Twincest is Best

Looks like the player doesn’t know much about M:tG game mechanics. Those cards are unbalanced for what they are.

The new rapefest Shirudaku Settai Okawari Nihaime from Waffle1999 has loli twincest. … ndex_c.htm

Has the same artist who did Nukenin. :mrgreen:

One of the best dark games from 2007, Saiminjutsu II, is receiving an expansion that features a set of twins:



OMG !!!

Look at this :

How can he not like it ? lol :smiley:

He shall burn in his own special Hell for denying First Class, Special Category, Unlimited License twincest. :evil:

On a sidenote: I think some /b/tard had a hand in that letter. :lol:

Yeah this guy needs a “nice boat ending” as punishment :smiley:

Field Agent Narg reports with some great news. FOUR twincest titles!!! :smiley:

Already out - but not mentioned in this thread yet - is [color=#FF0000]Aster[/color] from RusK. Its an innocent true love story with a surprisingly large cast. My drama bone is tingling for this one!



Next up is [color=#FF0000]BIFRONTE[/color] from newcomer LAPIS BLUe: a dark ero that features twincest as its main attraction. Artwork look familiar? That’s because its the same guy who did MinDeaD, Gore Screaming, and GUN-KATANA. Clearly he’s a twincest (not to mention dark ero) veteran, so this should be very promising if the story is good.



Then we have [color=#FF0000]Rabu Rabu[/color] from Swan. Strangely enough, the official site has nothing about it… not even a teaser page, so I don’t know much else so far. :expressionless:


Finally there’s [color=#FF0000]Keyword[/color], an “oppai heaven” entry from Marigold. This one seems to be a sexfest with minimal plot… but it does have confirmed twincest thanks to the teaser CG’s here and there.


This is Field Agent Narg, signing out! 8)

Same artist huh? Well at least we’ll know it has quality art as a consequence… :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh that reminds me… Narg, did you see the “Yami no Koe Eikyu Daraku Box” being sold on Himeya Shop? For $160 you get the entire Yami No Koe series to date (I think :? ) plus a few extras. Just thought it was worth a gander. :slight_smile:

[size=200]…More Twincest…[/size]

13th thinks 13th understands what he is experiencing… However, if 13th were in his shoes… Then something would be missing… It should be that we are triplets and both sisters are doing what he’s sister is doing… Maybe then, that 13th must reconsider 13th’s choices of words to say to 13th’s sisters… :mrgreen:

[quote=“Wraith” For $160 you get the entire Yami No Koe series to date (I think :? ) plus a few extras. Just thought it was worth a gander. :)[/quote]

Humph :roll: , have you noticed that Himeya raised all its (already inflated) prices?
Now, a 9240 yen new game sells for 98.99 dollars+overpriced (for the first item) shipping charges…

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hold the phone!

Did you guys know that Final Fantasy: Ring of Fates has twincest in it? The story is supposed to put a strong focus on the “fraternal love” between the brother and sister:

I hope that doesn’t get censored. After all, Nintendo kept the twincest option intact in Fire Emblem. :smiley:

Yea. But he’s using his “other drawing style” for it. If you make a side-by-side comparison of his artwork for this game to MinDeaD, you can see the slight differences. Usually he uses that style for his true love titles. See 3-days Marriage for example - or if you wanna just stick with his Cyc projects, Doujinshi Soku Baikai O Yarou!

Yea. I’m getting it. :smiley: There’s a Yami no Koe Zero thread in the Japanese Bishoujo section.

I agree that Himeya’s lack of a cheaper shipping option is suckage, but the increase in price for a 9240 yen game to 100 US dollars, is because the value of the dollar is constantly dropping against the yen. The Japanese yen is still tied heavily into the American dollar, so until the Euro shift is complete, that’s gonna be a problem for them.

Himeya generally charges whatever the MSRP is… which they skim like an extra $20 off: if you’re living in Japan, the local stores sell a 8800 yen game for about 7000 and still make a profit. So I would think Himeya seriously makes their investment back from exporting titles. However I order from them while stuck outside Japan, because I can explicitly trust them to send me what I order. They also can acquire the pre-order goodies, which other exporters either don’t bother with or keep for themselves.

