????????? - The World God only Knows

??? - The World God only Knows

Katsuragi Keima is known on the net as the god of getting the girls while in real life he’s known as otamegane and he hates all real girls. However he is approached by Elsee, a devil from hell, to help her in catching runaway spirits that hide in people. Apparently the spirits only hide in the hearts of girls and the only way to get the souls out is by making the girl fall in love so the spirit gets forced out. And he’s not allowed to fail or he will lose his head.

What is interesting and funny in this manga is that it’s the story of a guy who will seduce girls by using everything he has seen in eroge since he plays eroge all the day and is known as the best eroge player. So it’s as if we would use the rules from the topic about the eroge rules in short :wink:

I read chapter 1-3 translated. It reminded of Oh My Goddess, and A.I.Love you. Because Elsee was sweet devil than evil devil; sort of Elyse of “My Balls”.

I went and read the first vol. To be honest, I don’t really know what to think. While the concept is brilliant, I don’t know if I really like the execution - it doesn’t actually seem to relate to my own experiences at all. For example, how the hell would anyone think that outright confessing to a tsundere is the way to go? If the girl’s a tsundere, she’s most likely just going to slap you. Also, what was that crap about a little sister character needing to have the same blood as you? If anything, I find it’s exactly the opposite case in 99% of eroges.

Concerning the little sister he wanted to say that if there is no blood relation the bond brother-sister is weaker.
What he meant by that is that if they’re not blood related, their relationship can more easily become a romantic one for exemple.
You have less chance to screw your real sister than a step sister (look at Hitomi, Kana, …they are not blood related to their brother).

And for the tsundere it’s true you need to do something to make her dere dere side appears.
So a confession is not a bad idea (even id I have to admit that the way he did it was strange…)

I think the general approach to revealing the deredere is more to soften them up first. An outright confession simply will not work, For example, Nanase from ONE and Kei from ef are both very much textbook tsunderes. Can you imagine the protagonist in either case simply confessing straight up? Doesn’t work.

Essentially, increasing the amount of contact with the person (like the character in that manga did with the first girl) is what you’d generally want to focus on.

Necromancy!!! :twisted:

So… with this series having fully matured over the years, do you think it has aged to reach it’s full potential? Or has it fallen below expectations?

I thought the kuudere story arc was cute… though it’s probably because I’m a Rozen Maiden fanboi. Can’t wait for the yandere arc… you know it’s going to happen sooner or later. :wink:

The ending to each story arc is kinda sad though… to win the girl, only to actually lose her in the process. Largest harem that doesn’t know it’s a harem. :stuck_out_tongue:

I never bought any more of this series as the first volume didn’t sell it to me, sorry~

Ah… well it’s understandable. Like you, I don’t agree with how the author “targets” each galge persona. I still consider it average as manga go… but the concept was neat enough to keep me going. Personally I think it gets better, as the harem increases, as it becomes obvious that Kamisama’s armor is getting chinks. Though he openly denies it, it’s becoming more evident that he’s not too fond of the girls forgetting about him. However… later story arcs reveal the girls have not actually forgotten him, and more important to the overall plot than just “girl-of-the-week” type encounters.

Plus some story arcs are amusing… there’s a sex change event, that puts a neat spin on things. :stuck_out_tongue:

However on the author’s authority of how galge works… well… I’d only take it as seriously as Star Trek’s authority on actual science. :wink:

There will be an anime of it soon (at least it has been announced… even if it doesn’t necessary mean it will really come out → Shina Dark <-)

You don’t have to think too much about the sad fact that the girls forget him.
Just focus on the humour. It was really funny when we could see what’s in Kami’s mind and his “ideal girlfriend”.

Or that his parents are getting a divorce, because of the lies the demons are telling. :stuck_out_tongue:

In the long run though, I don’t think Kamisama will be alone though. Looks like he’s working on the harem route. :slight_smile:

…and got even funnier when they killed her. :o

It’s fun to read, provided well… it’s not taken seriously. =P I haven’t played much eroge but the speech lines for some of the event triggers make me laugh. I don’t think anyone talks or reacts like that!

It’s the ONLY harem manga that’s kept me reading 'cos the characters don’t really come off as too paper thin. (At least explain WHY the girls keep for falling for the main guy and don’t make it just about “sex” alone!) And Elsee rocks. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m hoping it doesn’t finish too quickly and that it doesn’t drag out too much (30++ vols is insane).

It’s either going to be a harem end… or very abusive bad end attempt for it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Love this series and the fact it is finally getting an anime is even better (again hoping that it does not become shina dark…whatever happened to that?). I’m still hoping for some twins to make an appearance though. If the general scope of the series is anything to go by then we still may. The story seems to be going into an interesting direction though. If anything I’d say the series is almost half way to completion or will be by the end of this possibly long arc.

can’t wait to see the anime later this year

The newest capture girl, Akari, is the purest win: hikikomori, kuudere, rapes Kamisama when she feels like it, hair obscuring an eye, etc. :o

I suspect she will be my favorite, until the twincest capture girls are revealed. 8)

As of late, Kamisama has been having harem issues: too many girls at once. :lol:

I’m glad it stopped being a “girl-of-the-week” kind of story, though. It was merely funny in the beginning to at last become a bit interesting. So far, my favourite girl may be Yui because, in her presence, Keima changes from being the capturing god to being the girl to be captured, hahaha. \o/

This is true. In fact, the manga-ka seemed to be “running out of ideas” for the various new girls, since there’s a lot of crossover in their personality traits. Name how many girls are introverted. Name how many girls have tsundere in them. So forth and so on. Using what he’s already created, and giving them more defined personalities and background, is a very refreshing move.

Almost enough to forgive not having twincest yet. Almost…

Having 60,000 “girl-of-the-week” story would have been pretty boring after some time! :wink:
OTOH, it’d be the biggest harem of all time!

That being said: firetrucks. Because no mention of ??? without a mention of firetrucks would be complete.

It’s official: Kamisama is a tsundere bokuko. :stuck_out_tongue: