Tokimeki Memorial 4

Narg is pushing me more and more toward buying a PSP and the game. :frowning:

Don’t blame me: blame Miyako… or as her fans call her yandere persona: Yamiko. :twisted:

Don’t you tend to have a backlog of games to play? You should just wait, since by the time you’d get around to playing TM4, the PSP will sell for $50 because the PSP3 will be out. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oddly enough, TM4 can’t be played on a PSP GO, because there’s no digital download version of it. Konami hasn’t indicated when or if they’ll make on available either. :expressionless:

Note to self, buy this after recieving and cashing Christmas money :wink:

257 currently, so yes I do.

By the game I get around to playing TM4, I wouldn’t be able to find it any longer! :frowning:

This is why I hate Ebay…

Jerk who is ripping people off

Waaaaaay cheaper price from a commercial vendor

For the price that guy is charging, you can get the game AND the book, when you factor shipping and insurance. :evil:

Considering how well the PSP Go has been “received”, I’d say it’s not very odd at all. The PSP Go is a terrible idea that should have been killed before it was released. Well – it’s not a terrible idea, but in the same sense the Virtual Boy wasn’t a terrible idea. The way the implementation came out in the end guaranteed it was doomed.

I think the PSP GO is a failure because of the price. If the machine cost as much as a regular PSP, then it would have gone over better. The problem with the PSP GO, is that you’re paying more money for less features. Everything the GO can do, a regular PSP can do - sometimes even better.

Sony seems to think everyone in the world makes $200,000 a year (after taxes). :roll:

No. Technically, there are also problems. Or rather, a confluence of problems.

  • They weren’t able to offer the convert-a-disc program due to legal and technical issues. In other words - their contract with the publishers wouldn’t let them, and they couldn’t get the publishers on board.

But it does’t matter why it happened, it did, and that makes the PSP Go simply totally incompatible with all the existing hardware, so anyone who already owns a PSP is SOL.

  • The price is higher, even though it’s cheaper to make, because that was the only way they could get retailers to stock it. Why? Because PSP Go games can’t get sold at retail. That’s the whole point. So the higher price goes into the retailer’s pocket, so they make more money off system sales than they would normally.

But cutting retail out of the picture was unnecessary. You have to download games over an Internet ocnnection, right? But suppose the PSP-Go could be connected to a kiosk that had the games loaded locally, and it could download an entire game to your PSP-Go in a few minutes. Then shops could have sold PSP-Go games. They’d simply have the games “in stock” in the kiosk in the store. The advantage there is the download would be much faster than over most home broadband connections, it relieves load on Sony’s servers, and stores can sell games and take a cut.

This would have meant they could sell the PSP-Go at a lower price because retailers would have been more willing to go along since it wouldn’t be such a transparent stab in the back. Why couldn’t this have happened? Apparently, the PSP-Go’s networking hardware can’t support that kind of uberfast tech, because they used cheap networking gear.

  • Then there were a handful of other bad design choices highlighted in the Ars Technica review. I can’t remember the rest, but the one that sticks out, is how you can’t play one game while another is downloading - the device is a paperweight during the process - and how it doesn’t support resuming, so you might have to re-re-restart that several hundred megabyte download if there’s a problem.

No, they just officially as a matter of public record expect people to get second jobs to be able to afford to buy their products.

Heh… So PSP Go has all those problems [u]AND[/u] the tremendous lack of Miyako/Yamiko lov’in. :stuck_out_tongue:

On a side note: TM1 and TM2 are available on the Japanese Playstation Store for digital download (PSP and PS3). … 00001.html … 00001.html … 00001.html

They all lack yandere… but TM2 had twins. 8)

It’s too bad, honestly. The PSP Go is a great idea, crippled by lousy execution. I actually see a lot of similarity between it, and the Virtual Boy: look at their goals, and you can sort of see how they arrived at the point they did – but the execution suffers so poorly that it’s DOA.

I think the issue people have is that they wish to replace the original PSP (UMD based) with PSPGo and are whining that they cannot do so and get a free digital version for the games.

I personally think as more games go digital, especially older classic titles available for download, the PSPgo with eventually explode in popularity. It is just going to be a slow adoption process. I applaud Sony taking a longer term stance instead of “instand gratification”. It seems that the signs that they are doing the right thing are beginning to show given that the PS3 is starting to gain traction unlike its competitors which have lost momentum.

Maybe the digital era will mean more handheld titles that wouldn’t normally cross the Pacific. Another possible upside to this too.

And it’s a very valid argument. People generally have a justified reason for not wanting to pay for something they already own, for a second time. I’d say my current PSP collection costed about $500. To invest with a PSPGO, I would have to spend $500 all over again, for the same stuff I already have. Furthermore the PSP can do everything the PSP GO can do except Bluetooth. Whoop-de-doo. In opposite comparison the PSP GO lacks USB, has a smaller screen, no UMD support… etc, etc, etc.

So why, as a customer, should I get a PSP GO? I’d end up paying more to get less.

And before anyone mentions the whole 16 GB of internal memory in a GO for download games: buy two of these and then get one of these. Even if you were getting these with a new PSP, it be cheaper than a GO, and you’ll have twice the storage space. :stuck_out_tongue:

Why? Everything you can run on the PSP GO, can be ran on the PSP. Why should I get a PSP GO, if I already own a PSP? It’s taking a step backwards. If I’m first time buyer, why should I get a PSP GO when it costs almost $100 more and offers less features?

Not going to happen, if the PSP GO costs more than a normal PSP. People are stupid, but people aren’t that stupid.

Investment in the PS3 did not make a profit until late 2008 - a full two years AFTER it was released. This also discounts Sony cannibalizing itself to float the PS3 division.

60 million gamers own a Wii. It’s not that the Wii is losing sales - it’s the market saturation of the Wii. People who wanted to own a Wii, own a Wii. Remember that only 49 million gamers owned an SNES, and 21 million owned a GameCube.

The PS1 sold 105 million units. The PS2 sold 138 million units. Only 27 million PS3 have been sold. That means the expected saturation for PS3 has not been meet. Sony has admitted that it would take NINE YEARS for them to reach a target sale of 150 million units. That is failure on a massive scale. You don’t tell an investor he might get his promised profits in 9 years, when the other company delivered it in 2 years with twice the expected returns.

Best selling Wii game shipped over 22 million copies. Best selling PS3 game shipped over 4 million copies. Hell… best selling DS game sold over 22 million copies. Nintendo has won this generation. Sony would need to sell 100% more consoles and 500% more games to just meet what Nintendo has done so far. Not going to happen. Maybe the PS4 will do better… but the PS3 ain’t going to catch up. Games sell a console - not the other way around. More people bought a PS3 because of MGS4; but then more people bought a Wii because of Super Mario Wii. MGS sold 3 million copies. Super Mario Wii sold 20 million. Did you know that Final Fantasy 13 (all versions) is expected to make just as much profit as Nintendogs (all versions)?

There’s no question that in terms of performance, the PS3 is superior to the Wii in a vast scale… but there’s no question that in terms of consumer response, the Wii is superior to the PS3 in a vast scale. Wii has even greater system loyalty, based on sale records: on average there’s a 15% chance that a PS3 gamer will buy a AAA title, but there’s a 35% chance that a Wii gamer will buy a AAA title.

Digital content is region protected. UMD’s are not. So for oversea gamers, UMD is still the superior medium. Hacking the PSP GO to ignore region protection, is frowned on by Sony, and they patched to increase region protection in a recent PSP GO update.

Also Sony has retracted their promise that all PSP games will be released in UMD and digital format. Some games will only be released in UMD. Tokimeki Memorial 4 might be one of them.

Apologies in advance for quoting the 4koma, but the way that Miyako appears in the third panel serious reminds me of Flay Allster from Gundam SEED.

If any of ya’ll are getting a PSP, just remember that Brooktown High is available for under $10. :stuck_out_tongue: … dition=new

If you beat the game, it gives you a list of people you can put on your “people to curse at” memo. :wink:

It’s amazing how many copies of this game Konami printed… I believe only 5000 copies sold, but they pressed lots more discs. They really had high hopes for it… too bad it was soo terrible. :frowning:

Each girl’s Ultimate Attack in the RPG mini-game. Spoiler obviously. :stuck_out_tongue:

Miyako and Yamiko have slightly seperate attacks, since it’s their inner killer. :twisted: Shows in the video @ 3:26 - how I love that yandere laughter. 8)

Also… Fumiko unleashes the oppai @ 1:00 - sexy beam. Even the player is effected by awesome boobies. :shock:


Teaser video for TM4 Mobile:

There’s a lot of thought that the girls currently exclusive to the mobile, might be future DLC for the PSP game. Or if Konami really wants to milk this cow, some sort of special edition.

On Youtube somone has uploaded a video recording of their entire yandere route playthrough for Miyako. I’d rather not provide the direct link, because it’s certainly a major grey area. It should be easy to find: just look for tokimeki memorial and yandere in katakana on the Youtube search.


I lol’ed…

Quick question: does anyone know of an active English fan Tokimeki Memorial mailing group or site? Or maybe where they generally hangout online? I figure I already know the answer, seeing how Google answered me, but I just wanted to make sure. 4chan is too rambunctious for something a contact I know has in mind.

We still exchange words in the Shiori ML, even if not really that often…

TM4 is expected to reach 100K units sold around March 2010. This is actually a good number, considering it’s on the PSP and a weak Xmas economy, but below the hoped for number (200K according to a source I have). For the record, Tokimeki Memorial Forever with You is the best selling TM title, with over 1 million units: though it released on PS1 and Saturn.