Thoughts on upcoming games

I’d say you pretty much hit the nail right on the head as to how I feel about those games. Like you, the game I am looking forward to the most is Family Project. Like you, I find the battle system in Princess Waltz (thanks to Narg for the review) interesting, and I may eventually get this title. Like you, I don’t care for animal girls and futa. Unlike you, however, I find that sex romps can be fun on occasion, which is why I own Come See Me Tonight, and have Come See Me Tonight 2 on the way.

Amorous Professor Cherry, I am not certain about this one. I will be waiting for other peoples opinions before I am going to decide if I will buy it or not.

Princess Waltz, looks like it will be fun, have an engaging and entertaining story, I am looking forward to it.

Family Project is top of my list right now, I highly anticipate it, and am praying it does not disappoint.

Cosplay Fetish Academy is on my to get list. I don’t mind having a game where the character engages in much sex and fun antics, and this seems like it will fit the bill.

Catgirl Alliance, is not on my list of things to get. I haven’t been impressed by the graphics, and am just generally turned off by what I’ve read about it. Things can always change though, we’ll see.

Lightning Warrior Raidy 2, I will probably get this one soon after it is released, I like fun adventures, yuri, and I am do not feel bad when an enemy is raped. So the rape won’t bother me much.

Not too much to my opinions, just simple thoughts written quickly.

Amorous Professor Cherry
Hm. Not superbly interested in this title at this time. Seems pretty much like a sex romp, and with my budget, it’s probably not going to make it onto my buy list any time soon.

Princess Waltz
This one got a pre-order. Sounds pretty interesting, the only downside I can see is the lack of branching in the storyline. But it looks interesting and fun to me, and the “combat system” sounds interesting. Somewhat looking for to this one.

Family Project ~Kazoku Keikaku~
I agree with the above posters in saying this title is one I am highly anticipating. Pre-ordered already. It looks like a real solid storyline and just sounds like a great concept for a story. My hope is that it doesn’t turn out to be a train wreck of a game. You know the whole “sounds too good to be true” thing…

Cosplay Fetish Academy
Not interested. I’m not that big on uniforms that they can be the primary device in a game for me.

Cat Girl Alliance
Hrm. Another pass title. Not interested in the futanari angle, nor in a lot of the presentation of the title. Sad too, because with a title like “Cat Girl Alliance”, you’d think a nekomimi lover like me would be interested. Sadly, while the title drew me in, the description of the game turned me off. Le sigh.

Lightning Warrior Raidy II: ~Temple of Desire~
Pre-ordered. Just finished up the first one, and enjoyed it quite a bit, so I’m looking forward to the next installment. I had pre-ordered the game before even getting the first one, and thankfully, it turned out to be a good decision in the end.

I’m a little more optimist concerning cosplay academy than most of you it seems.
Yeah it’s probably just a sex romp, but it seems it will be the funniest game of the list when you read its story.
Furthermore I really like the arts so I think it will be even better than Professor Cherry.

Do want : Princess Waltz, Family project, Prof. Cherry, Cosplay academy

Do not want : Cat girl alliance, LWR II

Amorous Professor Cherry
I’m a bit iffy on this one as the story just doesn’t really catch my fancy. That said, I’ll probably still buy it when i run out of other titles as there’s no red flags for me on this one.

Princess Waltz
This one i’m looking forward to and have pre-ordered. The story looks engaging, the artwork is just my style, and the trailers i’ve seen for it seem to indicate good musical choice too.

Family Project ~Kazoku Keikaku~
I’m definately looking forward to this one as well, possibly more than Princess Waltz. Other games i’ve played by Yamada Hajime (YMK!!!) are among my all time favourites.

Cosplay Fetish Academy
I’m a huge fan of Cosplay (Emiru from Sagara Family was my fav!) so this is on my “to buy” list for filler.

Cat Girl Alliance
Neko…check. Futanari…Woah, wait just a damned minute!!! Why do they have to mix one of my favourites with something that just puts me off entirely! Damn :frowning: Not getting this one.

Lightning Warrior Raidy II: ~Temple of Desire~
Still haven’t tried the first one as it’s not really my style of game. I might check out the first one before deciding on this one though. Depends on whether or not i run out of good stories any time soon.

Amorous Professor Cherry
Don’t think much of ZyX, but the scenario writer doesn’t suck.

Princess Waltz
Looks interesting, and I guess I’m a bit of a Pulltop fan. I’ll probably end up getting this one.

Family Project ~Kazoku Keikaku~
AWESOME, if a bit dated. I’ve already got it, though. Well, we’ll see. I am, however, happy that a lot more English-speaking people are going to be able to play this thing.

Cosplay Fetish Academy
Name turns me off, and story doesn’t really interest me.

Cat Girl Alliance

Lightning Warrior Raidy II: ~Temple of Desire~
Name turns me off and I don’t like ZyX.

Amorous Professor Cherry
Was never into that artist myself, and the scenario doesn’t tickle my interest.

Princess Waltz
I have it preordered.

Family Project ~Kazoku Keikaku~
It sounds interesting and I will probably get it, but not until after it comes out.

Cosplay Fetish Academy
Looking at this, I can only feel that someone greatly misunderstands the concept of a cosplay fetish. I have a costume fetish, I eagerly collect pictures of girls in gorgeous and unusual clothes. What those girls are wearing are not costumes. They’re not at all sexy, to me. They’re ridiculous. If all the characters were going around in aprons and thongs, THAT would be hot. But these tiny tiny strips of fabric barely covering the nipple? I just find them embarassing. Shana’s tiny bikini is especially repulsive to me… I can’t explain it. I just want to put some nice clothes on them. :frowning:

Cat Girl Alliance
I have no problem with futa. :slight_smile: It sounds like this game may be high on sex and low on character development, so it’s not a priority to obtain. However, it’s clearly got some two-girl interaction and it sounds like good pervy fun for my tastes. I will probably want to ask questions about content when it’s finished to see how much, if any, things I do find icky are included.

Lightning Warrior Raidy II: ~Temple of Desire~
I have the first one but I haven’t played it yet so I can’t comment.

Amorous Professor Cherry
I’ll get it to support the English market. Not really looking forward to it, but I’m not writing it off yet either.

Princess Waltz
Looking forward to this one. Although I don’t support the whole ‘has to have game play elements’ mentality, so long as the story is good in this one, I’m sold.

Family Project ~Kazoku Keikaku~
Like just about everyone else out there, very much looking forward to this one.

Cosplay Fetish Academy
Sex romp. Little to no interest. Maybe it’ll have humor value to it, but other then that I’ll probably only be buying it to support the market.

Cat Girl Alliance
Sex romp. Again, little to no interest. May not even bother getting it to support the market.

Lightning Warrior Raidy II: ~Temple of Desire~
Not going to bother unless I hear something that makes it drastically different from the first one. Voting with my dollars and wont purchase.

Prof. Cherry
Waiting for it then I will judge it will be my four Zyx game. I’ll like it cause I hardly ever get a game I don’t like.

Princess Waltz and Raidy 2
Nope it has combat and I’ll probably lose to much even with a guide.

Family Project
Nope. Not the least interesting to me.

CosFet Academy
Not sure but it just doesn’t …Interesting yes but still not sure.

Cat Girl Alliance
Futa. A big no,no.

All it’s fine with me except Loli, shota and Yaoi ^^
So basically i’ll get them all… Well, i’ll maybe get Familly project in last because of my character (like i said, i’m not fond at all of Loli or Loli-Like character… Well they’re some exception)

Matsuri’s no loli, really. Don’t hesitate because of that, it’s most definitely the best title in the lineup.

Matsuri is clearly a loli for what I can see.
Like Ruruka in the Sagara family.

I’m not into loli too, but it won’t prevent me from purchasing family project. There are still 4 other girls… including a “Tsugumi-like” (Aoba).

Aoba is Tsugumi-like? Hmm… I guess. It’s a bit of a stretch, isn’t it? I know they’re both tsundere insecure types, but for very different reasons. I really think they’re just a bit too different to make a comparison.

Amorous Professor Cherry
No make Narg that happy. Narg pass.

Princess Waltz
About damn time PP got a game like this. MUST GET… and I already own it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Family Project ~Kazoku Keikaku~
Not really my kind of game. No twincest. No darkness. Narg knows it has good story, but Narg wants more than a good story. Narg is selfish like that.

Cosplay Fetish Academy
Fraternal twincest. Not the real thing as far as Narg is concerned, but Narg must support the twincest movement… even the fringe versions of it. Preordered.

Cat Girl Alliance
Narg not into neko mimi that much. Narg pass.

Lightning Warrior Raidy II: ~Temple of Desire~
[size=1]Technically its a Doppelganger… but hey, that makes it even MORE identical madness.[/size]

Amorous Professor Cherry
I am a Zyx fan. i admit it. The artmork is to my liking because of its point in making the parts look good. Besides, Zyx draws cute n innocent perfectly. :slight_smile: And because the writer for Crescendo is also on board… Hemorrhage!!! X=D

Princess Waltz
I dunno but it better not be like LWR 1. I foun it kinda reptitive after the second level.

Family Project ~Kazoku Keikaku~
MUST. GET. GAME. The sstory is calling to me… Besides Kotoko is singing on it! Epic win!

Cosplay Fetish Academy
Looks good and sex romps still appeal to me.

Cat Girl Alliance
Going a bit overboard. My liking for the title has faded…

Lightning Warrior Raidy II: ~Temple of Desire~

Although I haven’t played the full thing myself, I just want to make it clear (since there seems to be a bit of a misconception floating around here) that Princess Waltz is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LIKE Lightning Warrior Raidy (based on the original version of LWR, not the remake, but they’re supposed to be functionally very similar). LWR isn’t even a visual novel, really. Princess Waltz is, and the battle system is certainly not a particularly significant portion of the game. The story is supposed to be pretty great, too.

I’m having a discussion with someone at the GameFAQs forums. He claims that since Rightstuf lists Kazoku Keikaku’s release date as June 15 2008, this date must be correct, despite my directing him to the ‘Upcoming Releases’ thread here at Otakuism, which states that KK is still ‘in development’ (ie really not likely to be released in the next three weeks). He submitted that date to GameFAQs and now they’re listing June 15 2008 as the release date as well.

Can I get confirmation from someone in the know about the likelihood of KK being released in June? I’m just seeking official clarification either way.

If one game is going to be released in June, it would be Professor Cherry since it’s the one in beta test now.

That’s exactly the point I tried to make to him, but he refused to acknowledge it. This is why I would like official confirmation, straight from the horse’s mouth.

Let me make this as clear as I possibly can: no release information other than what you see in this thread or in official JAST USA press releases / site updates / blog posts is definitive. Rightstuf has no official release information beyond what is publicly known; they make estimates for the purposes of their store (which is fine with us - they are one of our valued wholesale customers) but those have no reflection in reality.

Kazoku Keikaku will not be released in June. We were hoping to have both Princess Waltz and Cherry out in time for the convention season this summer, but we’re still waiting on Will for elements of the PW code to be compiled (it’s totally out of our hands right now), so we’re shooting for Cherry by the end of June and KK in July or August (though this also depends on how things pull through for PW).

We’re working on expanding our pipeline to have multiple games in post-production simultaneously, and once we’ve got those procedures engaged there should be fewer gaps between releases like the ones we’ve seen over the past couple of months.

Again - dates seen on Rightstuf are not official.

Back to your regularly scheduled thread - if anyone has further questions about this please feel free to address them to me via PM or at (