Twincest is Best

Heh… I caught the anime only recently. Then I started reading the manga soon after.

Kaoru is truly lucky for having the twincest Sekirei - they’re lovey-lovey sisters who care for the master… although too bad they follow the rule of “IT MUST BE THREE” a bit too closely, eh? No harem for you Kaoru… nope… just twins. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m the one who suggested it :slight_smile:

Erogereview brought me into the world of the darkside…and somewhat into the world of twincest :slight_smile:

Only the game - or the Yuketsubako too?
After all, the twincest really shine only in the -how does Narg call it- “true ending” (=Vampire’s Road) that is part of the Yuketsubako! :twisted:

I’ve only suggested the main game. If that gets completed then i plan to suggest the fandisk/expansion.

Hey, Narg, check these future eroge releases with some twincest:
(Squeez game, so probably lots of brainless animated sex) … id/1011978
(You know about this one already, right?) … id/1011844
(Windmill game, so lots of fun and moeness. I hope no “traps” this time! :lol:)

Just checked the site (pretty :smiley: !) and posted my opinion about the Kansen erogames, but if this is really the game which has gained more financial support than MindeaD BlooD or Kansen 1-2-3, I’ve definitely lost my residual hope for the Human race :stuck_out_tongue: … ?game=9017

Oy. Thanks for the list. :slight_smile:

Yea… I have the elven twincest on preorder. 8)

Not just the twincest shine: Shizuru too… as well as Arisa. Some of their best moments are on the expansion disc.
However without the core game, the expansion doesn’t make a whole lotta sense: it’s basically the cut material from the core… (which sadly was not corrected in the DVD remake).

It’s the anime. That eroge has an anime, while Kansen and MinDeaD do not.

It’s amazing how something little like that, makes a title sooooo much more popular in the West. :?

You won’t find a dark eroge fan worth his salt, claim Kansen or MinDeaD aren’t collectively superior.

On a sidenote: how reliable is Dark Translations? I mean do they actually finish what they start? I’ve often gotten my hopes up for a fan translation group to make something - even donated a bit - and then see them vanish a year later. :frowning: MinDeaD has a LOT of text… it’s not just a pointless sexfest: do they know the scope of how long the title is? It’s a lot more than a LiLiTH title. Many times more. Site has like half a dozen projects at once… I know groups that have spent YEARS working on a single title.

Well, I’m the newly hired text editor for Dark Translations, and while I myself would have preferred starting with MinDead or Kansen 1 or 3 (3 has gotten the most donations of the two propsed Kansen games), there’s always two months from now when Shion is finished (provided everything goes well). Still my first job before that will be a twincest title; a game from Morning Star called ??? or Double Phase - The Asou Twins - Anal and Pussy Enlargement

Main site link:

So Narg, you ever played this game before? If so, is it at least good as a sex romp?

Ah… I own that title. Got it from DLSite IIRC. One of those “extreme sex” offerings: deformations and outrageous insertions. It’s worth a playthrough or two if you’re into that kind of sex. Guro chan seemed to love it, despite the lack of blood and gore. Just no lasting replay value, because it’s so short. But then people who get the title, aren’t looking for EPIC STORY¬ô I suppose. :stuck_out_tongue:

Before I forget: someone tried to get me on WoW, because it recently inserted twincest bosses for uber level’ed characters. Not the first MMO to feature twincest, but Blizzard knows what the fans want. :wink: Tempting as twincest is to me, I just can’t enjoy WoW long enough to make it that far in the MMO… so I had to pass his offer.

So in the end it’s Shion, huh? Too bad :frowning:

I was cheering for MinDead Blood. I could even decide to put some money into it, to make it the next translation if possible, but first I need to figure out if I really agree with this “commission” policy. I don’t see anything bad about someone getting paid for his translation skills, but something still seems to bother me, and I can’t really say what :?

Anyway, this is a little off topic in this twincest sanctuary, so I better leave now 8)

(First part is reposted from the Gemot)

After glancing through two of the scripts from the games that Nephrinn’s translated in the past, I would feel insulted if I had to pay for a translation of this level. It’s impossible to judge the accuracy of the translations as the original text isn’t preserved, but in some places it reads very poorly in English (although some other parts are fine). From that, it’s reasonable to infer that there are probably some significant inaccuracies in the Japanese to English translation too.

