The Story Writers Oughta be Shot (Spoilers)

*** spoilers ahead ***Hint - go for the real live girl in the story. Some characters are just spirits passing through the temporal plane who are briefly held captive by mortal desires. I wish they had written just one ending where Hiroki got involved with the angel of death [I forget her name] as a counterpoint to the Maria endings.

Potential Private Nurse Spoilers

Well, as far as I know, there are two live ones in the story, but at this point, I’m not too sure about anything… I’m still reeling from the Maria ending (I even had a dream last night that was heavily influenced by the story…).

Ayano is definitely real. I suppose Mio is just wierd enough to be something else entirely. Juliet is who you’re thinking of–yeah, I kind of had a brief Juliet fantasy ending myself, just because she’s so… different.

But I kind of anticipated your advice… I figured that if I went after Ayano, I couldn’t go too far wrong (if they come up with a sad ending for her, too, I just might pitch the game out the window…)

I don’t know if Darkling is going to officially post his omake that he wrote for his Kana fanfics… but I think he oughta–it’s pretty effin’ funny, if I do say so myself (even though he did give himself the girl ).

Aw heck, Wolfson, they have to suffer through the 17 chapters of the fanfic first! Only then do they deserve the Mary Sue styled relief that is the Kana omake!

Okay, have I overhyped the case enough yet?

And you’ll note that I didn’t give myself the girl, strictly speaking. Kana in that guise doesn’t exactly strike me as anything of a prize…

(PS As an aside to the possibly existent lemon ninjas, the above reference to Mary Sue stylings is purely facetious. wipes sweat from brow)

Okay, then anybody who’s actually reading this:

go here and read Darkling’s fanfics, and then beg him to let you read his Cut! omake. Unless you don’t want to see Kana being poked fun at… (in other words, if you don’t have a sense of humor, don’t bother ) Although the fanfics are worth the read anyway.

[This message has been edited by Wolfson (edited 07-29-2004).]

Oh, now now, Wolfson, I wasn’t poking fun at poor Kana. I was just giving her a chance to try something different. To stretch herself creatively. And she definitely enjoyed it! (And so did I!)

Originally posted by Wolfson:
Okay, then anybody who's actually reading this:

go here and read Darkling's fanfics, and then beg him to let you read his Cut! omake.

Probably I should. After all, there are a few small green/yellow guys getting a bit impatient... [img][/img]

But this will probably contain SEVERE spoilers on one of the two endings that I am still missing.
To use a walkthrough or to not use a walkthrough, that is here the question...

So you haven’t gotten Ending 1 yet, Unicorn? Which other one are you missing?

Originally posted by Darkling:
So you haven't gotten Ending 1 yet, Unicorn? Which other one are you missing?

Ending #6 is the other one.

... and that's really the tough one for me because pursuing it makes me going down the intellectual route and thus probably makes me face more instances of ending #5 until I succeed here.

tries to remember the main difference between getting Ending 5 and Ending 6

The paths are very similar, as I recall. I think there are one or two pivotal decisions that take you to Ending 6 rather than Ending 5, and vice versa.

I won’t say any more, though, or the ninja lemons (if they exist) will probably be after my blood…

Originally posted by Darkling:
I won't say any more, though, or the ninja lemons (if they exist) will probably be after my blood...

Oh, if you care for your blood, I have some probably scary news for your:

The ninja dicision (if they exist) are only a particular small group among all the vampire lemons, brother Spec trains.
Of course there are still masses of regular vampire lemons and besides the (rumored) ninjas, there is at least the awesome tutu-brigade. [img][/img]

Oh, and there are also the untrained stray-lemons that still attack and bite at will... [img][/img]

(For more details, I recommend the first half of the "Refresh my memory"-thread. [img][/img] )

Just FYI, Unicorn, Darkling’s fanfics contain no spoilers for any endings other than ending 1. If you’ve gotten that ending, you’re okay reading them. If you haven’t… well, go get a hanky and some kleenex, and start playing…

Wolfson, Unicorn hasn’t gotten two endings - Ending 1 and Ending 6.

Jason4, that’s a good question. I think that the emotional impact of the fanfics draws a lot from the game. The fanfics might be something of a hollow experience without that background.

Of course, the real question is - why would you want to read fanfics for a game you haven’t played?

