Tokimeki Memorial 4

I call it The Bible. :stuck_out_tongue:

[b]Also here’s what five of the TM4 voice actresses look like[/b].

This is the lovely Misato Fukuen, who voices the lovely Miyako.

Konami of Korea might be checking if there’s enough TokiMemo followers in the country, to justify release there.

If this isn’t a hoax (I don’t think it is - a lot of legit Korean gaming sites are showing this), it will be the first TokiMemo in Korean.

Meanwhile in America… :stuck_out_tongue:

Got a reply to my letter I sent two weeks ago: uploaded it for others to see. Standard noncommittal corporate response. What is nice however, is that Konami actually took time to respond. Would be interested to know if anyone who sent a letter, also gets this kind of response back.

I’ve made a new post regarding that we also take aim at four specific individuals at Konami: the Vice President of Marketing, the Vice President of Licensing and Business Development, a Senior Director, and an Executive Producer.

Is she for real? I can’t belive the similarity… kawaiiiii…

PDF master of the Brooktown High instruction manual for anyone curious:

Don’t worry. Totally legit source. Really. :o

Also here’s some neat financial on Konami, if you’re into reading this kind of stuff:

Neat how the company makes a huge cut of it’s money off casinos and health fitness centers, but we know it better as a video game producer. Was looking to see if they listed any info on how poor Brooktown High sold, and any future intentions for the Tokimeki Memorial franchise in general, but there’s nothing worth mentioning. :stuck_out_tongue:

If she’s a real yandere, I’m gonna make her one of my waifu~!!! :o

According to the official site, they will be releasing a download version on February 10th for the PSP and PSPgo.

Tokimeki Memorial: Girl’s Side 3rd Story is set for a 2010 launch on the Nintendo DS:

Seeing what Konami was able to pull off with Love Plus, lots of expectations it will be impressive.

Awesome. I’m really interested to see how it comparatively sells. :o

Yamiko patiently awaits for the day. :twisted:

On a side note: just finished beating the game will all the girls, which then unlocks a special extra part to Miyako’s ending when seen again (and only for her). I don’t care about Maki or Yu getting all the “poster girl” attention for TM4: Miyako has to be the canon ending. If not, I’m sure she’ll weed out the competition. IMHO this is the order of the best girls:

#1: Miyako Okura (yandere!!!)
#2: Rhythmy Kyono (kuudere!!)
#3: Tsugumi Godo (tsundere!!)
#4: Rui Nanakawa (otaku!!)
#5: Fumiko Yanagi (oppai!)
#6: Itsuki Maeda (bokukko!)
#7: Aki Koriyama (not a real meganekko…)
#8: Kai Ryukochi (other boku is superior…)
#9: Elisa Dolittle Naruse (maybe it’s because I’m western…)
#10: Maki Hoshikawa (seen this, done that…)
#11: Haruna Mitsuki (really weird relationship…)
#12: Yu Satsuki (me no-likey high maintenance girls…)

Tadashi Nanakawa is special and doesn’t go on a list. :o

Thanks for that Amazon link Narg, I wound up buying Brooktown High… I meant to get it when it first came out, but the only time I saw the actual game on the shelf I didn’t have my wallet with me, lol.

Anyway, Brooktown isn’t a horrible game or anything, and it was definitely worth the $13 I spent on it. It’s actually quite funny in places, especially when you make a bad move or get shot down when hitting on someone (film footage of a plane crashing and burning, wilting flowers) …ie, don’t hit on Elektra with a haiku about sausage. The only real issue I have with it is the pacing… you can pretty much wrap up a romance in a semester, and since I’m such a nice guy, I’d stick to studying and working the entire spring semester until prom rolled around to finish up the route I started with. I know a few reviewers on the Amazon page said that it was hard to get through a route for w/e reason or another, but I didn’t have any problems with any of the ladies. Haven’t played through as a girl yet, but I’m sure I’ll get around to it eventually.

So basically, if I can get some real enjoyment out of a retail bomb like Brooktown High, Tokimeki 4 would probably kill me… hell, the Big Viper/ Konami code YouTube video makes me laugh every time I see it.

Heh… if you go to the following link, it brings up the TokiMemo4 wallpaper collection:

Well at the very bottom, on the lower right corner, you’ll see a pink bunny. Sometimes clicking on the bunny opens a hidden wallpaper. Evidently the wallpaper has been cycling through different versions, ever since the TokiMemo4 site has been up: there’s at least an xmas and new years version. I’m assuming the one currently up is for valentines. Trying to see if anyone knows how many there’s been. They’ve always been Miyako wallpapers, given what the bunny represents. :o

Yea. Lots of repetition. A core problem is the lack of variety in doing stuff. There’s only one job for a Jock. There’s only one hobby for a Jock. There’s only one class for a Jock. There’s only one mini-game that’s suited for a Jock. So if I’m a Jock, I’m stuck doing those four things over and over again. Plus once you’ve “locked on” a person, it’s no more story for 90% of the gameplay.

