To Heart Manga

To Heart is only a three volume manga. Thank god too. I have enough series that are long enough. Steel Angel Kurumi, Love Hina, and Please Save My Earth.

精神 の 神

I had to start boxing it up because I have so much of it. I’m collecting so many manga series now, it’s not even funny. There are some short ones in there, and that’s great … but I’m collecting a LOT right now and I’m starting more all the time.

No, I’ve just recently started in the manga department of anime. I only have about four or five series, most of which just started, such as Kurumi and PSME, I also have AYA, To Heart, Comic Party, Onegai Teacher, and Alien 9, which is the most jacked up manga I’ve ever seen. And I’ve barely just started getting into Love Hina, only upto volume 2 so far.

精神 の 神

Lucky you don’t have stuff like Rave, OP, FoR, or Ranma then I’ve just filled up my 2nd bookcase of manga recently Course a good portion of it is my japanese manga, megami and artbooks.

Glasses? :shrugs:

Oh wait, that megane. Nevermind.

“What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Nevermind.” Sorry, I heard that somewhere a long time ago, and it gets stuck in my head whenever I used the word nevermind.

精神 の 神

[This message has been edited by Seishin (edited 06-24-2004).]

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
What's megami? ?^_^?

I guess it is the Megami magazine. J-List carries them. Check it here. Or, from the Japanese website, check it here.

Originally posted by fxho:
I guess it is the Megami magazine. J-List carries them. Check it here. Or, from the Japanese website, check it here.

Yup that's the one. It's a great magazine if you like bishoujo. Every issue usually has 5-6 fold out 2-3 page posters of various anime girls that's airing on japanese television. Plus usually 1 huge foldout poster. They also preview bishoujo games and hentai videos. All the posters and pictures are tastefully done. This month's issue #50 also comes with a 2' tall standee of one of the girls from Gianax's recent anime This ugly beautiful world.

Animanga is another publication like Megami but with slightly less posters.

Originally posted by Seishin:
To Heart is only a three volume manga. Thank god too. I have enough series that are long enough. Steel Angel Kurumi, Love Hina, and Please Save My Earth.

How many volumes is Kurumi?

Well, compared to the really long ones like GTO or PSME, Kurumi is only nine volumes, which I still consider to be long, according to my standards.

精神 の 神

Originally posted by Seishin:
Well, compared to the really long ones like GTO or PSME, Kurumi is only nine volumes, which I still consider to be long, according to my standards.

Nine seems, in those I am collecting at least, to be pretty much near the norm. Most of those I am following now are about 7 to 9 volumes, which is why I was surprised To Heart was so short.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 06-28-2004).]

shrug I think most of the ones I’ve gotten round out between 6 and 8 volumes. Hard to keep track nowadays…

I think the two longest series I have are pretty much Love Hina and Mars at 14 and 15 volumes respectively. (I gave up on Initial D already…) Although LH takes up more space since I also have the Japanese volumes, a couple of those “iro” ones and even that “volume 0” thingy for the series. Unless you want to count OMG, but that’s also goofy since that one I have all the Dark Horse volumes as well as a couple of the Japanese ones. Ah, who cares as long as the bookshelf doesn’t come crashing down on me one day.

Is the To Heart manga good? I read on Animetric that the anime wasn’t.

You have Mars too, ekylo? Cool! I have it up to volume 5, and it’s already out until volume 9. I should catch up sometime.
I’m buying the French version.

One of the reasons I’m not going to give up on PSME, which is a godforsaking 21 volumes, is that that was one of the first undubbed anime I’ve ever seen. My Japanese teacher showed it class at the end of the year, but we didn’t get to see the ending. How cruel is that?! Anyway, I went on a bender searching for that show, found it on VHS at Sam Goody, never bought it, for some reason, but then it came out on DVD years later. I bought that. That’s when I found out about the manga, from the extras on the DVD, then I found volume four untranslated on AnimeNation’s site, never bought it because I can’t read Japanese, but I copied the cover, picture and words, went looking for series at all my local Japanese bookstores, never found it. But I still have the business which I drew on the back. I use the back of business cards to write myself little notes and reminders and keep them on top my keyboard. Anyway, I figured it’d never get translated over here anyway. But then, out the blue two years ago, bam, Viz’s annoucement that they’re gonna release the series over here. And I felt kindof ashamed of buying a shonen manga since it was meant for girls, but that anime is what drew me to this point of hysteria in the first place and if I didn’t get it, then they’re coming to take me away! Ha-haa! They’re coming to take me away! Ho-ho Hee-hee Ha-haa! To the funny farm. Where life is beautiful all the time. And I’ll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coat as they’re coming to take me away! Ha-haa!

精神 の 神

Unfortunately for me some of the series I like are EXTREMELY long 33 vols for FoR, 20+ for Yu Yu, 25+ for OMG, Fruits basket is fairly short right now at 15+. Well could be worse I could be collecting dective conan or Inu Yasha

And I felt kindof ashamed of buying a shonen manga since it was meant for girls

You mean shojo manga.

Eh, close enough. When you type long paragraphs, you have an excuse to use the wrong terminology.

精神 の 神

Besides… I just read about shoujo, and the general attitude was that it isn’t just for girls anymore, just as shounen isn’t catering just to guys. there’s a lot of crossover these days, so if you want to read shoujo, live it up, I say…

I read/prefer mostly shojo manga, and I’m a boy.

Originally posted by Benoit:
Is the To Heart manga good? I read on Animetric that the anime wasn't.

For any that have seen the To Heart anime is it good or one to be avoided?

Originally posted by SCDawg:
For any that have seen the To Heart anime is it good or one to be avoided?

Well, I liked it very much but of course, that's just me. Perhaps, I should take a look at rowena-sama's review in order to understand why her and my impression again point into entirely different directions.

I just have read her review. Hmmmmmm.... I can see her point. Perhaps, I have a special weakness for this anime nonetheless because I am familiar with the game....

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 06-29-2004).]