Twincest is Best

I always take firstborn twins as a down payment. :twisted:

Question… Question…!
Some thoughts regarding twincest…
Upon what time did “TWINCEST” fetish started…? And did any of the ancient civilizations engage in this practice/fetish…? Count also the medieval period… :?:

Someone had to, humanity has been into many fetishes since we found out that we enjoy sex.

It may have started on a rare occassion aeons ago… When even feeding is a much less priority than reproduction…

The Rigveda has twin deities in it, some of whom were “married” to each other. More famous with the western world, are the Gemini (which is Latin for twins): Castor and Pollux. Artwork and sculptures have them together naked all the time, and back then, boy on boy sex wasn’t a taboo: thus some of the myths surrounding them, are semi-erotic from that prospective.

The modern Japanese twincest obsession (as I’m sure there’s a mythological story somewhere), seems to have originated from the JPOP twins, The Peanuts: Emi Ito and Yumi Ito. They played those “singing fairy girls” from the old Mothra movies. As you’ll notice, they’re always hugging and tugging like current anime twincest does. I believe this is the earliest “twincest media” one can find in Japan… been looking deeper, but prewar Japan wasn’t as liberal in the entertainment arts.

Just ran across another upcoming twincest title: Akatsuki no Goei . Out next month.

You take the role of a bodyguard and get hired by one of the girls to protect her from the “rising crime” in Japan. Of course since the twins live together, if you pick them you’re only getting 50% of the pay… then again, the double compensation benefit is clearly worth it, ne? :mrgreen:

This dude is a total amateur. Just look how a third of the triplets is out there and oh-so-alone. :cry:

She should either be in front or behind the shared boyfriend, with her hands wrapped around him.

Seriously… what do they teach these idiots at Playboy? :expressionless:

New Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Anime!!!

.> <.<

Cool!!! … -confirmed

[color=#FF0000]the twins Rua and Ruka[/color]

Since Twincest is base upon emotions and emotions have been around since forever I can safely surmize twincest is older than the oldest profession in the world.

This could actually be debatable… There were a lot of cultures that felt twins were evil, and most often times killed the second child, or even both, thinking one was a demon or evil being trying to clone the first. Obviously this wasn’t a 100% practice worldwide, but it would certainly drop the chances for twincest existence by well over 50%, to even possibly never happening at all until such a practice died out. Now obviously, had Narg been around during those times, he would have been raking in a massive collection of ‘saved’ twins.

Not nessarily. Twincest a cultural phenomena, perhaps, depending upon which cultures were talking about, but individually there are always those who have fetishes that go against the accepted norm. It is therefore completely justifiable for me to say that even in such a culture a fetish might have existed, though the twins would have been captured from the niegboring tribe and allowed to be subjigated to their every whim.

I certainly don’t doubt the possibility of it. Myth and legend from various cultures contain stories of twincest, so to speak, so it’s obvious that it’s an old fetish. The real question is just how far can it be dated back? There can never really be a solid answer, which is -why- it can be debatable. You and I both know that the human mind can and will think of anything, so it’s very plausible that it’s always existed since time for humanity began. However the question remains, when was it actually first practiced?

Well fanscination with twins can be dated back to atleast “Castor and Pollux” though most people in this thread wouldn’t like those particular twins. :stuck_out_tongue: Although their brides, “Phoebe and Hilaeira” might. They weren’t really twins, but according the myths they did act similar so under the more broad term they could be called twins.

When it comes to twincest, I’m afraid my tastes are clear…

… the vicious, possessive, and slightly disturbed Perfect Match.

(For those not familiar with these twins, some explanation - Miki (the boy) is sweet, sensitive, shy, not very good with girls. Kozue sleeps around, but really wants her twin’s attention - and will try to warn away, attack, or seduce anyone who gets too close to him. Miki does not understand her delicious crazy.)

Surely there should be a special twincest category for this kind of unbalanced desire?

I find them fascinating - pairs of identical male twins I just find confusing. :slight_smile:

There must be a reason why God taunts me like this… am I supposed to find and kidnap them? Give me a sign oh Mighty One! :o

But… those are not 2D girls…
and I’m only interested in 2D girls… :smiley:

Looks like there’s more twincest for Nargrakhan

hmmm. I prefer straight twincest though…but that’s hard to find in eroge :S

Twincest makes the headlines!! :shock:

Have a look and see: … 0000000001

A pair of pairs = twincest squared? :stuck_out_tongue:

Although it’s often times listed as “unavailable” on the Palet Mail Service site, Futari de Hitotsu no Koigokoro can be special ordered as a used copy for under $20. Just did so a few days ago, to make sure. 8)

Himeya charges almost $60 for a used copy, which actually costs MORE than the original MSRP (well… at least according to the yen rate back then)…

…so if you wanna get it, do so through Palet. My favorite “drama category” twincest, so I had to give it a yell. Also the title is completely out of print (Softmap and Gamers don’t carry it anymore, nor can special order it), so as the months go by it will get harder and harder to find copies. Sadly it seems this great story is fated to fade away into obscurity.

If only Peach Princess would pick it up. :wink:

Also an update on a title I previously mentioned:

Aster is not about a single guy being sought after a group of girls, but rather each girl has her own boyfriend (or is that vice versa?) ¬ñ well… all of them except for the twins, who are chasing after the same guy. Thus this title is not a single romance story, but a half dozen of them that are individual routes: hence the massive cast.

Currently following the twin route (naturally), but thus so far it appears to be a “gotta pick one” scenario. Hopefully I’m wrong, and you can somehow get both. However according to some responses I got from 2chan, you don’t get to screw the twins simultaneously ¬ñ so no “A” or “H” formations. So all those “twins hugging” images were just false advertising. :cry:

already sold out… :x