I think people are upset, because they can’t figure out the response flow. Sometimes you have to give a bad answer, before the choice for good answers pop up. Also some characters are somewhat difficult to read at first. Meena for example, seems like a nerd at first, but she’s 100% vain and full of herself. Delia is also a nerd, but likes it when people compliment her physical looks.

It’s easy when you grasp that characters aren’t just “Nerd” or just “Prep”… they’re like a dual combination. Meena is Nerd-Prep. Starlight is Nerd-Rebel. Elektra is Rebel-Prep. Rage is Rebel-Nerd. Etc, etc, etc. Delia though… she’s still Nerd-Nerd. :stuck_out_tongue:

Konami just released a survey yesterday morning, to everyone subscribed on their email mailing list. It even went out to people who do an “op-out” for junk newsletters. Coincidence? I think not.

If you got one, be sure to pick “Life Simulation Games” as a favorite. :wink:

Generic URL link to the survey mentioned above. :smiley:

I’m sure it records IP Addresses, so just one survey per person please.

Life Simulation Games + PSP® system = TokiMemo4


Oops… discovered this one too late. :stuck_out_tongue:

The choco scenes for 12 girls. Needless to say: spoilers.

Too bad the Promise Tree doesn’t let you have a harem, eh? :wink: This guy is good though, getting all 12 girls to a state like that. I’d love to know how he nullified the multiple bombs and Usagi-chan attacks in the same file.

Sadly due to how things work, he’s still missing at least one: Yamiko has her own honmei scene. I believe Okura has a unique choco scene as well. :frowning:

[spoiler]Miyako is actually three personalities.

#1: Okura - this is her at the start of the game. It’s her personality with all her romantic feelings for the protagonist rigidly suppressed… which of course opens the way for…

#2: Yamiko - the yandere mode. Once her emotions are out the box, she can’t suppress them and refuses to accept a world where the protagonist isn’t hers… which then leads to…

#3: Miyako - her “true” personality, when she understands her feelings are shared by the protagonist. However if you go dating other girls, she’ll slip into the Yamiko mode until you give her some attention… so I’d argue she’s probably bi-polar. And her insanity is all thanks to the protagonist. Wai~! Wai~![/spoiler]

Also here’s the alternate opening to the game:

Originally came from the OVA.

Couple days ago, tonberryking translated all the skills you can unlock in the game and how they work:

Depending how you combo the skills, you can make the game incredibly easy… or incredibly hard. :stuck_out_tongue:

Reading through the skills, Tokimeki Memorial 4 sounds far too scary >_> I don’t want to have to put this much thought into playing a dating sim =p

Memorial girls don’t throw themselves at your feet. You gotta earn that tokimeki confesion. :wink:

Honestly it’s not all that daunting, so long as you can read the language. In game explainations aren’t all that great, but there’s a ton of fan made sites that explain everything and how they combine together. Plus the dictionary of an official strategy guide.

However it’s possible to win the game, with only using the default skills. Harder than it should be, but winnable. That’s why there are skills that also give a negative effect: for those who want a serious challenge.

Lots of people say that the Bombs make things too hard, but Miyako and Rui are immue to them (former for being yandere/childhood friend; later for not attending the same school and being an outcast). So figuring out how to unlock them, and doing their routes for the first two playthroughs, makes it easy to collect the skills to win the other girls.

The merchandising has begun… I mean… besides the PVC figurines and the full size body pillows and the cosplay costumes and… :stuck_out_tongue: … =tk_portal … =tk_portal

I’m kinda curious to know if Yamiko is in the drama part. :twisted:

Just confirmed some information: the game was released in Korea, but NOT in Korean. … index.html

Konami of Korea has not stated if they’ll make a real Korean port of the game… however those with a Korean PSN account are endorsed to play it.

I remember reading somewhere, that at least 1 million Japanese live in Korea, so it’s probably more for them than the actual Koreans. However games like TokiMemo have popularity in Korea, so I could be wrong: Princess Maker is more popular in Kor than Jpn as an example.

Gratuitous artbook will be available on March 26th: … l?ref=recm

Personally I’m hoping it will have the classical picture, of a yandere holding a kitchen knife. 8)

TokiMemo4 theme song music video:

Te no Hira no Yuuki

Features the actual (and surprisingly very cute) voice actress in it.

Why didn’t something like this happen to me in real life? :stuck_out_tongue:

Fun trick.

First get Tsugumi (the tsundere) into the Tokimeki state. You’ll learn she works at the meido tea shop and she’ll invite you there on dates for special service… err… non hentai of course! :stuck_out_tongue:

Now then… get Miyako (the yandere) into the Tokimeki state. This will be after you’ve “sealed” her dark persona.


Now Take Miyako to the tea shop for a date… and watch as the jealous tsun sabotages your date with the yan.

If this weren’t a civil game, I bet this be the stabby-stabby bad end. :twisted: