Twincest is Best

Bought this XUSE game from dlsite the other day. While it wasn’t very good (the pathetic semblance of a plot was mostly just an excuse for H scenes), the two winnable characters are (male and female) twins.

Note that the Getchu page gets the ‘protagonist’ role completely wrong. The blond-haired girl is the protagonist. The other girl is a futanari >_>.

It surprise me the protagonist’s twin sister is beautiful, instead having tentacles or a third arm going out of her nose. :lol:
Well, don’t matter. Probably in the Harem-incest route all their mutant kids will have it. :roll:

So long as they kill off the weak defective children, everything will be fine. :stuck_out_tongue:

First off: this game has a lot of twincest. Lots and lots of it. No question it was made for twincest.

Now then… the plot has absolutely no purpose whatsoever. I’m serious. I already know a plot wasn’t expected, but the writers could have at least tried… or barring that, ripoff a Mother Goose Fairy Tale or something. This ero makes no sense.

You’ve got a pair of hot twins who love the protagonist. They’d do anything for him. ANYTHING. Always have, always will.

So he grows up. What does he do? Rape them, beat them, and basically put them through the motions of sexual violence. Why? Some demon possession I think… maybe… maybe not. What does he do after? Marry them of course. Naturally they were willing to do that in the first place. They would have let him rape them, beat them, and put them through the motions of sexual violence if he asked. But he didn’t. Paradox? Damn right.

Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t mind entertainment that has meaningless sex and violence: I’m an American after all. But man… if you’re going to make something meaningless, make it meaningless. Or at least have the plot connect from Point A through Point Z. I mean evil is evil… but damn… this is an example of evil being stupid. He broke two women into being loyal sex slaves, who were already happy with the idea of becoming loyal sex slaves. Must have been a bored overlord or something.

In any case… if you have a fetish for getting rowdy on endowed Zelda twins, here’s your chance. :wink:

not all incest related disorders are physical some are just not as smart or retarted

It sounds like this guy was reading from the Knights of the Old Republic playbook for being an evil bastard.

Here’s something if you’re really, really bored. Mute your speakers first, it keeps playing this annoying tune over and over again. :stuck_out_tongue:

True. Yet I think the only thing the article was pointing out, is that incest does not mean automatic negative traits. In fact incest done properly can create a family that’s healthier than one without it. It’s really what genes you have. A man and a woman with absolutely no blood relation, but a history of health defects and retarded children, will produce a child with problems far more than an incestuous child from a pair of parents whose family has minimal health issues. As a matter of fact, from the standpoint of genetic survival, you’d want the incest family to endure and breed with another bloodline.

Also there’s no medical evidence that the children from a union between a healthy brother and sister, is any more or any less likely to “spontaneously” produce negative defects, than the child of non related parents. Scientists still have no clear idea what causes Autism for example. It’s all biased data collection and cultural taboo. They’ll use animals as examples to prove incest is bad, yet fail to report how incest with animals also produces stronger and more intelligent breeds. You can destroy a gene pool without incest, as easily as you can with it.

Sure. Continuous inbreeding will produce problems. I don’t deny that. But so will continuously breeding with families who have histories of health problems. Genetic diversification is not all it’s cracked up to be.

As I understand it, one problem is that there are many genes where it’s beneficial to health to have them heterozygous (Gg) because of incomplete dominance and things being only partially expressed. In such a situation, two people who were in perfect health and both Gg have a 25% chance of producing very-screwed-up gg kids. (Just using G as a generic gene letter here.) The majority of their kids would still be okay, but the inbreeding wouldn’t make them any better. At best, the kids would be Gg just like the parents.

Even if Gg confers such a huge health boost that we desperately need to breed more of them to save the human race, breeding two Gg’s together will not produce better results than breeding a Gg to a GG. You’ll get Gg half the time either way, but the version without the inbreeding will avoid the terrible fuckup of gg.

Similarly, if an individual’s health benefits are conferred by a combination of multiple genes that are NOT both recessive, breeding two of such individuals together doesn’t guarantee you’ll get the same beneficial results.

When we have a sufficient understanding of genetics, we may be able to find ‘perfect’ people that can be inbred without risk, but at the moment it’s still a crapshoot even with a seemingly healthy family.

You’re right of course: there’s no guarantee that inbreeding will get the results you desire. However it increases the statistical odds of getting the traits exemplified or reduced in the offspring, because of the controlled environment (so to speak). Centuries of animal and plant domestication are an open testament to this.

Again genetic diversification has its own perils. As an example: Sickle Cell Syndrome. In times past it was a trait found exclusively in Africa or Arabia (depending on whose research you read). However as racial migration and interbreeding increased through the centuries, this disease has found its way into other ethnicities (I’ve read a report of a rare happening with Chinese children; National Geographic if memory serves correctly). The increasing population of “racially mixed” children through out the United States and Europe, only boost the prevalence in family trees that traditionally would not have been threatened.

Now far be it for me to claim diversity is something we should avoid ¬ñ overall the gains are greater than the losses (and I myself am the product of two ethnically diverse parents). However the automatic assumption that “outbreeding = good” and “inbreeding = bad” is not true. It’s all dependant on the genes and traits. A gene pool that’s immune to a specific disease, can remove that immunity by breeding with a gene pool that is not. Of course a gene pool that susceptible to a certain illness only increases that weakness by not introducing more immunity.

Ultimately it becomes a discussion of what you’re looking for in the descendants, and how long the inbreeding/outbreeding takes effect. Biologically humans are no different than any other creature on Earth, and if you’re unethical enough you can produce a reliable number of offspring with the desired traits you want. The NAZI’s weren’t totally wrong they could produce their nation of “blue eyed and blonde hair” people. It would just take generations of dedicated monitoring and ruthless culling of the undesirables… something we’ve long done with roses and dogs (and obviously something Hitler had no problem with). Of course what inherited illnesses and weaknesses this forced ethnicity would have had, could probably fill entire libraries… but it would have had it’s trait strengths.

That being said: I think it’s impossible to breed a “perfect human” without artificial genetic tampering (and obviously more advanced technology). Of course the definition of what’s perfect is also suspect to social perception… what people considered a perfect human 1000 years ago - physically and intellectually - are certainly not the same as today. And then of course, there’s the whole question if the human form is even best for humanity… if we could genetically manipulate our physical form, I doubt we’d be Homo Sapiens if they were looking out for the whole survival first thing (compared to what we find visually appealing).

In the World of Narg, all girls would be born as twins and males would only make 30% of the population. I haven’t figured out how the logistics of it all would work though. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it time for moar twincest yet??? :twisted:

Confirmed, Twincest can share ONCE in schoolmate Sweets.

Pretty much each scene is as follows:
-Sex Scene with talking-
-Release Inside/Outside choice-
-More storyline then it ends.

50 scenes total…

For a fandisk it’s good, but a lot of people expected more.

Once you complete a scene you can go back to it in a sort of ‘Free Mode’ and control the sex scene somewhat.

I love the storyline element though. Illusion games never really have Storyline. Now if only they finished the ‘Schoolmate’ translation… ( this one does occur after the first game… )

I suggest picking it up only if you really have money to spend, waiting would prolly be best so the modders can get around to doing stuff ( Interface translation was almost complete, uncensored mods are being worked on as far as i know )

Speaking of bro-sis incest, here is a comparison of the number of games released with real sisters vs. step-sisters from the time EOCS lifted it’s incest ban to February 2, 2009:

So, yes, there has been an increase somewhat.

That site has been running for a while, but since you brought it up, I have a few things bottled up to say about it.

  1. It shows a pretty clear inclusion bias towards titles with blood-related sisters. I can, given time, name over a hundred titles that I’ve personally played (and that’s just titles I’ve played, and my own list is probably minuscule compared to some of the people here) with imouto charas that aren’t listed here. I’m not sure about the exact reason for this bias, but it definitely presents a misleading opinion.
  2. A number of the entries are quite debatable - as an example, I would challenge that 5, by RaM, does not contain brother-sister incest, for reasons too spoilerific to go into (unless asked otherwise)
  3. It lists games as having a winnable ‘real’ sister when the game itself doesn’t explicitly state either - even when the game’s official website presents information contradicting this. Needless to say, this is rather ridiculous.

Of course, given it’s a list likely culled from 2ch and other sites, I would take it as a grain of salt

The bias is obvious, look at the rest of the guy’s site. He clearly has a fetish for real imouto incest, so this list clearly reflects that bias, not hard to figure it out.

I know I’ve said it before but… damn you Clannad. Twice damn you for not being everything you could have been!

Narg already knows about this game*, but for everyone else’s benefit, it’s coming out on the 27th.

(*futago, heavy implications of twincest, etc.)

So who’s getting it just because of the artist? raises hand

I’m also getting HoshiMemo, but not just for the artist. :smiley:

Well, okay, Koitore + Heaven’s Cage writer might have been part of my decision =P

Say, Tonoike Daisuke is rather fond of twincest, isn’t he?

only Sakura Musubi really lacks it (lacking twins)
too bad he also likes ??? >_>

Two new upcoming twincest titles. Neither seem all that promising… but for the sake of keeping tabs on all twincest titles:

This one appears to have a school girl and pregnancy theme to it.
Official SiteGetchu Entry

This one is a DFC magic girl setting with brother-sister twincest.
Official SiteGetchu Entry

Out of these two, I suppose the second might turn out to be the most interesting. If anything, the character designs are cute.

Huh… apparently someone copied this artist’s twincest. Which is kinda ironic in a sense I suppose. :stuck_out_tongue: