Twincest is Best

Heh, clearly you forgot that NO thread in this BBS is immune to gratuitous hijacking :stuck_out_tongue: .
Narg may like Twin Sisters¬ô, but I proudly say that Varied Sisters¬ô are better!

… :o However I’m 100% sure that even your twins are subject to the “No House is Big Enough for Two Women” rule :lol: .

Oh no… I haven’t forgotten. This is actually the third time this thread has been derailed away from twintopian love.

However it is my duty… nay… my divine purpose to continue on the glory of twincest!!!

Don’t cry twincest! Narg will always be faithful to you!

On a related note: turns out that the anime version of Myself ; Yourselfeventually has the twins becoming a couple, ironically because someone wanted to break them further apart. The evil act only causes twincest to finally flourish! 8)

I look at like this: If it lets more people play games that aren’t ever going to get an official translation to their language, then what’s the big deal? If Dark Translations takes down any patch they make when any product they’ve done has been officially translated?

Sure, it isn’t legal, but Dark Translation is just making a “English localization” patch. Hopefully, they will be good with just minor issues in their translation. But if they are bad? So what? Maybe that will just motivate more people to learn. Are you afraid it will just demotivate OTHER “free” translators from doing a translation at all? As long as some of the people using those patches bought a copy of the game, the IP owners end up with extra money off it.

As for “commissions” for translations— hey, it seems like it isn’t any different then doujinshi— unless the doujinshi is actually put out by the IP holder or otherwise they get a royalty for the use of their IP (they are just raking in the dough while letting it sit “outside” canon by being under a different publishing brand/title). I just wouldn’t expect anything great out of a DT translation— but that wouldn’t stop me from tossing done a few bucks on a few titles. If I put in a small amount (small to me, anyways), and the end result is understandable enough to enjoy, I’d be ahead as a fan of the genre who’s personal skills of reading japanese is still quite pathetic, right?

The only concern I can see is that these translations by DT would someone prevent a company from licensing those titles that “DT” has done because the big boys of the original IP thnk that demand for their project has been poisoned by it.

Narg, it is truly your calling to spread the love of Twincest. Keep it up! I bet you are rewarded in your next life for bringing such joy to the world. :mrgreen:

Needs moar… how do you say it… TWINCEST!! :mrgreen:

Male quasi-twins courtesy of Corpse Maid here.

I can’t wait for that eroge. :smiley: It’s from the same guys who brought us MinDeaD BlooD and Gore Screaming Show, who for whatever reasons, left Black Cyc to make their own studio. Seeing how the last batch of titles (except Gun-Katana) have been rather disappointing, I’m beginning to think these two (and whomever else left with them) were the real dark eroge masters of the company.

I mean they bill the game as Necrotic and Puppet Master for God’s sake! Can you say enslavement guro? I know you can. :twisted: … f=20&t=160 … so1tbr.jpg

However it’s gaining support from the ero-starving masses, MinDeaD BlooD reached the 500 dollars mark today, blame Narg for that :stuck_out_tongue: :lol: .

One of the Austin Powers movies has a twin gag in it: even an “International Man of Mystery” is no match for twincest. 8)

Engage Links from ALcot has twintopian love! 8)

Official Site


Basically the character Tear has a twin sister who has turned to evil. Help reunite them for the Glory of Twincest!

In recent demo movies it was confirmed that in "Schoolmate Sweets!’ you can do stuff with the twins, If you have control over what they both do is currently unknown though.
Also, it was confirmed that 2 girls can do things with each other without the guy present. It’s unknown whether the Twins are considered separate or 1 girl currently.
In regards to customizing, you can customize all the girls with clothes, but it’s unknown whether both or only 1 twin can be customized.
Clothes include casual clothes and fetish outfits ( Nuns, Nurse, Tennis outfit, school uniform, Business suits, Witch and Demon/succubi currently confirmed )
Tentacle monsters confirmed
Each character will have a storyline with branching paths ( supposedly over 50 different scenario’s can be achieved, although my guess is that includes changes of clothes )
Photo mode confirmed. You can put the characters into positions ( more than 1 girl already confirmed ) and take photo’s of them.
Bondage confirmed
At least 10 different locations ( hard to tell in the demo movie ) confirmed. Classroom, Gym Storage room, School Hallway?, At a cafe?, Over a ledge/sign?, some characters houses?, Beach, field of flowers?, Bathroom?, Train/elevator?, Hotel?, School Nurse office, Grassy outside spot?, Office/work?, School Janitors closet?, Pool

