Tokimeki Checkin - virgin territory

hey! why i can’t post on Kaiser Fire’s Tokimeki topic??
there’s a problem with the link

Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
Well, you see, Kumiko's name actually means "eternally beautiful" (a Japanese lady told her this, by the way [img][/img] she thought it was very pretty!) Kami means "natural spirits", "yama" means "mountain".

Kumiko has two "cousins", actually: Miko Kamiyama and Kumi Kawanaka. [img][/img]

Found a link that explains Kumiko's name (as well as other Japanese girl names):

About Kumiko's name (the writer has another surname), please visit here:

The top page with other kanji names, please visit here:

[This message has been edited by fxho (edited 05-12-2001).]

Originally posted by Nobody:
I have another bit of Roman virginity trivia, but that will wait for later. I'll bug you with it if people don't start voting for their picks of virgins in Tokimeki Check-in! [img][/img]

C'mon! Almost allbody has already given his/her opinions! Now, about the Roman virginity trivia... ^_^v

On the topic of virginity, how about a weird one for Kumiko:
Kumiko, are YOU a virgin? Why or why not?
Obviously, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.

As for you guys out there, are YOU virgins? Would it really bother you to find out your girlfriend/boyfriend was NOT a virgin?

My take in this matter is very simple, just enjoy life at the present not in the past. What should matter is the time you are with the girl not when she did it in the past. Experience in lovemaking shouldn’t be a requirement in a loving relationship, the only time love skill require is in a night stand. So if you care about someone, such skill shouldn’t be the factor in you lovemaking experience. Hey, Nobody, don’t be too down on yourself, there is also someone specail for everybody, nobody needs to be feel left out, just be patient. So you shouldn’t put down yourself.

well i think that everything about this topic that must be said was already said…
and this “be alone… or wait for someone” stuff… tsk tsk… this seems pretty personal and i think that all of us have our very personal opinion so… let’s respect everyone else’s point of view… so go ahead… besides… we can be surrounded by many people and be completely alone… “loneliness” is (in my opinion) something that you feel when you can’t have a good time being yourself alone… so… you need to be surrounded by people… and then you are just the product of what the people say… so you loose your own “charm” and turn into a “sheep”… a part of the crowd…
and… i don’t like that…

Originally posted by PJR:
Having got curious about the voting, I did a quick tally and with only four people listing who are virgins at the time of this post, here are the results:
Ayumi is in the lead with four full votes.
Mai is second with three full votes
Kumi is third with two full votes and one half vote(sandalphon)
Kyoka is fourth with one full and one half vote(nobody)
Tied with only one vote a piece: Keiko, Yuki, and Natsuki(sorry for my prior misspelling of her name)
And the ones that everybody so far agree have been around the block a few times, if not the town, with zero vote: Misato, Nanami, and Makoto.
I hope we can get more lists to flesh out this poll and maybe get someone to come to the defense of the honors of Misato, Nanami, and Makoto.

OK as that we are now getting closer to the release date for Tokimeki Check-in! I figure why not bring back this post for the new members to get in on. The results have not changed since the last post back on May 14 by Nobody. Let see if we can get a few more votes!

ok, heres my take on this whole thing:



[This message has been edited by TV’s John Stamos (edited 06-30-2001).]

Hmm, well I gues Ill make my "grand entrance by postin my own guesses.

Kumi, Mai, and Kyoka…

Figure I’ll go out on a limb and include

Ayumi along with all ther rest as graduates of the bedchamber… where did I first hear that pharse

Here is the lastest tally on who people think are a virgins:

Mai 5
Ayumi 5
Kumi 4 1/2
Kyoka 2 1/2
Matsuki 2
Keiko 2
Makoto 1
Yuki 1
Misato 0
Nonami 0

Based on the six posting that named names.
Two postings just gave numbers of virgins: 5 and 6.

well… you’ll know the truth soon…

Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
Hmmm... some name boo-boos in there. [img][/img] "Nanami"... "Natsuki"...

Sorry about the boo-boos in the names. I wrote my notes very quickly and did not spell check them before posting. I did see that Nanami was wrong just as I hit the submit button, I wrote the small "a" very round with the stem.

Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
Of course, this game will be challenging for everyone - see how long it takes you to find all 17 endings. [img][/img]

hey Kumiko.. please.. this time can you let us to frustrate ourselves trying to find the paths? well i know that reading the "walkthroughs is each one's choice but.. please post the guides after 2 weeks or so.. cuzz isn't funny that people who take the "easy" way start sharing "their" experiences and they haven't do anything by themselves.. also.. that kind of stuff "kills" the "gamer spirit"..

i guess u should say : lets discover who WERE virgin! ) hehehehe

Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
Kumiko is having trouble understanding what you are asking for... do you mean give out guides early or late?

Kumiko-san, what Sandalphon is asking you is to stop giving "too many things away" before the game ships. That way, we can fully enjoy the game. You know, like in the old days, where part of the interest of the game was discovering things as we played along.

thanks fxho…
yeah Kumiko that’s what i mean… cause… if someone gives a “walkthough” or “FAQ” or stuff like that… he/she is actually “destroying” the most important stuff in a game… the fun that lies in “discovering” all the secrets by ourselves…

yeah Kumiko… you haven’t spoiled anything yet… i’m asking you for not spoiling the games (WC and TCI) from now on… please

My guesses:

Ayumi is NOT a virgin.
Makoto, Keiko, Misato, Mai are virgins.

Kumiko is NOT a virgin.

"Kumiko is NOT a virgin."

I fail to see how this has any relivance, whether she is or isnt is none of our business. Come to think of it whether the girls of Tokimeki are virgins or not is none of our business either but here we are voting on the fact regardless you know societ ought to… Arg I being bombarded from within by memories of Mina Loy’s Femanist Manifesto (despite the fact I didnt actually read the thing) curse my 20th Century British Novel Prof… O wait a sec did you mean to write Kumi is not a virgin. by any chance?

Oh, stop being so serious, it’s all in good fun…I could seriously care less who really is or isn’t a virgin.

I just like to fight fire with fire…she teases us, I tease back.