top h-game Heroines

To offer a slightly different list, I generally have a preference for ‘unique’ heroines. These aren’t necessarily the ‘best’ characters in the game, or the ones with the best routes, but they are one of the major reasons that I enjoyed the game(s) they’ve appeared in. (we also need a separate thread for male characters :stuck_out_tongue: )

A few that immediately come to mind (in no particular order):

Furukawa Nagisa - CLANNAD
Kurihara Touko - Tenshi no Inai
Sumadera Yukio - Tenshi no Inai
Kujou Tamaki - Mugen Kairou 1 (and 2)
Kujou Kaoruko - Mugen Kairou 2 (and 1)
Usami Haru - G-Senjou no Maou
Hirasaka Hatsune - Atlach=Nacha
Sumiyoshi Sakuya - Yumemishi
Sumi Noriko (Don-chan) - Sakashiki Hito no Miru Kokoro + Don-chan ga Kyuu
Aoi Sakuya - Rough Sketch - She sings at the end of the world.
Sakura Nanako - Sakura Sakura

Coming back to add Takayashiki Aoba to my list. Even with a shoddy script, I really felt I got a lot from her ending. I haven’t replayed an ending this many times since Yume Miru Kusuri.

I can’t believe they messed up her Grandfather’s first name though. Is it shutaro or soutaro? I can’t see the kanji so I don’t know, wish they would’ve made up there minds.

So, I completed ???.
As such, I have to modify my classification or that wouldn’t be fair!