Twincest is Best

And for some reason you will have lots of fresh meat at dinner tonight… IF you are not the dinner yourself! :lol:

You will be steping in eggs fully loaded of nytroglicerin, i’m telling you. Yandere twincest shold be forbidden as a big taboo. It’s too dangerous! :roll:
Maybe you can considerate to make something more sane and healthy, like disarm warheads using a hammer. :stuck_out_tongue: … s_id/10299

LOL Baldo, I clicked on the links expecting more yandere twincest b/c that’s been the subject for the last few posts and I get twin tentacle raep… Which is not necesarilly a BAD thing, but just wasn’t expecting it.

Wheee! Twincest comes in so many wonderful flavors!

Baldo knows this one is getting preordered. Yup-yup. It makes Narg feel all fuzzy and tingly inside.

When Evil can’t win the 'ole fashion fair way, it always resorts to the tentacle failsafe. :wink:

It would appear the Chinese understand twincest too. :cool:

LOL! I’ve dated those sisters. No more of that for me. I’m too old, and my body heals too slowly these days. But, damn— it was a fun ride. Well, until you end up stuck in the hospital for more then a week… trust me, that is the time to slide off the ride. Make sure you replace yourself with something that will distract them long enough for you to move far enough away that they don’t take it too badly when they realize you’ve truly broken off from them. Rather then, you know, go to rest up your strength…

You mean Wikipedia doesn’t have that info? That’s hard to believe.

Got a new batch of twincest games yesterday. Will being playing through them this month, to determine which are worthy of praise and which are false hopes.

Random twincest pics unrelated… but no less hawt. Bondage and vampire twincest are always wincest. :cool:

On a totally unrelated side note:

In The SIMS 2, if you turn off the switch that prevents incest relationships, I’ve noticed that twins REALLY fall in love easy, WITHOUT intervention from the player. At first I thought it was just me, but I’ve ran across several BLOG’s that pointed out the same activity between twins. Mechanics-wise, its probably due to their interests and personality traits being alike, therefore making the “perfect” match as far as the game is concerned. Still… quite an amusing thing. :o

come to think of it, didn’t furufuru full moon have twins?

Now I regret getting rid of SIMS 2 three days after purchasing it because I couldn’t understand a damn thing about this game… Cleaning my bathroom 90% of the time was boring… and nobody wanted to have sex with my character… :twisted:

This hgame looks to have twincest too. :slight_smile:


BREAKING NEWS!!! … e-animated

The 28th issue (on sale on June 20) of Kodansha’s Bessatsu Young Magazine has announced that Bow Ditama’s Kiss◊sis manga will be adapted as an anime. The story centers on Keita, a third-year middle school boy studying for his high school entrance exams. His two twin stepsisters Ako and Riko Suminoe ó with no blood relation to him ó help him prepare for the exams, but life gets too cozy between Keita and the girls. :smiley:

I still wonder who will be screaming like schoolgirl. Nargrakhan? Will he approve that? :wink:


Fan serviced twincest for the ultimate win!!!

Once again my Brother and Sisters, the One True Faith of Two delivers unto us another miracle that proves our undeniable religion. 8)

It’s been some time since the last time we heard about kissxsis.
I tought it was dropped or something like that.

Bow will have to work hard if they want to have enough material to do the anime.

Dropped? It’s still regularly serialised. Remember that Bessatsu Young is a bimonthly magazine, so new chapters don’t come out as frequently as in a weekly magazine.

Hopefully it’s better than Mahoromatic. (Honestly, I liked the core cast of Mahoromatic, but the ‘plot’ was just terrible.)

I frequently have to remind myself this is a comedy series, because I genuinely get upset every time Keita yells at or ignores the affection of the twincest. I mean seriously: they want to have kissing contests, ask Keita if their matching panties are color coordinated, and have already determined which side of Keita is alloted to each sister. What healthy male could turn down such perfection? From the onset its a lot lighter than Mahoromatic, and the twins share from the get-go. I’m really curious to see what the “ultimate heartbreaking challenge” will be, since most twincest titles have the struggle between twins sharing, as the major issue… which KissxSis resolved pretty much in the first and second chapters. The entire three marriage thing really isn’t a big deal, since most twincest stories eventually come to the conclusion, that law doesn’t define true love.

The problem I had with Mahoromatic was the plot. Not the characters – I liked them – but the plot, which was frankly ludicrous. It just didn’t make any sense, so I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised the ending came out of left field.

She’s a ROBOT. You switch her over to mains power, you remove the defective power unit, and you give her a new body. Sure, she’s not longer a hot chick. But she’s still ALIVE, whereas if you don’t then she’s a dead man walking. Doesn’t seem like a terribly difficult decision to me. But then, if they did that, there’d be no story. So they just pretend that option doesn’t exist.

From the Metal Gear Solid 4 = ZOMG WINAGE!!! thread:

Twincest is overrated.
Sorry, I couldn’t resist rising to your saying that. However, I felt it would be better suited to say it in this thread than derail the discussion in the thread it came from.

Watching Soul Eater. Only mention it here, because Death the Kid claims he loves perfect symmetry. Well Pat and Liz are not perfect symmetry - they aren’t twincest. Waste of a perfectly good chance to employ it too. Narg disappointed with that. Otherwise its entertaining. Dual wielding gunfu for the win.

Lies. People like you tell others that twincest isn’t best, so that they get discouraged and not look into it, therefore allowing you to collect more than your fair share of twintopian goodness. It won’t work! That’s why I must preach the Faith! It’s for EVERYONE to enjoy, not just an elite few! :stuck_out_tongue:

New topic: Seems that some time ago, Quentin Tarantino leaked that Gogo Yubari has a twin sister named Yuki. She was originally slated to appear in Volume 1, but the timing of her appearance threw the story flow off, so he scraped the idea to show her on screen. She’s now slated to have an appearance in the future Vol 3 or Vol 4 to take revenge for her sister’s death. Truly that is love. Not to mention Gogo was HAWT beyond HAWT: two of them is even HAWTER! Oh… I hope they show a flashback of 'em showing the love. :twisted: