Tsukihime has returned!

Type Moon has listened to its fans and it’s finally official… Tsukihime is getting an official Remake!




I am so very happy… :cry:

Yea… news of this has been making a lot of buzz on 2chan. Press release says Sacchin gets her own story route and ending. They’re also making some minor additions and adjustments to the plot, so people who played the original, will get a surprise.

Personally, I’m hoping for an OFFICIAL twincest ending. Not just the one hinted in the Melty Blood setting.

Hitsui + Kohaku = Love

One can only hope. :slight_smile:

Personally I hope they make a lot of additions and expand the story more (maybe give the girls three endings each :stuck_out_tongue: ), but at the least it looks like the “Isn’t it sad Sacchin” meme will finally die. Congratulations girl, you’re a main character! :lol:

I’m especially looking forward to seeing Arcueid updated designs, oh so pretty… :oops:

Personally I’m hoping for an Arc/Akiha end. I’d throw Kohaku and Hisui in there as well, since Akiha’s so fond of them, but really, let’s not be ridiculous. Besides, I loathe Kohaku :slight_smile:

You. Will. Burn. In. Hell.

She’s 50% of the Pure Love in Tsukihime. Thou shalt not defy perfection.

Wait till OLF see what you said! You just wait!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t say as to whether I like Kohaku or not. Her path is the only one I haven’t tried yet.
As for the remake, I wonder how they will handle remaking the sessions with “Ciel-sensei”?
I remember when I encountered the special session with her when I started up the game on Christmas and was told offhandedly that I was a loser for playing a game like Tsukihime on such a day and that I should seek out real human companionship.

You definitely have no idea whom you talked with, do you? Otherwise, you should know that this was hardly a threat to him of all people… :lol:

Now, that’s more like it! :wink:

… this space intentionally left blank! :oops:


Play it.


Kohaku’s route is THE route in Tsukihime. It needs playing. Go through it five times if you have to. =p Geez, next you’ll be saying you don’t like Sakura in FSN because you haven’t played her route… or… or… don’t like Natsumi in syarin no kuni because you haven’t gotten that far and she seems shallow :frowning:

I plan to play it as soon as I get my main computer rebuilt (which I plan on finishing after my final exam in Japanese class on Monday). For now I’ve been using another computer in the household with an external hard drive attached to it so I can still play some of my games.

The best they could do is to add Akiha’s Kagetsu Tohya story as her true epilogue. It wouldn’t make me love her more (or despise her less), but that would be the right thing to do.

Oh, I know his opinion about her and don’t mind: the less the others like her, the more she can be MINE AND MINE ALONE, ufufufufufufufufufUFUFUFUFUFUFUFUFUFUFUFUFUFUFUAWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

I’d answer, but that would involve spoilers for those who haven’t played the game. Suffice it to say I don’t like her type.



For me Tsukihime is totally over rated…
The game is so-so, story so-so, CG not really good and the design…Well, some like it some don’t like it… i didn’t liked it.And i’m talking about the game not the anime.(the game is far better)

Well Tsukihime is a Doujin made by students for a Comicket (if i remember correctly)… For a Doujin of 2000 it was awesome, one of the best, that’s a given and i totally agree with that.

But that all… So a remake, well, i pretty don’t care except if the story are better and longer, it could be interesting.

You’d think they would let it die a graceful death it deserves… :roll:

I think it’s time for Type-Moon to move forward… Actually they have only two licence : Tsukihime and the Fate (for me Fate/hollow Ataraxia it’s “just” the “sequel” of Fate/Stay and it’s still the same Licence)… Because when you look at it… Type-Moon become more and more like was Active-Soft(Bible Black and Discipline) for years: Only Two big Licence with anime, goodies etc…But nothing more.

It’s really time to go forward and to make new licence.They have the capacity to make another big hit, they really don’t need to make a remake of a 8 years old doujin.

Now i understand the fan of the game.It’s been a while since they’re asking a remake.

Actually, I’m gonna have to disagree with you here. Tsukihime was a MAJOR step in the evolution of dark eroge. There’s a reason why a mere doujin became so popular. Yes, the low price tag was a major factor, but it also revolutionized characterization and plot depth.

Tsukihime is a deep setting, with background and setting “fluff” that rivals RPG information. Shiki’s bloodline has a history. Shiki’s knife has a history. Shiki’s Death Eyes has a metaphysical mechanic of how it works and why it works that way. Same goes for Arc. Same goes for Ciel. Same goes for True Ancestors. Same goes for the Church. Etc, Etc, Etc. That adds so much MEANING to the characters and scenario. Before Tsukihime, story driven dark eroge was just a collection of characters who suffered from amnesia or were experimented on by mad scientists or were half demon/half human creatures. The vast majority were tentacle rapefests. Tsukihime is to dark eroge, what Star Wars is to Space Opera. From Tsukihime came titles such as Draculius, Gore Screaming Show, Izayoi no Hanayome, MinDeaD BlooD, Sabae no Ou… and tons more! It altered the playing field. It forced eroge makers to stop making half-assed 2 point stories, and churn out novelist quality 100 point multifaceted tales.

Tsukihime also reinforced and further popularized the “powerful harem” concept that Tenchi Muyo perfected. Until then, the vast majority of dark eroge, had weak women who were often nothing more than sex meat, and rarely used their superhuman powers (or it seemed to never work). Since Tsukihime, there have been dozens of dark eroge, where the heroines are MORE POWERFUL than the protagonist and kick more ass than he does. In fact, whenever a gothic eroge has a group of heroines who are more powerful or as powerful as the hero, it’s inevitably referred (or compared) as a Type-Moon styled game on 2chan and review magazines. A new sub-genre was born from Tsukihime.

Characterization? Kohaku. She’s a whole new standard. I’m not going to spoil it… but she earned her place as a milestone in eroge heroine.

Tsukihime help surge the twincest movement. No, I’m being serious here. Take a look at the sudden rise in titles that feature twins, after the release of Tsukihime. This is due to the Dragon Quest 4 (Mara/Nara) → Tokimeki Memorial 2 (Miho/Maho) → Tsukihime (Hisui/Kohaku). If you notice, the vast majority of twin characters, blatantly ripoff these twin pairs. Titles like Futari de Hitotsu no Koigokoro, MinDeaD BlooD, and Saishuu Chikan Densha 2 borrow the basic Hisui/Kohaku template.

Ok i don’t agree at all.
I’m a big fan of Izayoi no Hanayome and the Yami no Koe series (MinDead was not bad too)…Especially for Izayoi no Hanayome because Mink exist since 1993 and they produced “dark” game of very good quality before even Tsukihime come out (Like FU.SHI.DA.RA.,MI.DA.RA. or the first Yakin Byotou)…

I played a lot of Galge/Eroge and i didn’t see your famous influence of Tsukihime except in the Doujin world maybe… But it’s really light.

Tsukihime became really popular when the Anime came out… Since the anime was made because some worker in the Studio who made it liked the game and they pestered their boss for making it into an Anime.

Yakin Byotou is a nurse rapefest. It does NOT have the depth of background that Tsukihime does. It focuses on the characters alone; not organizations or historic events that occurred before, aside from previous entries of nurse raping. It compares closer to the Inyou series from Tinkerbell in terms of story prevalence, than Tsukihime.

Danger Angel and Princess Knights are of a different presentation than Tsukihime… not to mention not as grandiose in background depth. Characterization takes a different route, as is the motivation mechanism for sex. Shuushuusha is a dark trainer, more focused on character transformation, than theme progression. Mission of Murder? Spare me… etc, etc, etc.

Saying that Tsukihime’s influence in the doujin world is really light, is like claiming McDonald’s influence in the hamburger world is really light. :lol:

To further emphasis: Asou Kyousuke was the scenario writer for Izayoi no Hanayome. He did a small “about me” blurb in Dengeki HP ¬ñ as he contributed a short story - and cited Tsukihime as a major influence for ALL his supernatural works. It was a 2003 or 2004 issue. Let me go through my storage and find the exact publication date.

Tsukihime became really popular, because of the game. The anime was only made because of the game’s success. As were the doujin games such as Melty Blood. By your reasoning, Pokemon only because popular because of the anime, and that was only because the son of Kunihiko Yuyama was a fan of it. Or Sister Princess only became popular, because Sakurako Kimino kept bothering Kiyoshi Takano about an idea for a new series.

The anime added greater main stream awareness ¬ñ but the strong fanbase was long established. Also you make it sound as if “some worker” was something like a janitor. To have the ear of investors and executives, you must be an investor or executive yourself: ESPECIALLY in the draconian anime industry. Which means the title made an impact on people in positions of power, who saw the untapped commercial potential. Not an everyday feat.

Well…We won’t agree wich it’s other and we’ll only made the post goes in a useless quote wars.
So i think it’s time to end it before it really begin ^^

Anyway i don’t agree with you in the end and i have a ton of arguement but… Let’s stop it :wink:

The main thing, it’s i really think that Type-Moon should move forward and create new licence.Since Fate/Stay i’m waiting for another game like that from them.
I totally understand the that fan are really happy about the remake, since thay’re asking for it for quite a while, and that’s cool for them… But i want to see something else as good as Fate/Stay From Type-Moon and not just remake or PS2 port.

BTW i liked Mission of Murder… Well except for the last boss fight who took me about 15 trie before i beat it ><