A few samples:

From The Gang Rape Club:

With feeling her body jump up greatly at once, Chiaki stopped moving and stiffened up.

Not knowing what her facial expression was covered by the blindfold, he had no doubt that perhaps she had a face that was indulging in the pleasure.

While listening to my heart jump about, with speaking the name of the person who had addressed me with a voice I squeezed out.

From Prison Battleship:

Blushing her cheeks, she floated a pleasure-filled smile like she couldn’t believe what was happening, losing all awareness in the process.

Naomi spilled out blurred gasps upon merely having her breasts and butt lightly caressed, seeming to pin her down with rising carnal desires beyond bashfulness.

I’m worried about the potential MinDead Blood translation, as it’s a good title that deserves an excellent translation. The previous works from dark translations, (that deal with scripts that are probably much simpler to read than MinDead Blood) are of a poor quality at best. On top of that, to actually have the gall to ask people to pay for translations when their previous works are so badly done smacks of charlatanism :evil:. Some people will strongly disagree with me on that point though…

Anyway, I don’t really want to say or post anything else about this matter.

You know, that excerpt of Dark Translations prior works isn’t any worse then MangaGamer’s first few releases.

Yep, the quality is much better than you’d get from an auto-translator. I guess my previous post was made on that basis that it’s better to have no translation at all than a poor translation, although a lot of people would disagree with that. Also, I’m uncomfortable with the idea of making money off someone else’s property - even more so if the end result is significantly inferior to the original. I guess translation’s one of those things that I can’t compromise on with regards to quality.

That’s true but it’s not exactly a complimentary comparison either. I’m not sure that editing would be able to fix the problems either (applies to both MangaGamer and Dark Translations), as whilst the words could be re-ordered into a correct English sentence, it would almost certainly differ from the original meaning. There are some parts that probably need an outright retranslation, and the responsibility for that probably should belong to the original translator(s), not the editor.

Translation isn’t one of those things that improves as you shove more people on it, unless those people are just translation checking the stuff that’s already been translated (and they’re actually good at it). It’s more likely that multiple people are translating the same work, to save time, which often (but not always) ends up with an inconsistent translation.

As far as Dark Translations goes… ehh, it’s a can of worms I don’t want to open. My thoughts basically mirror Ignosco’s.

When money becomes involved, it’s no longer a ‘gray area’ in the legality department. The moment a translator or translation group begins taking commissions for their work on properties legally owned by another, it’s only a matter of time before that property owner finds out and takes action.

This thread is suddenly suffering from a severe lack of twincest! Your punishment is to buy all these trinkets for them! :wink:

(Mune Kyun! from UNiSON Shift in case you’re wondering… there’s also an OVA hentai for it.)

On a sidenote, turns out that Lune’s magic girl twincest title mentioned previously, is only a mindless rapefest. Not that I don’t like 'em of course. :stuck_out_tongue:

It never was a grey area in the legality department. It was – and still is – a grey area in the ethicality department. Even in the old days, fansubbers would take donations to pay their translators.

The legality is the same as it used to be: it was, and is, illegal without permission. Translating something without permission for personal use is OK, but for distribution is emphatically NOT OK, even if you only distribute the translation with a legal copy of the original work. At least according to my understanding of the Berne convention. Many people erroneously believe fansubbing is OK (a few months back when some fansub downloaders started getting DMCA C&Ds, they freaked; some of the subber group boards were full of people insisting it was not illegal to download fansubbed anime). They are all mistaken. Even setting aside the translation issue, distributing copies of the material is illegal. Period. Always has been.

Fansubbing has been largely ignored for a long time, but this DOES NOT mean it somehow is legitimate in the eyes of the law. It was not ignored because it is OK, it was ignored because of practicality.

Must restore the balance. :smiley:

From what I understand the Berne convention doesn’t exactly cover tools to make that translation, but just the translation itself. It also does not trump the company’s need to show a detrimental impact to the sales of the product. As far as money goes, that depends as well. If the “donations” are required to get the item, then they probably would be listed as a commercial translation. If however someone asks for donations and happens to be distributing that item, but does not require anyone to send them money not really. It would be the same as me asking people here to help donate to my cause of buying more h-games (please note: you are welcome to donate to this cause).

Restoring moar balance.