Tokimeki Memorial 4

And PC-Engine and Super-Famicom.

Fuck it. Gonna try. Got word that someone with some pull actually mentioned TM4 in English at a meeting for the lulz. Spread the word if you can.

Below is a letter that can be sent to Konami, if you’re too busy to make your own. Edit as needed or seen fit. Please consider using a legit return address to add a sense of sincerity and authenticity to the letter. Please mail the request via post mail ¬ñ email is nice, but sending it the old fashion way has a more powerful symbolic side to it. Some might see this as a waste of time, but think if it this way: for 44 cents and five minutes at the printer, we might actually succeed. If we don’t? It was only 44 cents and 5 minutes at the printer… but we knew we tried. At worst, Konami sends you a thank you message and a junk flier for the next Castlevania. At best we get ourselves a Tokimeki Memorial 4 in English. Mail the letter to the following address:

Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.
2381 Rosecrans Ave, Suite 200
El Segundo, CA 90245

Cut and paste into your text message program of choice, and select Arial or Times New Roman as the font at a size of 12. If you really want to look professional, print each page on its own sheet of paper. Be sure to sign the letter.

Its best if you only send one letter per person, but please spread the word to those who might be interested: a thousand letters from a thousand different people, is obviously better than a thousand letters from one individual. Most important of all, if Konami does release Tokimeki Memorial 4 via UMD and/or PSN in English: please stay true to your word if they stay true to theirs. One never knows when a Tokimeki Memorial 4 expansion might show up. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure, I’ll go along with this, if letters from overseas will help. It’s nothing for me to promise to buy Tokimemo 4 in English because I highly doubt it will work, but if it does, I’m sure I’d find it reasonably entertaining.

Someone said my sample letter is too pessimistic, since it brings up the Brooktown debacle. I’ll see if he’s up to writing a sunnier one that I can provide as an alternative in less than a day or two. If you’re not in North America, you might wanna try sending a letter to a closer Konami HQ… although I only have rumor mongering from the Cali office. :stuck_out_tongue:

There are offices in UK and Australia, if either is closer to you:

Konami Digital Entertainment B.V.
389 Chiswick High Road
London, W4 4AL, UK

Konami Australia Pty Ltd
28 Lord Street, Botany, NSW, Australia

I mostly bring up the UK and Aus office, because they also use English. Sad to say, but releasing a title in English benefits more, because it can be released across more continents. However I’m told the various offices don’t have much contact with each other. Cali doesn’t talk to London, and vice versa. They only share notes and work together, if Tokyo tells them too – which it doesn’t.

Wish I could help out, but given that the most up to date console I own is an SNES (unless you count the DS I got strictly for educational purposes) and I have no plans of getting a more current one, I am pretty much useless in this endeavor. I could send in a letter of support, but without being able to show support by buying and playing it (provided they can be convinced of course), I would only be sabotaging the effort.

So? I don’t have any consoles besides an import x360 for S;G and I still sent the letter

The point is:

  1. It probably won’t work
  2. If it does work, it’s a damn PSP. You can probably get one for under two hundred bucks. Just buy one when you buy the game.

I’m beginning to wonder if the West deserves a TM4: some locations I’ve been posting on, actually argue against a letter campaign. Still… I’ve won some successes here and there, so one battlefield at a time. If I have to me martyr, I’ll do it. :stuck_out_tongue:

A rather long reply I made on one site - although the guy is certainly not against it… he just offered an alternate opinion. I’ll put it here, since others might think the same. My only answer: Just send a letter. For bgamers, the gains outweigh the losses. Let Konami worry about production; we worry about getting it here. :wink:

A suggestion was made that “Unlike the disappointing and ill-fated Brooktown High,” be removed from the sample letter, to make it less negative. I disagree, since I feel acknowledging BH as a failure is important (shows that we know what Konami knows), but there are people who did like BH and it might upset them. Makes sense. Modified version is below, if you’re too lazy to remove it manually. :wink: Going to be moving around the Internets more aggressively to push the campaign, so you might see me suddenly join and/or post on your favorite bgame site with this. Trying not to be a SPAM monkey though, so attempting to balance between the line of not posting about it enough and posting about it too much.

For those who are still interested in the success of TM4 in Japan, here’s where it’s placed on the Top 50 Charts on the Media Create site:

Nov 30-Dec 06 - 11th Place
Dec 07-Dec 13 - 30th Place
Dec 14-Dec 20 - 48th Place
Dec 21-Dec 27 - NOT IN TOP 50
Dec 28-Jan 03 - NOT IN TOP 50
Jan 04-Jan 10 - 50th Place

So it’s like TM4 made a post X-mas comeback. Nice to see piracy isn’t hurting this game that badly. :o

For anyone who’s rich and missed out on the preorder limited edition, NCSX has one copy left. I didn’t get one. But then, I’m not rich either. :stuck_out_tongue:

Tokimeki Memorial 4 Complete Edition for $360.00

NCSX has it on Ebay too, but they’re charging $40 more for it there. Can’t figure out why they’d do that… so get it off the site instead, if you’re really gonna fork over that much $$$ for it.