[This message has been edited by Darkling (edited 07-31-2004).]

i prefer the oldest h-games iver know :true love quite good graphic and nice h-pic

I agree - I really enjoyed True Love (along with other older games like Three Sisters’ Story and Season of the Sakura), but erm… what does any of this have to do with this particular thread? Do you think the story writers ought to be shot because you have to choose between Remi and Mikae at the end?

To make a Casual Romance Club analogy, Mikae is the Nanase of True Love. Remi for me, all the way!

Well, I could think of a reason to shoot the story writers of Three Sisters Story, but then, they give you the rope to hang yourself with, so I guess you deserve that ending

I want to shoot them for putting two unattainable girls in the game (well, unattainable if you want the ‘good’ ending) - Yuki (mmmm, oneechan) and Risa (mmm, loli).

I don’t even like Emi! I know she can’t really be considered a clone of Narusegawa Naru (Love Hina), since Emi probably predates Naru… but still, the two of them are far too similar for my comfort…

Three Sisters Story Spoilers

That was exactly, more or less, my point. Fiddle around with the other sisters, and you’re guaranteed the chaos ending as they all come barging in insisting that she is the one you love.

I personally liked Yuki, but I didn’t really care for the character design of Risa. But why would you want to go after a girl that beats the snot out of you at every opportunity (Emi)? That’s one thing I didn’t like about several of the older JAST games… the girl you get is predetermined (Runaway City was the same way), so even if you liked someone better you were stuck with their choice for you.

Come to think about it, their choice for you in Runaway City always beat the snot out of you at every opportunity also… I wonder what they were thinking…?

[This message has been edited by Wolfson (edited 08-01-2004).]

Originally posted by Wolfson:
*Three Sisters Story Spoilers*

That was exactly, more or less, my point. Fiddle around with the other sisters, and you're guaranteed the chaos ending as they all come barging in insisting that she is the one you love.

I personally liked Yuki, but I didn't really care for the character design of Risa. But why would you want to go after a girl that beats the snot out of you at every opportunity (Emi)? That's one thing I didn't like about several of the older JAST games... the girl you get is predetermined (Runaway City was the same way), so even if you liked someone better you were stuck with their choice for you.

Come to think about it, their choice for you in Runaway City always beat the snot out of you at every opportunity also... I wonder what they were thinking...?

[This message has been edited by Wolfson (edited 08-01-2004).]


Maybe because they are machochists?

Well it seems to be a trend in a lot of anime and manga, it's not just the older JAST games or Love Hina but thinking of anime and manga like Full Metal Panic Kaname is not excatly non violent at times, in Eva, Asuka who struck me as 'Naru' type could easily be violent and yet seemed to be a favorite, in Tenchi Muyo Ryoko can at times end up beating on Tenchi, even unintentionally, and that names only those I can think of off the top of my head, so maybe this is some sort of ideal that goes over most of our heads, something about how the woman that can beat the crap, intentionally or not, out of the main male character is an ideal choice which is why she is seemingly always becoming his primary love interest. So it seem to go well beyond games and is fairly widespred as just mentioned.

Yet yeah it is interesting that in those games it was a one girl or none deal, perhaps that is more of an ideal force loyality of sorts, expect neither PC really was loyal was he? At least in one case not loyal beyond not touching the sisters in Three Sisters Story? Perhaps they would rank higher on people's lists, up with Seasons of Sakura if you could have chosen the girl?

For the record too, I did not mind the Emi choice, not sure what that says about my tastes, but she might have been the first one I would have gone for before trying for the others had that been an option, same goes for the girl in Runaway City that was the forced choice.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-01-2004).]


I’ve played Runaway City, but must have blocked it from my conscious mind. After playing games which I enjoyed far more (Three Sisters’ Story being among them), Runaway City just made me go ‘eh’.

I guess because those two games were ‘plot’ driven (and I use the term loosely), it would have made it too complicated (or lengthy) to allow you your choice of girl. Giving you enough time to develop a relationship with the other two sisters (in 3SS) would have been time-consuming. As it was, they didn’t really develop the PC’s relationship with Emi! They just force it on you.

Then again, these games aren’t dating sims. They are story based. Maybe we’ve gotten spoiled since then?