Tokimeki Checkin - virgin territory

anyway… been a virgin isn’t determined by physical signs… the fact of being virgin is a mind’s state… you might not be a virgin even having a “hymen” or stuff like that… or vice versa…

Woohoo! A straight answer from Kumiko…time to push my advantage…heh, virgin by choice or by chance? Oh wait…put that mallet down, just a joke just a joke,auugh!

Of course, Kumiko would never really hit me. Right? Why’s everyone backing away from me?

I think the preception of a girl being a virgin is overrated, if a girl is cute and attractive, the fact that whether she is a virgin or not plays no part in my desire for her.

prized possession??
that’s just a vain possession… nowadays you can have it… but you might be acting worst than those girls that don’t have it…

I disagree with that…depends on how you view sex. Some people consider it casual. Then of course to them virginity is no big deal. Some people view it as a big deal…
Sex could involve no emotion if that’s how you want it to be, but some of us like to believe that there’s more.

Just take the whole typical shoujo first kiss thing. Seriously, a kiss is nothing. But it’s nice to have that first kiss with somebody you really like and care for, it makes that kiss all the more special and memorable. At the same time, it’s just a kiss, it depends on how you equate it.

Sex, same idea. You save yourself for marriage if you feel that way…otherwise why not just sleep with whatever gives sexual pleasure?

It is an infantile superstition of the human spirit that virginity would be thought a virtue and not the barrier that separates ignorance from knowledge. ~Voltaire

WOW, this discussion about virgin is getting deep so I thought I dip in as well
Well, in the old times people used to see virgin girls as girls that are wearing a crown or in other words she is still considered highly valuable. When she is married, the crown is taken off because now she belongs to the husband.

However, the world has change and so has the believe of people. Nowadays, as long as there is a good protector it doesn’t matter beacuse it is sometime considered a daily activity. Some girls even do it so that they won’t be embarassed in front of their friends as being a virgin. Still, there still some girls left that value virginity

In my opinion, please don’t get offended minna, I respect girls who value their virginity but if I really love the girl and I know that she loves me too then it doesn’t matter anymore. Isn’t that what true love is about ?

Question for everyone, what would you do in your wedding night or your first night with your girlfriend, if you found out that your girl is not a virgin (assuming that you never done it with her, which I assume is impossible , and she she never tells you):
A.Get angry and probably divorce her/break up
B.Hold her and say that it’s okay
C.Think nothing of it
D.Consult with her about current issue
P.S.Just a fun quiz, don’t take it seriously

obviously that the answers will change…
A = an old shaped guy…
B = really love her and… blah blah blah…
C = "who cares about the hymen?.. that stuff doesn’t indicates virginity… necessarily"
D = maybe a bit curious…
E = talking about dissapointments… or maybe…

those are my opinions…

heh heh heh… so i made the 100th reply in this forum… this is the bigger one available after Doug’s one…

Voltaire had it right in one sense…
Virginity does not equal virtue…thinking that being a virgin is necessarily virtuous is a fallacy. Because a girl is a virgin does NOT mean she is necessarily a nice person…that’s just ignorant.

That doesn’t mean virginity has no meaning. For if virginity has no meaning, then sex has no meaning…

Besides, there are some valid reasons to stay a virgin…
1. No risk of pregnancy. Of all things, prevention is the best cure.
2. No risk of STD’s. Once again prevention is the best cure.
3. Eliminates possible emotional trauma caused from having any emotional attachments to what many people consider purely physical.

<> when will Tokimeki Checkin be shipped???

according to Peter’s J-list update… Tokimeki Check In is actually shipping back to you… is that right??

Peter’s update said that Tokimeki Check-In was at the replicators and that it would ship when they got their copies in.

well… that’s what i tried to say!!
i was saying that in Peter’s J-list update he said that Tokimeki Check In should be shipping back to you (Peach Princess)…
gee… i don’t know what you understood…

I receved the game and I know the answer to the question. Total Virgin girls are Five girls. Should I say the name of five girls?

[This message has been edited by Computermania (edited 08-17-2001).]

Total of virgin girls are 5 girls. The five girls are Ayumi, Makoto, Mai, Kumi, and Natuki. This girls are virgin.

I said Makoto-san is a virgin becuase she never done before. Maybe she use viburate and train her self. So when she ready to have sex it will say it is tight. That I think. That why I say she is a virgin

Thank you for putting up a quotation, the bane of humankind’s education as it gives the false impression that truth is somehow contain within a sentence and commits the logical fallacies of appeal to authority and hasty generalization.

Now I just have less respect for Voltaire rather than have more respect for that opinion regarding virginity.

dang someone sure has dug into history… you must have been on here for at least a few days going through all the posts this far back.

Hey Nobody, could you show me where you got your statistics? I’m curious. Thanks