To People who Pirated Bishoujo Games on IRC

I started using IRC a while back as a couple friends of mine half-forced me to use it because they wanted to chat with me online. As a person who was not used to the idea of online chatting and disliked it, using IRC changed my views of online chatting as it can be quite convenient and interesting at times. Soon after starting using it, I noticed that there are many many channels available on various networks. As curious as I was, I started exploring around to see what’t out there. I especially was looking for Bishoujo games discussion channels as any heated discussion of one of my beloved hobbies is always welcomed.


I knew piracy is inevitable as long as there are people out there but I never knew how bad it actually is especially with Bishoujo Games, which is an already small industry. Here is my logic, I believed (notice the past tense?) most people who play English translated Bishoujo Games for a period of time should realize how small and fragile this industry is. Instead of pirating these Bishoujo Games which might be fatal to this relatively new industry, people should and would try to support it by buying their products. Yeah, I know, I know, stop your laughing and pointing. I was relatively naive when it comes to piracy.

After being exposed to that ugly reality, another big surprise hits me. SOME CHANNELS ON IRC HAVE THE PIRATED VERSIONS OF GAMES AVAILABLE TO PUBLIC WITHIN A WEEK after the games being released by the companies. The Pirated games that are circulating on the web are most likely from those channels as well.

Okay…Here comes my question. For those people who apparently place their orders RIGHT AFTER the games are released: WHY…oh WHY do you guys do that???
I really can’t understand that mentality. Don’t you wish the industry to grow bigger so more games are made available to us? Don’t you wish to have more companies releasing English translated Bishoujo Games so the games “might” cost cheaper than they already are in the future? WHY would you pirate the games and make them available to people whom you don’t even know and won’t even thank you (IRC language = leechers) after using your hard earned money to buy them? Why are you willing to waste your time and money to do this illegal task?

So many questions and no answers…Guess this is life.

[This message has been edited by Noirbo (edited 03-23-2004).]

Well from a sociology perspective I think for those that do such a thing it is for the thrill of the dare. There are people out there, groups that love to be the ‘Robin Hoods’ of their day, stealing from the rich (computer companies) giving to the poor (those that don’t want to or perhaps truly cannot afford to buy the games). Not a defense of what they do, just a one possible take on why people do it knowing they will not be thanked and very often those that take the game that was put online will be the first to speak out against piracy, don’t you love irony?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 03-23-2004).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Well from a sociology perspective I think for those that do such a thing it is for the thrill of the dare. There are people out there, groups that love to be the 'Robin Hoods' of their day, stealing from the rich (computer companies) giving to the poor (those that don't want to or perhaps truly cannot afford to buy the games). Not a defense of what they do, just a one possible take on why people do it knowing they will not be thanked and very often those that take the game that was put online will be the first to speak out against piracy, don't you love irony?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 03-23-2004).]

This view, the 'Robin Hoods Theory,' is certainly very interesting. But ... we are talking about English Bishoujo Game industry here. People who have been into this hobby for a while should know by heart that B-Game companies certainly can not be considered as "RICH."

If this is Microsoft or music industry we are talking about, then I can understand. But B-Game Companies??? hmm...I doubt it.

Any comments on this article?

Let’s not forget that these games aren’t cheap. Can you blame someone for wanting to give Casual Romance Club a try before drop $70 on it.

It’s a shame PP doesn’t do demos.

Originally posted by Skyrocket:
Let's not forget that these games aren't cheap. Can you blame someone for wanting to give Casual Romance Club a try before drop $70 on it.

It's a shame PP doesn't do demos.

Let me use my response to a similar comment on G-C's BBS here...

True... Not everyone can afford all the games available in the market.

But, for people who already "bought" the games using their own money, there shouldn't be any reason for them to pirate the games and make them available to people they don't even know.

Unless they dignify their own actions as trying to do something good. IF that's the case, there are many other ways to achieve that goal "legally." For example, giving money to charity.

[This message has been edited by Noirbo (edited 03-23-2004).]

Originally posted by fxho:
Any comments on this article?

That article stated piracy helps "large" game developer.

Do You think English B-Games Companies are considered "large" game developer? I think not... ^__^

[This message has been edited by Noirbo (edited 03-23-2004).]

Originally posted by Skyrocket:
Let's not forget that these games aren't cheap. Can you blame someone for wanting to give Casual Romance Club a try before drop $70 on it.

It's a shame PP doesn't do demos.

In answer to the question - Yes, I can blame someone for "wanting to give it a try" for free. If they're willing to steal it, they're just as likely to keep it. It gets real easy to justify. "It wasn't as good as I expected." "I'm too broke now, maybe I'll pay for it next time." "Hey, let's see what else is out there!" Once you sell out your integrity, stealing gets easier and easier.

The thing pirates don't consider is that games are a luxury item. Like CDs, radios, clothes, and a lot of other nice things, they're great to have, but people should do without them until they can afford them. Some people's code of ethics seems to be, "It's all right to take it if I don't get caught. After all, everyone else is doing it." It's the old Napster mentality.

Demos cost money to build and distribute. There was a recent discussion about releasing a LMM demo, but in the end PeaPri decided they couldn't afford the download bandwidth and it was better to release it as a bonus with another game.

It’s a pretty sad state of affairs, yes. And IRC isn’t the only place it happens. There is a certain forum that has ed2k links to every single English bishoujo game released, and a lot of Japanese ones too. There, people will impatiently wait for someone to buy the newest English bishoujo game, copy it, then give it to them by sharing it on the ed2k network. This forum apparently also has ed2k links to loads of manga, anime DVD-rips and a lot of anime OSTs.

One of the most popular guys to provide these games calls himself “Redeck”, and has supplied a lot of the newer English bishoujo games that float around the web illegally. Of course, on previously mentioned forum they are already sitting impatiently waiting for him to supply them with “Do You Like Horny Bunnies 2”… It’s a pretty sad sight, let me tell you.

Originally posted by AG3:
It's a pretty sad state of affairs, yes. And IRC isn't the only place it happens. There is a certain forum that has ed2k links to every single English bishoujo game released, and a lot of Japanese ones too. There, people will impatiently wait for someone to buy the newest English bishoujo game, copy it, then give it to them by sharing it on the ed2k network. This forum apparently also has ed2k links to loads of manga, anime DVD-rips and a lot of anime OSTs.

This is certainly sad. I really don't see why those pirates want to pirate the games if they proclaim themselves to be fans. More importantly, I don't see what benefits they get from pirating.

We should let B-Games companies know of those places. Hopefully, it will help reducing the # of pirating of B-Games on the net (as I personally only care about Bishoujo Games).

As said before it wouldn’t be for the their benifit to pirate…its either the thrill or the fact they don’t think the games should coast much/anything. Its definatly not about them getting money.

There is another thing possibly worth considering. Would anyone like to hazard a guess about how many of the downloaders are under 18. IMHO it is probably a significant proportion, and a proportion that can’t buy the games anyway.
Also, I agree about the need to know the lengths of games. Demos would be useful for this, or even a length estimate on the game’s site. I don’t download games but I have to say that some games are simply not worth buying, but it can be hard to tell which games are worth the money without playing them (or at least having more information about them). Because of this bishoujo games tend to be pretty low down on my to buy list.

[This message has been edited by dco_chris (edited 03-24-2004).]

Originally posted by Noirbo:
That article stated piracy helps "large" game developer.

Do You think English B-Games Companies are considered "large" game developer? I think not... ^__^

THAT was the point I wanted to make! Since there is no large developers right now, piracy will kill all the current publishers.

Originally posted by woodelf:
I find Anime more expensive than games. I have a naughty thought: All the people in your area naked since the price of clothes is too high. [img][/img] Part of the problem with the games is you really don't have a idea of game play length, or the skill or frustration level.
Clothes are a necessity in life, games aren't.

Originally posted by Sky:
I really don't want to hurt the companys,
and I do feel like shit abaut it, but I have no other means of getting them. So you say I shouldn't play if I don't have the money to buy, but I think, that if you were in my shoes, you would do the exact same thing...That's human nature...

Talk for yourself; some people have morals and respect Law. Games are a luxury, not a right.

"What is love if not painful and tragic? It's just boring."
- Elaine Barlow -

Originally posted by Noirbo:
This view, the 'Robin Hoods Theory,' is certainly very interesting. But ... we are talking about English Bishoujo Game industry here. People who have been into this hobby for a while should know by heart that B-Game companies certainly can not be considered as "RICH."

Oh I agree they are not rich, but it is the perception. Which companies get the most press the rich ones, so what do most people assume about all companies? They are all rich. That is not always true as you said and is often not true in this industry, but it is what people think, and it does not help things when they only ones they do see are people like Bill Gates on television and not the ones that are releasing these games that do not carry around several million dollars as pocket change.

I have little doubt some are under 18 but you probably have an equally high number of those over 18 that just don't want to pay or maybe don't want their spouse to know they play these games so instead of buying them and having the charge appear on the credit card they just download it to the computer. Yeah I know that can be found just as easily, didn't say it was logical, just one possibilty for those over 18 that are downloading.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 03-24-2004).]

I think many people out there don’t want to pay for stuff if there is a way not to. Hence why they download. It’s just easy. When confronted with the fact that what they’re doing is wrong, most of the time their reply will be “everyone does it, so what?”. But we all know that isn’t a reason.

The reason?
There are at least 2:
-I can’t afford it
-IF I could afford it, I would still have many problems getting it, becouse I’m on the other side of the Atlantic-ocean…

Hi there!
I live on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, and I live in Belgium. Getting my hands on original copies of these games is a piece of cake for me. There’s a manga shop not too far where I can buy some of them. If I can’t buy them there, I order the games by the Internet. It’s simple as that. Since you can view this board and post on it, it means you have access to the Internet, and should be able to order online. These games can be ordered from most places in the world. Yes, even from your country.
[/QUOTE]I’m an average student who studies at a university. I can hardly buy a game that costs as much as my monthly rent.
I really don’t want to hurt the companys, and I do feel like shit abaut it, but I have no other means of getting them. So you say I shouldn’t play if I don’t have the money to buy, but I think, that if you were in my shoes, you would do the exact same thing…
That’s human nature…[/QUOTE]
I don’t do that. I respect morals. As said above, playing games is an extra, it’s not needed for survival. If you wouldn’t be able to play these games, I don’t think you’re going to die, to say it bluntly. I’m sure you can buy a game if you save up some money each month. Now you’re getting these games easily and are within your quick range. But I’m sure you would treasure these games more if you saved your money for it. Imagine the happiness you would have when you have enough money to buy a game, instead of downloading it over the Internet like it was almost nothing?

You can do it.

I don’t know, maybe the pirate gets a high out of the attention by the people dling his pirated crap. It’s not the first time people do illegal/stupid things to get adimiration from other people.

Originally posted by Noirbo:
This view, the 'Robin Hoods Theory,' is certainly very interesting. But ... we are talking about English Bishoujo Game industry here. People who have been into this hobby for a while should know by heart that B-Game companies certainly can not be considered as "RICH."

Emphasis on "should". You're underestimating people's ability to lie to themselves. People will say that these games are so technologically primitive they can't be worth good money - then they will demonstrate how low their opinion of the games is by expending great effort to ensure their (illegal) collections are complete.

Originally posted by fxho:
Any comments on this article?

Very interesting. When I read it perhaps I shall have more thoughts.

I think the main thing is price…there are many who pay for songs online, when they could just as easily (or almost as easily) get them for free elsewhere…many of these are the same people who did so before, not all…i know some people never did and i know many still download them for free anyways.

The differance is price to many of them. Price and content is key here, espically since many companies do not give out demos…there are games i toss away after 1 use because it just sucked that bad IMO and had i played a demo i never would have spent the money. That i know pisses off not only people who break the laws, but also those who don’t. I’d still be pissed off had i payed $5-10, but not nearly so much as i am when i pay $40-50 and that is one of the main reasons people pirate stuff. Sure there will always be people that will want stuff for free, but a majority would be willing to purchase stuff if it was cheaper and would be sure what they were buying was worth the money.

I mean i spent $40 on my purchase of lunar 1 and $45 on lunar 2 even though i had emulator, but its was worth is…although i did get all the collector goofies as well…but hmm…i spent $40 on my purchase of Tactics ogre and the case i got it in was cracked (though the manual and cds were good) and it has no goodies, but i would have paid more had i needed to because its just that good of a game. But most cases i only buy stuff from companies i trust because of that…unfortunatly few computer companies today make games imo worthy of the $50 sticker price and that why people download them.