True Love

The Milky House Memorial version of Nocturnal Illusions works if you set the compatability mode. Maids Story should work as well.

Ever since I found VM Ware player I run true love and all the old Otaku games in a Win ME Virtual Machine.

Well you also have to have a copy of the old OS. Not everyone does. A lot people have copies tied to specific machines which often won’t install or won’t work once installed on a new system.

I think your definition of “moot” is wrong. Moot means “debatable” or still open to debate. For some reason people these days think that it means “pointless”. Look it up in a dictionary if you don’t believe me.

Sure looks like it means “pointless” to me. Besides, definition 1 is poorly worded. A moot point is a point that doesn’t matter. Although apparently this may only be in the US.

Dude, even in your quote it just confirmed what I said. Look at number 1. That is the FIRST time I have seen number 2. I wonder if that was recently added. If you ask an older generation like your grandparents, they would say that it means debatable.

Typing in “define: moot” (without quotes) in google doesn’t even show that definition that shows as number 2 in your post. I recall reading somewhere that isn’t exactly the best dictionary either. I remember my professor chastising one of my classes on the definition of moot saying numerous times that it doesn’t mean “pointless” or “irrelevant”.

I know for a fact the legal definition cited by is valid. I actually read court opinions on topics that interest me; courts often deny motions as moot; and that means that it’s irrelevant now. and … _moot_mean

Apparently this shift happened sometime in the nineteenth century. I was not even aware that meaning #1 was a valid meaning for “moot”.

It is true that your professor might have said that, but he is wrong. Saying “moot” does not have the meaning of “pointless” or “irrelevant”, when the Supreme Court of the United States uses the term to mean such in official documents, is simply outdated. When I was in school, I was taught that ‘ain’t’ ain’t a word. Well, it is. It’s in dictionaries now, and there’s a good case to be made it should have been in them long before it was added.

Language evolves in the wild, and oftentimes people will continue to insist the new forms are wrong well after this has changed. I’ll even admit to being guilty of this myself. Whenever I see in the news that someone has “pleaded guilty” to a crime, I cringe and a small part of me dies inside. (Well … a very very small part.) To me, the “proper” conjugation is “pled guilty”. However, the alternate conjugation “pled” of the verb “to plead” is dying out. It’s still valid … for now. But nobody uses it anymore. In 30 years, it might even be considered “wrong” (or at least “archaic”) to use the “pled” conjugation. Even the courts have started using “pleaded” where once it was always, always “pled”. So I am clearly outvoted, and “pled” is dead. And yet … that doesn’t stop it from annoying me sooooo much, dammit :slight_smile:

The last few posts are moot. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

YOU SO FUNNY! :stuck_out_tongue:

At this point, so is the original topic :smiley: so what’s the difference?

[whistles innocently]

I kinda wanna play True Love again. I must have been 14 or so at the time I first played it. Thankfully my mother was the type where she had a specific “style” that the house was to be decorated in, and any “electronics” took away from that so my dad had to put it in my room. The only exception to the rule was the TV. This way I was able to play these games. I remember trying to get one of the girls route in the game, but I could NEVER get my stat built high enough to get her despite just hammering that stat all the time. I forget which one it was, so I don’t think I ever fully completed it.

At the time, for a 14 year old such a game was AWESOME. lol.

Yo True love sucks if you want a true dating sims well try to find the first “Welcome to Pia Carrot” a true classic (its translated and they working on the second one too ) a hell lot better than true love .

Well obviously its a matter of taste, but its better. I don’t know about a “hell of a lot”; it is quite old too and used some archaic functions. Specifically you had to play the game 3 times for each girl to unlock all the images.

Well yea its not the most “up to date” thing out there but its good .

I dont remember having to do that to get all the images at least not in the first one and if you have to get a version of the game well it would have to be the PC-FX one as it got a big animated opening\prologue(something really unusual for the time) has voice acting and is in general better than the pc version also the translation was made for Pc-FX not the pc . Still we talking about “classic” stuff things more than 10 years old you cant espect them to not have some archaic functions .

I recall there being a walkthrough which would get you every girl in one playthrough, except you couldn’t get both the childhood friend and the rich smart girl. So you should be able to get all in two playthroughs.

Er, what? You realise he’s talking about Pia Carrot right?

Games to reinstall.

  1. True Love (for nostalgia)
  2. May Club (for nostalgia, have DX.)
  3. The maid’s story. (Never beat)
  4. Paradise heights 1/2. (Never fully played, bit lulzy.)
  5. Season of the Sakura (never could get to work)

What else?

Nocturnal Illusion. And honestly, you can scratch Paradise Heights off the list of games to reinstall. They’re pretty weak.

I’d cross the kusoge Season of the Sakura off that list and replace it with DESIRE, which is an absolute classic and probably one of the first if not THE first eroge to have a strong story.
