The Story Writers Oughta be Shot (Spoilers)

Originally posted by Darkling:
But I'll be faxing it in from somewhere in Siberia, just to be safe...

Don't feel too safe!

The ninja-lemons (if they exist) are everywhere, even in Siberia!

starts getting spooked by all the vaguely lemon-shaped forms lurking in the shadows, only glimped out of the corner of his eye

I take it the lemon ninjas are fans of Kana, too? Sheesh, she gets around, doesn’t she?

Originally posted by Darkling:
I take it the lemon ninjas are fans of Kana, too?

Who can read the mind of a lemon?
So, I don't know if they adore Kana, but they are (if they exist) taught, brought up and dispatched by Spec-san and he is as big a Kana-fan as I am. [img][/img]

Probably, he hasn't yet joined in the talk because he was busy packing lemons for Siberia... [img][/img]

But there is no reason to get paranoia. It's all in your hands what will happen...! [img][/img]

starts packing his bags with the notion of heading off to a warmer (and hopefully lemon-free) climate

It is in my hands, to an extent, but there’s also what Taka, Kana and Yumi tell me is right (or rather, what they want), and I can’t please everyone…

reminds himself not to go walking on the docks at night when the fruit shipments are being unloaded, and wanders off, whistling innocently

Well, I just figure I’ll be pragmatic about it… if Darkling has Taka run off with Yumi, I’ll just write my own fanfic where my alter ego steps in to console and comfort Kana, while the (possibly exsistant) ninja-lemons deal with the errant fanfic writer who set up this mess in the first place. Meanwhile, back on Jurai…

Chapter 16 is online now, so I guess the lemon-ninjas (if they exist) will soon know whether or not I need to be cut into neat wedges.

For the moment, though, I’ll stick with my ‘no fixed address’ policy.

Originally posted by Wolfson:
I'll just write my own fanfic where my alter ego steps in to console and comfort Kana, while the (possibly exsistant) ninja-lemons deal with the errant fanfic writer who set up this mess in the first place.

Be careful if you write a Mary Sue!

If you make certain readers get envious, you are going to smell the fresh aroma of lemons earlier than Darkling!

Well, sadly (for my alter ego, anyway), Taka appears to have come to his senses, so the story writer(s) both appear to have a reprieve (at least until the next chapter).

If the (possibly existant) ninja-lemons ever need to hunt me down, they can find me in the White House.

[This message has been edited by Wolfson (edited 07-22-2004).]

Sorry… I happen to know that Darkling has a thing for Kana

Poor Yumi… no one cares about her…

Originally posted by Wolfson:
Poor Yumi... no one cares about her...

How about you then? You seem at least to sympathize with her, perhaps even more? [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

To be honest, neither did I, even after finishing all six endings. It was only when I realised that I had to write her (and had to start delving into her psyche in order to do it halfway convincingly) that I started to understand her - or rather, understand the rather uncomfortable position that the game writer(s) had to put her in, in order to keep the plot moving.

That doesn’t mean I want her, though. Wolfson’s still perfectly welcome to her. :wink:

C’mere, Kana… maybe I’ll write a little private fanfic for just the two of us… :stuck_out_tongue:

(By the way, what’s a ‘Mary Sue’? Possibly the sort of fanfic I was just alluding to?)

Originally posted by Darkling:
(By the way, what's a 'Mary Sue'? Possibly the sort of fanfic I was just alluding to?)

In a Mary Sue-type fanfic, the author inserts him-/herself as a character in order to get the main-chara.

Well, then, I guess no-one will be surprised when an appealing (if geeky) character suddenly turns up in the last chapter, sweeps Kana off her feet and asks for directions to the nearest love hotel?

Only kidding. Besides, according to this (!245), I’m only 43.1% compatible with Kana anyway, in that kind of a relationship.

(At least, I’m assuming the compatibility is given in percentages - it could also be the number of children she’d willingly bear me?)

Concerning Yumi:

Originally posted by Unicorn:
How about you then? You seem at least to sympathize with her, perhaps even more?

Well, yes, I sypathize with her… hardly anybody seems to like the poor girl–I bet if Kana weren’t around, she wouldn’t have that problem… But more than Kana? Sorry, Yumi, but I, too, have my priorities

Originally posted by Darkling:
That doesn’t mean I want her, though. Wolfson’s still perfectly welcome to her.

Bah… Why do I feel like Taka in the fifth grade? Everyone’s teasing me about Yumi On the other hand, maybe I should run off with her… at least there wouldn’t be a long line But it should be known that when I adapted The White Season into English lyrics, I was thinking about Kana…

Originally posted by Unicorn:
In a Mary Sue-type fanfic, the author inserts him-/herself as a character in order to get the main-chara.

Heh, heh, heh… sounds fun to me…

Originally posted by Darkling:
Besides, according to this (!245), I’m only 43.1% compatible with Kana anyway, in that kind of a relationship.

Heh… she’s 45.5% compatable as a lover, but 50.2% compatable as a wife. Hmmm… If I were gaming I might go with those odds…

Yes, I think Yumi’s only problem in the game is that she’s not Kana! After all, the game isn’t called Yumi ~Obsessed Girlfriend~, is it? Come to think of it, there’s your idea for a Kana sequel right there.

The idea of a ‘Mary Sue’ grows more and more appealing to me the more I think about it. Maybe one of these days…

Reaction to my latest chapter has me torn in all kinds of different directions, not only concerning the final chapter (which I just wrote today), but the entirety of the next fanfic. I get the feeling that Wolfson, amongst others, may want to sic the lemon-ninjas (if they exist) onto me when I’m done. gulp

I don’t resort to ninja lemons (if they even exist)… as a song-writer, I merely use the age-old method of smearing your name lyrically

Well, Wolfson, you’ve been wanting to get back into songwriting, haven’t you? Good, so here’s the deal - I’ll write something terribly provocative (a lengthy and detailed Mary Sue springs to mind as a good spurring device) and you make sure you give me half the royalties from any songs you write slurring my name. That way, my reputation may be sullied, but I’ll be able to support my bishoujo game and anime habits.

And no (possibly real) ninja lemons need to be sicced on anyone in the process!

Originally posted by Darkling:
Well, Wolfson, you've been wanting to get back into songwriting, haven't you? Good, so here's the deal - I'll write something terribly provocative (a lengthy and detailed Mary Sue springs to mind as a good spurring device) and you make sure you give me half the royalties from any songs you write slurring my name. That way, my reputation may be sullied, but I'll be able to support my bishoujo game and anime habits. [img][/img]

Well... given the ending of the current fanfic, I think your mostly safe for the time being. Although, given my feelings about Yuta and my feelings about Yumi, I may end up by having to step in and save Yumi's honor... [img][/img]

Saving Yumi’s honour? What a concept? See, fanfic is good. It takes you places you’d never imagined were possible.

All right… I don’t know if any of the sadistic fiends that convinced me to buy and play Private Nurse are still reading this thread, but I want you to know, you succeeded…

Some Spoilers May Apply

Yes, the Story Writers oughta be shot. At least as far as the Maria ending that I got was concerned. They fooled me, you know? I’ve gotten used to the idea–because of most of these “dating” type games–that, when you finally get to have sex with the girl you’re going after, you win! The game is over! Ta-da! So when Hiroki did the wild one with Maria, I thought, “Good for Hiroki!” and "This wasn’t so tragic a game as everyone seemed to indicate."

Little did I know that (by my estimations now) I was only half way through. The game went on. The sex went on. Hiroki’s happiness went on… and then the complications set in… and then. Okay, I’ll cut to the chase. By the time Maria was saying goodbye to Hiroki–and they did that nice graphic of the wind blowing her hair, and the tears rolling down her face–the tears were rolling down my own face.

And I was thinking, "This was a good game, but this sucks!"

End of Any Spoilers

All that I can say is, I’ll play the game again, and try for some other endings, but I sure hope that they’ve got some happier ones on there, otherwise I’m going to have to think of some novel forms of torture for a few Story Writers…