Twincest is Best

Wow. That’s even stupider than Metal Wolf Chaos.

“I’ll make you like perforated cheese!”

Hell yes! :lol:

I was disappointed in the end. REALLY disappointed. The twincest meets my standards, but the overall plot just made me puke. Endings suck. Plus the CG battle scenes are WORST than the demo movies show. They fancied them up for the ads. :evil: Avoid it if you can. There’s a reason why no sequel is in the works. :stuck_out_tongue:

Lies. Metal Wolf Chaos is the greatest, most patriotic game ever made. Its only because of the communist conspiracy and Osama Bin Ladin, that such a fine example of American love has not seen release in America. They don’t want us to see the glory and prestige that the President of the United States stands for. All haters will be nothing more than roast chicken. Believe your justice.

As I imagined, but… Who cares, ne :lol: ?
Thanks for your Figurehead warning, here’s your little prize :wink: .

Enslavement or twincest?

Enslavement you’ve got titles like Lightning Warrior Raidy (you free the slaves if you win; but if you lose Raidy gets enslaved), Virgin Roster and Slave Pagent. Also Tsuki has the enslavement spirit.

As for twincest… well… there’s a MAJOR lack of it in English.

Figures of Happiness has identical twins, but lacks the sharing. Adam the Double Factor has identical twins too - IIRC they even pleasure each other at one point; let me double check to make sure - but there’s no twins ending. The upcoming Cosplay Fetish Academy has fraternal twincest… but it just doesn’t feel the same as identical twincest. Still… I preordered it, in hopes that Peach Princess gets the picture that twincest is what we need more of. :mrgreen:

Don’t forget the twins in Divi Dead.

Depending on where you’re getting your reviews, some people think ALL of these games are bad…

So what is twincest game that has twincest and that PP is likely to translate you’d want them to?

Futari de Hitotsu no Koigokoro !!! … koigokoro/

Hey, Narg, did you already checked these erogames?

Asanagi no Aquanauts - The twin older sister of the protagonist looks to be winnable. Almost certain twincest with a twist. … ts_id/9128

Colorful Wish -12ko no Majikyun! - It seems to have 12 routes, even thought there are 13 girls (two of them are twins). Possible twincest. … ts_id/9107

Magus Tale Infinity - Sequel to a game with twincest. I believe you liked the first game, right?

Ura Saiminjutsu 2 - Spin-off of a really dirty eroge, now with twins. … ts_id/9365

Some game with twins:

Thanks for the twincest links. :mrgreen:

I have Magus Tale Infinity preordered. The twincest in the first title was just pure awesomeness. They did it all. :smiley:

Getting the download version of Ura Saiminjutsu 2.

I think I might pass on Colorful Wish though. GIGA has seriously been disappointing me with a lot of their releases. :expressionless:

Also… McCain wins my vote, for winning twincest. :wink:

Yup, me too :smiley: , but I’m also SOMEWHAT irritated because it is not included in the latest game batch from DLsite, unlike Charara, which EVEN has the exclusive on the “Digital Fanbook”, a free omake NEGATED :evil: to us dirty gaijin since Charara doesn’t sell overseas.
I DO NOT CONDONE PIRACY, but I fully admit that I dislike these commercial practices, not sure about my integrity if I happen to encounter that free PDF somewhere in the dark sides of the Net :roll: …

I watched Kanokon anime episode 1. The opening showed the twin sisters appeared. I will find more later on another episodes.

Oh! That’s just Ai and Rin. :mrgreen:

Very cute twincest. They’re masters of “Syncro Assassination” due to their VERY close relationship. 8)

Sadly they aren’t main characters in the novel and appear very rarely. :frowning:

And now, just because there’s no such thing as too much twincest, some random stuff!

How was the game btw, in all honesty? I was interested by it… until I played the demo that bored me to death (partly because of the incongruous fact Alicia was wearing the school uniform when you first met her, yet the students could recognize her as being an “outsider”! :shock:
I wasn’t even able to complete the demo, something that only happened once in my erogamer experience, when I tried Gift.

BTW, what about my Yuna request? Anyone?

As far as plot and characterization goes, pretty bland to be honest. The game primarily sells itself on the graphics, lengthy sex, and likability of the character types. If it wasn’t for the twincest and their awesome portrayal of twin love (so many formations!), then I probably would have rejected the title out of spite.

The only stuff I can find, are images from the stuff you already have. I asked a few friends, and they’re in the same boat as me. :frowning:

Good, you’re confirming my first impression of the game.

And you call yourself a High-Priest of Twincest? Shame! :mrgreen:


You’re right… I must make a pilgrimage… I must do something to cleanse my unworthiness!!!

There’s only one thing I can do! More! I must witness moar twincest and reflect on my failings!!!

Just did a random survey of 100 twincest titles. Of them, 85 of them contained loli twins, were loli twins, or twins very close to the loli age range.

I wonder what that says about me? :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it just me or Twincest Is Best really is a mosterously huge topic?

I watched Special A TV episode 1-3, yesterday. Twin brother and sister, appeared. Megumi looked so cute. She was quiet often because she sang bad. :oops:

When she will speak again?

EDIT: Her twin brother-

Lord Narg’s endless campaign continues apace!