True Love

Title is out of print, is it not? I haven’t seen one in years. :frowning:

I’m pretty certain the newer editions of Windows won’t run it without extra work.

It ran on my RC client of Win 7 64-bit. It actually ran better than on XP (but not as well as on Win 98). I haven’t tried it after I upgraded to the full version of Win 7 though.

Hm, good luck ever finding a copy. It’s nearly impossible these days.

I think it was the last game published by Otaku. They’re still around, but I hear they had to get out of the game business because the British government leaned on them. (This is hearsay and would have been from a long time ago.) In fact if I’m not mistaken, isn’t this the one that accidentally got untrue descriptions put out there by the marketing? Something about how the game was you as the leader of a gang of girls trying to hook your members up with guys?

That game was around when I was in college, and it may already have been OOP. Now? With the original maker long gone? Essentially impossible.

The official line was that the games were too heavily pirated for Otaku to continue translating them. But given that hardcore pornography wasn’t legal in the UK at that time, there could have been legal issues invovled.

I have that box as I bought the game used, and yes, the inaccurate description is on the back of the box. That is, the back of the box has 2 game descriptions; 1 in English and 1 in German. The German one is inaccurate. Some of the text is identical to the English one, but most isn’t. I can’t translate German well, but this description was in the text file for the downloaded version and it seems to be a pretty accurate translation of most of the German description:

There’s a bit more of the original German on the back of the box, and from what little German I understand it contains minor differences from the English, but the recurring thing is that it’s told as if you were controlling women.

Meh, what the heck, I might as well type the English one from the box too:

Hmm, even the English one takes some liberties with the description, or at least overstates the significance of some parts of the game.

Edit 2
I must REALLY be bored… here’s the original German description:

Apologies for any spelling mistakes in that one, I don’t know German well enough to spot them while typing.

Also, I just noticed, but on the top front of the cover it says “An adventure game with a difference… You’re up against a gang of sex mad girls on the rampage!”
Jesus, this box is just full of incorrect information.

Wow, they just made up whatever they wanted and put it into that description. That’s pretty damn hilarious, saying you control a gang of sex crazed women. It’s not even close to what the real game is. Man, that’s funny.

I used to have the True Love Select demo, but lost it to the Chernobyl virus back in the 90’s. Never did have the full game.

I would be very interested in getting True Love to run on Windows XP. I do not know if the full version had voice, it was one of the few games I pirated back when I was young, underage, and just getting into hentai.

Les-ring, Amy’s fantasies, and time travel mako are other ones I’m not sure if a voiced version exists for.

Nope, it was never translated. I never got to try it either, I just remember downloading it in a zip file and filing it for future use.

The virus in question hangs out in a lot of those old games, but since they don’t affect XP and beyond, they are moot.

Still, if you’re going to hunt down old games via download, be careful.

No, you don’t. There’s a 126MB file on the CD called just “dat.” that as far as I can tell isn’t used by the game at all. Maybe it was used only on the Japanese version or something, I have no idea. The config file does mention a “voice dir”, but as far as I can tell the game doesn’t use it. If you run the install from the disk, it says that it takes only 10MB, but the install will fail to complete on anything past Windows 98 I think.

Had a look at the big file on the disc, and from what I can see it’s just a big dummy file that is mostly empty save for the line “132856226” spread out every so often. No idea why they’d put that there, maybe to discourage piracy of the disc back in the day when bandwith was limited (not that it stopped the cracked version from spreading). Or maybe it’s for some completely different reason. No idea.

that’s too bad, I really want to play this one, I love old school games

Keep us posted.

glomps pic

Whee for marketing story games as porn. Because that doesn’t ever happen nowadays: … /edelweiss

I think calling True Love a ‘story game’ is a bit of a stretch though =P That said, it’s not okaz either, but the thing is that a lot of these older games aren’t necessarily story games OR porn games - a lot of the old dating sims fall into this category, and True Love is no exception.

I also got the game to work on XP, with the same problems of lag everytime the music switched. Matter of fact, I started playing these games on XP, so it’s not like I had much choice but to try and force the older ones to work. I think I ended up getting every game to work somehow, the old paradise heights games, divi-dead, gloria, true love. Somehow or another I got them all to play on XP.

Or they never planned a True Love 2 to begin with. Not unusual for that kind of thing. There’s no Nocturnal Illusion 2 for example.

Not everything gets a fill-in-the-blank-quel… :wink:

I’d love to know where this rumor of a TL2 comes from. What’s the source. Saying the game hints at it, is like saying Big Trouble in Little China hints at it. Sometimes things are open ended or just have lots of plot holes. I want to see the dev article interview. :stuck_out_tongue:

Besides… it’s my understanding the game didn’t do so well in Japan… that other title by Parsely sold better. When I brought up True Love and Parsely on 2chan, everyone kept bringing up Phantom Knight instead.

Thanks for the screenie.

Given that image, what Parsely failed to deliver, and the general “True Love wasn’t a good game” attitude I get from the 2chan people who remember it from their younger years - I agree with your assessment: that a TL2 was terminated during production or the planning phase. Probably due to the poor reaction with TLS and the better stuff they had under their belts.

I remember similar situations in titles like Shadowrun for the SNES (final boss said there would be a Shadowrun 2). Never happened

True Love wasn’t liked?!? Heresy!

Not really surprising; it’s not a very good game! Heck, for a 1996 release it was already outdated, with things like YU-NO and Kizuato released in the same year, and this is something that doesn’t even compare - in terms of story, writing, characters, artwork and even gameplay mechanics - to the original DOUKYUUSEI (released in 1992!)

But it was one of the best English releases of its time. It’s all relative.