Hopefully this will help sate peoples Twincest want :slight_smile:
If you are interested in getting this, then i suggest purchasing ‘School Mate’ also. You will unlock extra features if you do ( currently confirmed is a new character, your mother, not only do you get Mother/son incest, but she is a ‘MILF’ style character also )

Just as a slight word of warning: Illusion are real dicks when it comes to running their games on non-Japanese Windows. They’ve officially gone on the record to say that they don’t want non-Japanese gamers playing their titles. Why? Because they’re made for Japanese gamers only. They also block non-Japanese IP addresses from accessing their site.

Apathetic? Racist? Stuck-up? Paranoid? Does it really matter?

Anyways: getting the more recent Illusion titles to run on English Windows sometimes requires changing your timezone and default language to Japanese. There’s at least one title that I know of, in which many non-Japanese installs had to use an .EXE crack to unlock.

Given how top-of-the-line Illusion titles are, this is a real pain in the ass. :expressionless:

I’m in Australia and i can access it.

I’v never had any problems with their games ( i’v played most of them )

Just because it works for you, doesn’t mean it will work for everyone… not to mention that Australia shares servers with the Asian Pacific backbone of the Internet. American East Coast PAETEC ip addresses are blocked access. Northwest COX Cable addresses are blocked. Several ip’s from Europe are denied.

As a matter of fact, just do a Google search with: illusion redirects yahoo japan… blamo… complaints.

Love Death 2 is just one of several titles that doesn’t work on most English installs by default. I’ve had to use a Microsoft patch to make it work on my non-Japanese PC. For Box Hako I had to change the regional settings to Japanese.

As a matter of fact, just do a Google search with: illusion regional settings… blamo… complaints.

I’m not telling you to not buy Illusion: I’m telling you that if you get an Illusion game, and it doesn’t work, there are annoying Illusion made reasons for it.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!!! I found this title by accident, as Getchu didn’t list it with the other twincest. :x

[url=]Devils Devil Concept[/url]

Don’t really know much about it myself, having only learned of it a few hours ago, but it clearly was made for Narg: twins, gothic lolita, yandere, and supernatural magic/beings. It’s from Akatsuki Works, who helped teach us that being multiculture is a good thing. :twisted:

Okay… I’m sold. Preordering this sucker. 8)

The Getchu page has moar pictures the official site does not. So far I’ve seen no proof that the twins actually share, but seeing how their “Devil Costumes” all but match with each other…

Under The Moon from Sugar Beans has twins. The official site can be found here.

The title was so popular, it also spawned a fandisk.

I didn’t find Under The Moon to be that great, unfortunately… I’m pretty sure this isn’t the best that the eroges-for-girls genre can offer. Maybe I’ll try one of the other notable titles in that genre, like Tsuki no Hikari Taiyou no Kage, or one of tiaramode’s.

Oh yeah, and since I’ve been replaying snips (I remembered the game all of a sudden recently and had to go back to it), here’s my favourite twins story:

Doesn’t involve any sort of sharing, or even H with both twins, but that wasn’t my priority here =p

He thinks like me. :o

Ah, the series “The Least I Could Do”, made by the same great duo as the series “Looking For Group” (of which I own a signed copy of the volume one hardcover). The character Richard from LFG is a hero of mine (at least when it comes to playing RPGs). For those unfamiliar with the series, here is a clip featuring Richard.

Now back to your regularly scheduled twincest.

Richard for the win!

Richard is definately one of the better characters floating around. I suspect the entire series was created just to show him off, although it is bogged down with much less noteworthy characters and generic fantasy “plot” right now. MORE RICHARD!

Five reasons why everyone should own a copy of Yosuga no Sora.

Your twin sister (and usagi-chan) need some mad lov’n. Why deny destiny? :o

Also YouTube has taken off the 18+ age restriction to see this video. Rightly so. EVERYONE should know the glory. :twisted:

On a sidenote…


This twincest story arc certainly has me enthralled. :wink: