Tokimeki Memorial 4

They changed the secret wallpaper again:

Usually when that happens, Konami is about to announce some new product for TM4. It’s not Miyako though… she won’t like that. It’s like running away…

Speaking of which… The artbook is good. Contains more artwork that previous releases, although TM4 has a lot more to it that previous releases. :slight_smile:
All in all though, it’s just a “paper doll” book… shows all the outfits and whatnot. Not much else… although it has some exclusive illustrations. Not worth paying $50 shipping though… so I don’t recommending importing. :stuck_out_tongue:

On a side note: turns out that Miyako/Yamiko body pillow is official, despite Konami not selling it in their store. The artwork for it was shown in the book.

Also Miyako has more paper dolls than any other girl in the entire game. Rawr. She’s sexy like that.

Official site for Girl’s Side: 3rd Story has been updated quite a bit.

Shows off the new game system and several of the winnable boys. To be honest? I wouldn’t be surprised if Konami picked using this game as an experiment for testing dating game waters, instead of TokiMemo4, given the console (NDS) and target market (girls). Especially since games like Princess on Ice and Princess Debut appeared to find a small niche.

Heh… just noticed that JLIST is carrying this game. :stuck_out_tongue:

According to a radio drama I herd, Konami has something big planned for TokiMemo4 next month. Too early for an anime… maybe figurines.

On a side note: what REALLY happens when Usagi-san attacks. :wink:

The legend will never die:


There’s going to be a serialized TokiMemo4 manga, starring a certain yandere and her imaginary bunny, in Dengeki Maoh.

I assume it’s going to use the Miyako scenario as a basis, with greater yanderific servings.

The protagonist will love Miyako… [color=red][u]OR ELSE!!![/color][/u] :twisted:

Miyako Bombing Run. :stuck_out_tongue:

Heard it has to be voiced in English: No Japanese only dub will work it seems. :frowning: SCEA are jerks. That means the cost becomes more expensive for Konami to gamble and not so profitable. In the video game industry, quality VA’s are paid $800 a day for four hours of work per person. They have unions. One can go outside the unions, but it’s not worth the headache, and you could lose access to the union VA’s for other projects. That being said: there are 15 major speaking roles in TM4. Even if these 15 people are going to be used for the minor roles: that comes to $12000 for 4 hours. It’s going to take more than 4 hours… let’s say it takes an average of 12 hours for all the spoken segments to be completed for each person: that’s $36000 right there… not counting food, transportation, renting recording equipment, etc. And this is assuming the VA’s will work at the standardized $800 a day fee… sometimes negotiations demand more money: especially when a game is being sold for it’s voice acting… which TM4 is exactly doing (in combination with the story quality).

Revoicing a Japanese game into English sounds a bit ridiculous. Did they make up this requirement just for Tokimemo 4?

SCEA has 99.99% always ruled that a game ported over into the West - specifically the US - must have an English voice track. So the ruling isn’t a complete surprise unfortunately. That 0.01% would be Yakuza 3 from SEGA - which is English subbed - but only because SEGA pulled some major strings, and SCEJ absolutely loved the game. However there was hope this wasn’t an exception, but a sign that the SCEA would be lenient in the future about subbed titles. Sadly… it appears it was an exception… and I don’t think TM4 is a game Konami will try to pull strings on or owe the SCEA a favor for. The sales for it, just won’t be high enough.

Another nail in the coffin: Koji Igarashi - one of the key developers and supporters of the TM series; as well as a household name in Konami USA - has lost pull in Konami, due to Castlevania not selling so hot in Japan these days (thus the outsourcing of it), and negative fan backlash about him not going back to the roots of the series.

However Konami USA hasn’t been doing so well with “non-flagship” titles the last few cycles (Foto Showdown wasn’t supposed to flop like it did). If it doesn’t say - Castlevania, Metal Gear, Silent Hill, etc - it’s usually bombed in the West. The company is somewhat “encouraged” to find something new to peddle, as they can’t cash cow the series forever… sooner or later, people will just grow tired of them. So Konami has been shopping around to see what IP’s they can buy (or sell) for some cash. E3 will be interesting, and the perfect opportunity to ask questions about the future (what’s needed or or what’s lacking) of TM4 in the West.