Easiest way to offset the shipping costs, is to just wait until you’re ordering a large batch of titles at once. Not a perfect answer to the solution, but the only “cheaper” alternative I can think of, is to fly to Japan and just make a MAJOR splurge while you’re there. However you’d have be buying a LOT of titles to make up the savings, considering the plane ticket and hotel costs. :expressionless:

That’s Futari de Hitotsu no Koigokoro from Giant Panda. Best twincest drama title I’ve played yet. It’s mentioned waaaaay back on the first page of this thread, some random posts of mine all over the forum, and I have a review for it on my site. I’m hoping that Aster from RusK is just as good or better. Will know soon enough… :o

Yeah, I do know that Himeya is maybe the only safe&sure shop for foreign erogamers, but I still think they’re badly overpricing their customers. As Japan-based shop, they’re already making a profit when they sell games for 9240 yen, not 98.99 dollars. And if you add their shipping&handling charges to the equation…

The high quality Itsuka from Lump of Sugar has twincest… if you choose your twin sister that is. :wink:

This is a surprisingly dark and somber title, once the supernatural stuff starts kicking in. No brutal sex. I repeat: it has NO brutal sex. … index.html

Sexfest with zero story worth mentioning. You get on the train, you rape the girls… but there a LOT of girls. Harem ending. Twincest were kinda disappointing to be honest… they get screwed at the same time, but just “side-by-side”… no real interaction between them. :frowning:

On the other hand, the loligoth is really a loli. 8)

Not sure what to say, since this is the first “train molester” I’ve played for 2008… it’s okay, but I suspect something better will come along.

I’m sorta surprised there wasn’t a nun in the mix. Haven’t finished it - only went for the twincest and the loligoth. Kinda got bored with it, so I don’t think I’ll be completing it anytime soon… there’s better twincest elsewhere. :mrgreen:

Quite a nice game there… :twisted:
Yet another one for consideration… :roll:

And since almost all the old images are probably gone…
Only leaves new space for newer ones… 8)

Yet we don’t seem to agree with the out with the old… In with the new… Thingie… :?
[size=150]BTW:[/size] Notice that images with resolution greater than more or less 700 x 600 will not be shown when you preview your post…

To Narg-san, came across a doujin type game featuring twincest. It’s the…uh I can’t remember the category, but it’s between a twin sister and brother so…here’s the link:

Hope this one turns out to be to your liking.

That would be First Class, Special Category, Unlimited License. :slight_smile:

Generally speaking, I’m more of a traditionalist, and prefer my twincest as the “identical sister” type… therefore making awesome threesomes possible. :mrgreen: While I have nothing against it, I feel that “fraternal sister” twincest kinda defeats the purpose… it’s then no different that the generic “getting both sisters” type love. When I mean identical though, minor differences are cool (slight hair shade, one having bigger boobs than the other, different eye colors, etc).

However I like brother-sister twincest, because it always plays off that melodrama of “forbidden incest” love… which is especially “forbidden” even more. I prefer identical twincest in this regard as well - because anime/manga can make brother-sister twincest identical (i.e. practically the same looking; just male/female bodies), even though biological technicality says that’s impossible.

Brother-brother twincest generally ain’t my thing, but the Ouran Host Club and Harry Potter pairings amuse me to no end… and pretty much are a perfect example for the ladies to associate with. :slight_smile: I wonder if papillon likes them?

Love Love Choukyou Futago Shimai coming from Swan, seems highly topical:

Oh yes… this looks very promising. I doubt it will have a meaningful plot or anything… but twincest is twincest. :mrgreen:

Damn. I thought I wouldn’t be saying this, but there’s a loooooot of twincest this year. And it’s only started! I know what I’m spending my $600 tax rebate on. :wink:

Or you make a contract with Narg to get stuff while he’s there.