Twincest is Best

Given what I’ve seen from your review and the demo movie, Yosuga no Sora is one of the few instances where our interests (your love of twincest, my love of non-specific incest and pseudo-incest, not to mention my love of light side titles and your love of the dark side) intersect. The main issue I have with twincest is the implied threesome (i.e. I prefer things being kept to one on one). (By association, this also means I’m not really in to harem endings.) Yosuga no Sora solves this by having the protagonist be an identical twin of the opposite sex (an extremely improbable, but very interesting situation). I suppose that another way I’d be interested in a twin title is if the twin route had the twins sharing the same person, but without any threesome encounters (which defeats the point in the eyes of many, including you Narg I’m fairly sure).
As I’ve mentioned in another thread, I’m looking at trying to tackle my first untranslated title after this semester of Japanese I am currently taking. So can you tell me how advanced the grammar and kanji is in Yosuga no Sora?

Ah… I get ya now.

Yea… twincest comes in a lot of flavors, but the most common two themes are: two sister threesomes and brother-sister incest. Out of those I prefer the two sister threesomes ¬ñ that’s one of the main “male fantasy” behind twins. However I’m also keen on the brother-sister incest version, because it’s a major taboo that’s even more taboo. However I’m really not into imouto thing, per se. Only other time I really go for sibling incest, is if its yandere (which usually means unreciprocated by the soon to be dead onii).

I thought you were just an “incest purist” (so to speak), and if I could find a scenario that had identical triplets that comprised of two sisters and one brother, you’d be happy with it. But since you’re not into the threesomes (which such a title would probably have), that attempt would have failed. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yosuga no Sora uses kanji quite liberally. It really isn’t that bad given everyone except Haru speaks. It doesn’t use obscure kanji ¬ñ they’re the “common” ones and what have you.

At present, I’m willing to say that Yosuga no Sora is the best “brother-sister twincest” story for an eroge. While it’s one of the more common themes of twincest, it’s a loooong second place from the threesome sister twincest. Most of the competition against Yosuga no Sora, are like Futa Majo from Teatime

…however they just don’t compare in terms of story quality and drama.

I’d love to go into detail why I think the twincest route in Yosuga no Sora is so great… but it be ruining the experience for ya. :expressionless:

I mean even this mild spoiler might be a bit too much…

Haru tries to make Sora into something she’s not. Ultimately it’s Sora who brings a change in Haru.

If i’m not mistaken, Asanagi no Aquanauts from Fizz have a protagonist who have a (hot) twin sister who want to get into his panties, too.

Except she is his OLDER twin, not YOUNGER twin like YnS.

Quite right. His mom is also hot to trot. There’s even a family threesome (it was mentioned a few posts back I think).

While your twin sister is usually in-charge, she has her weaknesses. :o

If you trust the metrics on Erogamescape, the two rank about equal: ??? versus ???

Personally however, I think YnS is superior… but everyone has different tastes. If you’re like me though, you’ll just end up getting both so it won’t matter. :wink: However like Futa Majo, it uses magic and tends to be a bit silly at times… Yosuga stays with the realistic drama.

I may end up reviewing Asanagi no Aquanauts before I have to return to work after next week… I’ll see what I can manage.

Thanks for the information Narg. I think I may have found my found my first untranslated title to try and take on. It will probably take some work to get through it, but I’d much rather take on a title that requires a bit of effort, but has a great story than take on a title I can easily read, but isn’t interesting to me.
On a side note, Asanagi no Aquanauts sounds like a possible winner in my book as well. I’ll be looking forward to seeing a review of it by you Narg.

I personally think the distinction is rather silly, since one is only going to be, what, a few seconds younger/older than the other ANYWAY =p

Heh… true… for us Westerners, the birth order doesn’t matter much - especially if it’s only by a few seconds. But for the Japanese, it’s a very big deal. Seniority has a major factor in their culture.

Anime/eroge/manga twincest always show this.

In Tsukihime, Hisui (junior) is always respectful to Kohaku (senior), and never calls her by first name. In MinDeaD BlooD, Mana (junior) always follows and obeys Mayu (senior). In Castlevania, Loretta (junior) allows Stella (senior) to dictate where they go. Etc, etc, etc. Usually the senior twin is the dominant of the pair, with the junior being her shadow/sidekick - a few even go so far, as to have the junior twin have an inferiority complex type personality.

So in Yosuga, Haru being the senior means Sora is always following him around and doing what he says. In Asanagi that’s the opposite, with Aki being the subordinate to his sister. There really is a thematic difference between the twincest relationships, thanks to that.

On a personal note: the twincest eroge I’ve seen with the brother-sister variety, is dominated by the sister being in love with her brother. I’d honestly like to see a scenario go the other way around: where it’s the player convincing his sister into twincest (preferably without rape enslavement or magic to make a good dramatic love story; but I won’t complain if it’s violent). I know manga and anime have already done it… but it’s different for an ero.

I suppose that’s even too creepy for the Japanese. :stuck_out_tongue:

I know, but I still find it ridiculous. You’d think if any two blood-related individuals were ever ‘equals’, it would be twins =p

I completely agree. If handled well, I think such a story would be very interesting. Actually, with eroge in general, it would be nice to see more games where the protagonist actually has to work at convincing the ladies in the game. Unfortunately, so many titles (in my experience so far at least) have a protagonist who is extremely charismatic to the ladies, and thus it isn’t very hard to attain scenes and good endings. Most instances of missing scenes and getting bad endings seem to occur only if the player is extremely boneheaded in his choices, or is simply a case of the protagonist being in the wrong place at a certain time (YMK in particular comes to my mind right now). The only eroge I have that I can think of where I’ve found it to actually be a challenge to pick up the girls is Casual Romance Club.

Go play Sugar + Spice.

the 3 Portable idolm@ster games are out.

Ami/Mami Futami :smiley:
Don’t forget they sing…and can be customized…

I already started a file with them…

Already got a scene where they asked if i thought they were my ‘Imouto’ ( hope i spelt it right ). Cause they constantly call you ‘Onii-chan’.
And for true twin lovers, they play a game called ‘Which one is Ami/Mami’. To see if you can spot the difference :slight_smile:
The rival in their version is Takane

Twins VS Mature Woman

Now if you will excuse me…Ami/Mami are being taken to Performance class to increase their Visual and Vocal skills…

Narg…we’ll dedicate a song to you when they get good XD

A little more info would be helpful (possibly through PM since this is leading the thread off topic), but it seems I need to start making a list of untranslated titles to look at getting in the future. I guess my list currently would be as follows:
Definite: Yosuga no Sora, Crescendo (with voice and extended scenarios)
Possible: Asanagi no Aquanauts, Sugar + Spice, Te to Te Try On, anything written by Tanaka Romeo/Yamada Hajime (unless told otherwise), Clannad, Kanon, Air

Told you God likes twincest. :stuck_out_tongue:

The mysterious Land of the Twins! … terstitial

Three things…

#1: It’s the Promised Land.

#2: Damn it. I knew I should have learned German.

#3: Evil (incestous) NAZI plot.

:o … simai.html
Something that you will like Nargrakhan. Propeller game hmm. I hope this will be good but I can’t help but get disappointed for a bit. (The art style) I also wonder if !!! would ever release.

Heh, your name actually came up re: that same town.

Since we’re on the subject of weird twin info… I saw these two on a Discovery Channel special. I suppose that’s a real life case where to win one, you HAVE to win both. According to their interviews, “We want to be mums, but haven’t thought how it would work.”

That’s truly “two for the price of one”! :lol:

Aaanyway… back to bishoujos, Narg. Did you already checked this one?

There’s a couple (?) of twins here.

Finished the game a second time, and I suddenly was reminded of something else that adds even more incest…


Your dead father was your mother’s brother… yea that makes him your uncle too. So you and your twin are a result of incest. Thus if you take the mom-sister harem route, you’re pretty much going for a pure blood family.

Checking it out. :o