My understanding is the issue has come down to $$$… it can’t be more than a certain budget… and it doesn’t look like TM4 could realistically maintain the price tag desired, what with redoing voice acting, translation, and reprogramming (the game wasn’t designed to be released in English, unlike recent Metal Gear or Castlevania, so requires some rework for it). Also I haven’t heard anything, about a third party “renting” the IP. NIS has money problems of their own… Atlus appears busy with a backlog of titles they have… Natsume just spent a bundle securing that Lufia remake on DS from Square Enix… I was hoping the “secret negotiations” for a major Japanese exclusive series on PSP by XSeed was TokiMemo, but it turned out to be for Ys.

The game is good. The customer base has potential. The economy ain’t so hot though. :expressionless:

TM4 game play and mechanics information. SPOILERS obviously. :o

Posted by ijuinkun

Posted by mnishimura

Konami has begun announcing their 2010 and 2011 teaser lineup for E3, starting with a new Contra title called Hard Corps: Uprising. Konami is releasing this title, but it’s being developed by Arc System Works - the guys who made Guilty Gear and BlazBlue. As a result, the game has their distinct visual art style (not a bad thing mind you).

Mentioning it here, because quite frankly, their press releases for the next few weeks will likely determine if TM4 is up or not. :expressionless:

That so far makes Castlevania, Contra, and Metal Gear the big ticket cash cows for this year. Now it’s time to see what “low ticket gambles” Konami has picked to experiment with…

Also it’s worth mentioning that Konami has an official E3 teaser site:

So we now know Contra is one of them. Five more to go…

So wonder if the PS2 sales of Sakura Wars in the states might change Konami’s idea about marketing considering their failure.

According to NPD records, combining both PS2 and Wii, the game sold over 70,000 copies. I know that 100,000 is the magic number… but considering that major retail stores weren’t carrying this game like they could have, that’s pretty impressive (i.e. the majority are online sales). So it’s a failure… but it’s not a huge failure… and arguable the battlefield was leveled against NIS.

On the other hand, CAPCOM is reporting they expect Ace Attorney Investigations to reach the 100,000 mark by year’s end - so they’ve marked it as a major success. Considering that the series enjoys pathetic advertising - compare Ace Attorney marketing to Super Street Fighter IV or Devil May Cry - and it’s damn miracle… entirely word of mouth and fan support.

On a negative side though, Shadow of Destiny sold a mere 20,000 copies for PSP. Word tells me, that’s really soured Konami on the Western PSP market (only thing that’s worked for them on PSP is Metal Gear). :expressionless:

Yea 70k is a failure, but I wonder if its a failure that means nothing more for the foreseeable future or a failure that means that companies (specifically NIS, but others as well) needs to go back at the lessons learned to retool for the next release considering Ace Attorney Investigations sales.

Tis a shame, but considering their track record I don’t blame them. It would probably take a 3rd party publisher willing to take the risks to bring any adventure game over that isn’t YuGiOh related.

Sigh… no TokiMemo4 news to report at E3. :frowning:

Konami’s main booth has: 99 Nights 2, Castlevania, Contra (aka Hard Corps), some Mexican wresting game and an America cage match wresting game (i.e. two wresting games), Metal Gear Solid, a remake of Rush 'N Attack, two Dance Dance Revolution things, and a Def Jam rapper game.

They’ve also had Hudsonsoft sharing the booth with Bomberman, Bonk, and half a dozen other useless garbage I can’t remember.

There’s a press conference tomorrow and the day after, but I think it’s just about Metal Gear on the XBOX, and to show off some Castlevania. Will keep posted.

Konami has a press conference tomorrow at 1PM, with an open session to ask “company relevant” questions.

Iga will be there - I’m sure to promote his Castlevania - but if they’re letting people ask anything relevant to Konami…

[color=red]Lock-on Target[/color] :twisted:

The Konami booth is huge. It has a karaoke stage on one side and cafe thing over the attendant desk. Lots of gameplay kiosks. There’s also some back room doors, that people aren’t allowed to go inside. Private conference and hiding spots I think (probably stuff for the press conference).

The people at the desk said they can’t talk about anything that’s not on the floor, when asked about TokiMemo4 (although the guy didn’t give, “what the hell is that?” as a response). Press conference it is then.

The press conference was pushed back 5 hours, because Konami was putting together a dance and singing routine (not kidding… they actually did).

So… straight to the point: no Tokimeki Memorial 4. Rep there said Konami has no scheduled plans to release TokiMemo4 in English.

Atlus, NIS, and XSEED booth reps also report negative on their end as well.

For what it’s worth, Otomedius Excellent is making it’s way over. No one was expecting that title. :?

Now that a few days have passed, and the danger of my informant being discovered is greatly lowered because of that…