You have to be an ultra hardcore fan to get that. I feel it’s too expensive. Just get the game, soundtrack, and guide book individually for $300 less. :expressionless:

OVA is nice… but there’s bound to be a TV anime down the road… so it can be passed. I also confirmed that the yandere, doesn’t go yandere in the OVA, so it’s boring. :stuck_out_tongue:

Unlike Sayonara wo Oshiete and Moshimo Ashita ga Hare Naraba I don’t really Tokimeki Memorial 4 being worth the ‘premium’ price in this medium, sorry =P

Here’s a link to a translation of all the girl’s endings by the awesome kingsfall: obviously it’s spoilerific.

I’ve only seen the endings for Miyako (yandere), Rizumi (kuudere), Fumiko (oppai), and Rui (twincest denied).

Random gameplay hints from a poster named ijuinkun… errr… has spoilers too. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s time to take this whole thing up a gear. I’ve heard that letters have arrived at Konami’s doorstep and raised a little attention on the matter. To facilitate in spreading the word more efficiently, I’ve gone ahead and setup a website for the campaign:

Yes. It uses my Eroge Review site layout. I decided to not waste time putting together something entire different, as that might take weeks or months.

That aside: I’ll be taking time away from my other commitments to add more resources and information to the site, since it’s time critical to get the ball rolling. Ideally want to get Konami seriously interested before Sakura Wars 5 is released. If Sakura Wars 5 proves successful, then Konami’s hesitance could be significantly lessened (i.e. the medium isn’t a total waste).

Speaking of Miyako… check out this reversible pillow. Not hentai at all, but still so huggable. The Dark Side of the Force is strong in this one. :twisted:

You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!

An M-TV article dated 2006-07-07:


What they first said we were getting… (yes those are actual development artwork)

What they first showed we were getting…

What we hoped we were getting…

What they thought they gave us…

What we actually got…

What happened to our hopes and dreams…

What Konami should have waited on…

I think that sums it up, right?

The more I uncover about the development history of this game, the more it shocks me how much Konami of Japan was involved.

Japanese Famitsu article about the game

Here we can see the Japanese reaction. :frowning: … 00aa4b5556

Hmm, I have to disagree with most people. As bad as Brooktown High: Senior Year’s character look, from the sample images I’ve seen, it’s not like Tokimeki Memorial 4’s that much better. The lineart and the character designs are only average, and the colouring in places is shabby (see for example the legs on the two images attached in the previous post) - the backgrounds are much better though. Even the average eroge artist is far superior, and Konami, having far more money than 99% of eroge companies should be able to do a better job in that department.

If Tokimeki 4 does get licensed though, hopefully it’ll drag more people into the (vastly superior :P) world of eroges.

I’d agree with Ignosco. The character designs look to be from an eroge from 1997 or so. But I don’t think anyone planned to get Tokimemo 4 for the ART.

The simplistic art of TM4 is easy to explain: the character models in the game are not static. The paper dolls blink and sway as if they’re alive. You can even see them “breathing” (chest slightly rising like they have lungs). See how Miyako looks here (it looks better on the PSP). Konami stuck with something basic, so it make that process easier.

In Brooktown’s defense, the characters also look better in motion than they do as static pictures. I think the complaint isn’t the art per se, but how “squat” they look. It’s like a world of dwarves. The other problem is that the in-game graphics look nothing like the concept art or the high-res wallpaper. If you look at those two girls - Elektra is the goth; Meena is the glasses - you can see how they shift from the original intention into something different. It’s like there was a massive change in art direction at some point, and they never reached the final goal (going by what the high res wallpaper looks like). Even what both girls are wearing, changed from each shift to another.

The Brooktown High character designer was Sach Steffel. [url=]Here’s his website[/url]. His brother Brian Steffel did the 3D rendering (I think… haven’t been able to send an email to them yet).

Here’s what I’m talking about on the Brooktown High art flux:

Elektra Concept Art

Elektra First Stage Dev

Elektra Second Stage Dev

Elektra Third Stage Dev

Elektra In-game

Elektra In-game

Elektra Unreached Goal?

Elektra as Japanese Community Proposed

In terms of art direction change, here’s the character Rage:

Rage in a Beta stage

Rage in post production stage (far right)

Rage in-game (far left, playing guitar next to car)

Rage unreached goal? (far left)

I’m really curious how he looked in the concept design artwork. :expressionless:

I completely retract my previous statement. That’s a great effect, and much better than most/all of the 3D eroge work I’ve seen that attempts a similar thing. It actually looks fairly natural in this case. Worth the simplified detail.

Ah, sorry I didn’t realise that there was that level of animation to the art. Although I don’t think that would work all that well in an eroge, it seems like an ideal choice for the market they’re aiming at.