Tokimeki Memorial 4

I’m pretty sure that doesn’t exist =P 50K people won’t buy Tokimemo 4 anyway >_>

Got it. Playing it.

It appears that going straight after Miyako doesn’t activate her yandere scenario. She’s somewhat difficult to get positive results from… makes sense, given she’s your childhood friend (she’s used to your childish advances and whatnot). Going after other girls doesn’t seem to ignite it either. Still experimenting and resetting a lot. :stuck_out_tongue:

Someone hinted that I should be nice to her, then be mean/totally ignore. Going to try that next.


TM4 Trailer Movie

You know they’d remove the yandere sections to keep the age rating lower if they decided to localise it, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think even yandere could get me to buy a TokiMemo nowadays. Like Pia Carrot 4, I see it as a game for a bygone era. I’d be more likely to consider it if it wasn’t named Tokimeki Memorial =P

I just have this thing about sequels, in general. Some sequels make sense. Mugen Kairou 2 made sense. Rasen Kairou 2 made sense. Heck, even the Triangle Heart games made sense, because they were released within a tight enough timeframe. But more TokiMemo and Pia Carrot? Feels like money-grubbing, using the names of games that were popular back in the day.

well non H visual novels are even more of a niche in Amercia, that is why Hirameki went under. But yea cool news, but nothing beats the orginal

Famitsu gives TM4 a high score: 9/8/8/8. Sold 53,000 units on it’s first week - which is considered a good thing. Sales are expected to increase with the good press reviews, positive fan response, and Xmas holidays. The previously hidden yandere hype helps too.

Can’t wait for the anime adaption. :twisted: :wink:

Gameplay Trailer

Naw. Violence is okay in America: we only sweat it when an adult shows affection for children. :wink:

But isn’t each Tokimeki Memorial basically a “reboot” with new characters and stories? At best their only connection is cameo characters who’ve grown up, the high school, and the sakura tree. Each title essentially stands on its own merit: the lovability of the girls, romance of their scenario, and the fun of the mini-games. It’s like any other gaming franchise (Castlevania, Zelda, etc): sometimes a later release will greatly surpass the original (like Megaman 2) and sometimes they will miserably fail (like Megaman 8 ).

Personally the only TM’s I liked were the first and second. Still haven’t made an opinion on this one. Yandere is great and all that, but I need for at least half the cast to be lovable. However I haven’t gotten around to seeing the other girls yet… still aiming for some stabby-stabby love first.


Heh… just figured it out. She has some adorable lines after the change. :twisted:

[spoiler]She remarks how Destiny and Fate are cruel, because as a childhood friend she isn’t most favored and that it’s unnatural.

Kinda fourth wall breaking in a sense, because this is the first TM where the childhood friend isn’t the default girl.

She’s more of a brooding yandere, than the violent yelling kind. Like Yuno from Mirai Nikki, but without the instant killer side.[/spoiler]

But that’s the POINT. I don’t like ‘franchises’ like this. If they’re not all the same, why do they all have the same name? It’s not like Rasen Kairou and Mugen Kairou where the sequel work is logical - there isn’t really any reason for future titles to carry the name - but they DO.

Ah… okay… I get ya now.

I suppose it’s to represent the basic mechanics are still in effect, as all the Tokimeki Memorials are thematically the same. Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy do the same. Sorta like a “seal of quality” thing. When a title is called DQ or FF, the customer has the expectation it will be as high quality as the ones that came before, despite the drastic setting changes. Tokimeki Memorial is in the same boat: with the exception of TM3, they’ve all be major hits and a representation of what the best non-hentai bgames strive to achieve. When TM4 was announced, fans knew what they were going to get before media teasers were released - a first class bgame - just like any main DQ and FF title does with it’s own. It’s like sports cars I think. Look at the Ford Mustang - various generations have little to do with each other externally and under the hood. But when you hear the name Mustang, you know it’s a muscle car.

It’s also for the marketing cashcowing of course. Few series have as much merchandise as TM… there’s even fan books that catalog the junk.

Hides himself as he owns several of them for TM1

Well, ‘best’ in terms of most popular, anyway; they do what they do well! What I see as the ‘best’ in non-H bgames is stuff like the Harvest December series and Ryukishi’s work (and I guess steins;gate if it stays as good as it has seemed to be so far)

This is the part, where [u][color=red]I[/color][/u] go yandere. :evil:

Don’t get the girl rejection. Spoiler obviously.

Tis better to be stabbed by a girl you didn’t love, than not get loved at all. :stuck_out_tongue:

Beat the game with Miyako and Rizumi… the other girls are rather blah to me, so I’ve sorta stopped playing TM4 now. :frowning:

Anonymous has created a Wikipedia page for TM4 with translated info for the characters:

Because Wikipedia is full of jerks who get entire articles deleted or modified for retarded reasons (not enough notoriety or something equally lame like that), I’ll cut and paste the info here, in case it gets changed or deleted.



Aren’t you glad I mentioned that point to you, Narg?

Of course. :o

What puzzles me, is why anyone would want to date any of those other inferior girls, with full knowledge of the glory that is Miyako. The actions of Usagi-chan is merely to remind the player, that they are making a grave mistake in ignoring the love that is Miyako.

Because a true yandere cannot fully express herself until there are other girls to whom the object of her love is attracted!

Just got Miyako’s perfect ending. Rawr.

After I get the perfect end for Rizumi, I’m done with this game. :stuck_out_tongue:

How to win with Miyako… SPOILERS obviously…

#1: First you need to unlock her. It’s really easy: always call her for a date, even when she rejects going out. Eventually she’ll give in and go on a date. Make it a good date. Continue dating her.

#2: Strive to have all your academic stats as close to 250 as you can – you need that much to graduate with her. Just pick the same school she’s going to.

That’s pretty much it. Once you get past those two hurdles, Miyako is easy because of her yandere nature (i.e. she’s always after you). I’d dare say she’s the easiest to win with once unlocked. Rival bombs have no effect on her. None what-so-ever. She loves you that much. So ignore dem bitches. 8) Ironically her bombs do HUGE damage to ALL the girls… not surprising though: she’s a yandere. Combine that with the whole Usagi-chan attacks, and it’s practically impossible to deviate from her scenario once locked in. :lol: Miyako has no disliked dating zones during her yandere mode, but her favorite places will be romantic movies, the carnival, and the karaoke. When she’s not in yandere mode, try sticking with her favorite zones. Don’t forget to take her skiing in the winter.

Just use common sense with all her prompts and do okay in the mini-games… she’ll confess to you. Now go out there and make sweet-sweet yandere love!

Random fun fact: Miyako’s VA also does Sakura from Street Fighter 4. :smiley:

In the second week TM4 only sold 12,000 units. Massive disappointing drop. Might not be so bad if the third week sales are in the 10K range. Guess we’ll see. Title is still a huge success… just looks like it won’t hit 100,000 though.

Indeed: her bombs may be actual bombs! :wink:

Did some more digging, and they actually aired a segment on the international channel just a few days ago: … eogame.cnn

sigh :expressionless:

Very informative and highly detailed fan made TM4 wiki:

Until the official strategy guide is released, this is probably the best source of info for all the secrets. Following it will give 100% gallery unlock.

Please note it reveals the two hidden girls (Miyako ain’t so hidden).

OLF will only want this part. :wink:

Here’s blog entries about one of the hidden girls… … et&sn=9676 … e5c708e45b

Miyako’s yandere got more attention than denied twincest. :stuck_out_tongue:


Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right :shock:

There is much love for Miyako. :twisted: