper then this bull****…

So, take a look here.

Next time, try to make your point without pointing to a website that uses proprietary technology (here, ShockWave) to show its message.

So what? Just use Shockwave.

No, thanks. I’m against such technology. I don’t want to encourage that platform.

  • Thinking to what happened few months ago *

    How weird…

Originally posted by Italicus:
What make us europeans?

European Union?

Naaah, roots are far more deeper then this bull****...

So, take a look here. [img][/img]

Perhaps that you live in Europe?

What makes you think so?
You’re smart for sure…

The wise old American saying, “The simplest answer is often the best,” sounds like a fitting reply here. Or maybe, “simple answers for simple questions.”

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 04-05-2006).]

“Simple answers always come from simple minds”, LOL!!! Speaking about sayings…

BTW take a look, oh ye european transplanted!

After all, these are your roots too…

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 04-05-2006).]

Many people in the U.S. are concerned with their roots. I don’t happen to be one of them. Hell, I have a hard enough time caring about being American, much less my family’s historical roots…

A small tip…

" A man without past is a man without future".

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 04-06-2006).]

How about “He who walks forward while gazing behind receives branch in face.”

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 04-06-2006).]

man who ignores past is bound to repeat it

Hmm…well, I hope this is taken the right way…

You both have points. I have researched both of family lines and traced them back to the Old World, and in the case of my paternal line, with their original (non-Americanized) spellings.

Is that important? Yes, I learned a great deal not only about my family but about myself. Research in geneology not only gave me good direction in my life but even better direction in regard to my son who is old enough to understand it, and hopefully my one year old and soon to be born son as well.

Is it overtly important? No. As a very wise person told me, aren’t all of us still living the very reason and hope for their (our ancestors’) existance? I even heard in a movie that we are, in effect, their greatest extension–all of their hopes, their dreams, embodied. What we do NOW in our lifetimes, therefore, holds a weight and a value just as important as their existance and survival did then… If not moreso.

If remembering your past leads to an improved future, then by all means relish it. If your past impeds such, discard it like a bad pair of shoes. The future, and the hope for a better one, is paramount.

Haha, I was just exchanging cliches with Italicus for amusement; I wasn’t really trying to make a statement. It just comes down to what you find important. Though, in fact I do know where my family came from through my other relatives’ research, I’m a practical person that cares about what will actually impact us now, rather than what makes an interesting story. Where my family comes from only matters to me if it has practical implications, such as mine and my offspring’s susceptibility to genetic disease. But you don’t have to go back very far to get that data. Other non-practical information might be interesting, but not necessary. I’ll read a history book if I want to learn from humanity’s past mistakes, not look at my family tree.

Yes, family roots can be amusing… Heck, one of my ancestors fought at Lepanto in 1571!
And more back in time, Pietro Fois was enlisted in the old Catalan Company fightig in XIVTh century Greece.

But, Mirk, i started this thread in order to speak about our civilization ( i.e. western ) roots, not our family roots. Dark Shiki was just deboarding it.

Hello! Seems like nobody has the answer. Nor do i. But was thinking of it too, lately. In a sense that Europe is culturaly and mentaly undefinable, perhaps. I was so happy for you to rise this question that had to register, even though can’t contribute much really. I guess europeans are one of most sceptical nations, especially about themselves and don’t mind self-destruction. European simply does not believe in anything, except that things will go wrong. Especially if flying with Al-Italia. Or am i wrong? Or does your question mean losing your italian identity and looking for a wider or deeper one? For me Europe is decadent and darkish as it can be (thinking of roots) and it is fine. Everything is fine. As long as we have no stupid war. Myself i prefer Asia, but never really lived there for longer time (and as Kafka said ‘Prague is a trap’). Europe is a continent between Afrika, Asia and America and even though it does not look like a continent itself, it used to be a source of big trouble for all of them. Does it mean that raped one wants to become like the rapist then? Anyway, since there are not many eurochildren born anymore (due to effective social welfare system), someone else will help us to find the answer. By the way, i would hope that non-europeans tell us what they see, because we can not see ourselves well enough, of course. Although travel can help. Or maybe there is no local identity in a global world. So you have read Giovanni Reale: Cultural and spiritual roots of Europe? What does he say?

Well, if roots go far under Christianity, as they should, then we might think of being uprooted by several revolutions and religious wars. Cutting off roots and heads. Some nations arrived from Asia long time ago, as well as Christianity, Judaism and God knows what. So in this sense, we have no roots if no memory. Or we have them, but can’t project into coscious mind. Sometimes it feels we could be happier and in harmony, if lived with our roots admitted and brought to light. But… seems like there is no if.

I try not to stereotype (or less stigmatically, over-generalize), whether it be with regards to people or social entities like nations. I’ve never been to Europe, but I doubt you guys are much different than us (Americans). Now Asian culture, on the other hand, I know is quite different. The collectivist mentality (vs. the Western individualist mentality) alone sets our cultures apart in many ways.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 04-10-2006).]

I might, as well as might not, be posting something completely out of place, but talking about Nationalisms made me remeber something:

"As I think of the many myths, there is one that is very harmful, and that is the myth of countries. I mean, why should I think of myself as being an Argentine, and not a Chilean, and not an Uruguayan. I don’t know really. All of those myths that we impose on ourselves- and they make for hatred, for war, for enmity- are very harmful. Well, I suppose in the long run, governments and countries will die out and we’ll be just, well, cosmopolitans."

How come i remembered it, i might never ever know …
Still, i find it thoughtful

[This message has been edited by The Unholy Avenger (edited 04-20-2006).]