Twincest is Best

The more I read this thread, the more I wonder whether Narg’s lauding of ??? was just a scam, influenced by his personal tastes. I guess that if one follows Narg’s buying advices, one ends with an erogame collection containing by some weird coincidence only games with twins. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not a slippery used car salesman. :o

??? is a great twincest title. Narg didn’t steer you wrong with that one (btw: have ya started on it yet?) - promise!

I know the difference between good twincest and shitty twincest - which is why I point it out after encountering it. However some people’s tastes greatly differ from me - or some just like getting abused by third-rate titles - so I at least mention them here. I mean if you don’t like a guro title, then I doubt getting a guro title with twincest in it, will make you suddenly enjoy guro. However if you happen to enjoy guro, then having some twincest in it makes everything more fun. Thus a fan of [insert fetish here] would really find a title that’s of a [insert fetish here] mentioned in this thread, worth checking out… cause it’s packing TWINCEST. :wink:

However if I think it’s a noteworthy or terrible twincest title, I’ll naturally give my own two-cents about the greatness. :mrgreen:

Besides… if you’re gonna get a terrible title, it might as well have twincest in it. 8)

Also before I forget, Dungeon Crusaderz 2 does NOT feature twincest. Habane and Mizuchi are false advertising. :cry:

But is it a great ?? title? As for starting it, I have a couple of hundreds games piled up before I get to it!

Bah, the first game had such an awful combat system I didn’t bother with it after I tried the demo while the second’s art didn’t appeal to me. I expect more from ???2? (though the confirmation system seems to be just as annoying than the previous one [to open a chest, you have to click once to select the chest, twice to confirm the opening, thrice to confirm you take the item inside and four times to close the chest --that’s not to mention if you had the maximum number of items, in which case you click a fifth time to either discard or not the item!]).

While staying as unbiased as I could, I rated the title as 70 out of 100 in my spoiler free review.

Incidently, in a rare moment of agreement, that’s about the same score as Erogamescape’s own metric.

I don’t want to spoil the story for you, so I won’t say anything that’s going to ruin it for ya. The twincest story is divided into chapters. All of the chapters are great until the last one. Now this isn’t to say the final chapter is terrible… it’s just that how a certain mystery in the game is resolved, and the direction it goes in the relationship with the lovers, isn’t as great as the earlier chapters. It has an awesome setup, then throws in an awesome crisis, that only causes more crisis, that only causes even more crisis, which is solved by a rather cliche solution to wrap everything up. What the title really lacked, was an unhappy ending: if it did offer the option, then a more “realistic” answer could have been possible. However I enjoyed everything, and the ride of seeing how the twins eventually accept sharing the same lover is quite a wild one. They don’t want to share at first, and there’s a lot of betrayal, lies, and jealousy. Most twincest titles follow the cliche that “twins want to share and never disagree.” Futari de Hitotsu no Koigokoro does not, and really does a great job at portraying that.

Mmmm-mmmmhhh… It indeed sounds interesting. I guess I may move it in my priority list to see whether Narg’s recommendations hold any value as far as Olf is concerned. :smiley:

“Finest example of twin specific storytelling”, though? No love for ToHeart2? :wink:

Naw… The ToHeart2 twincest are great, but they take second seat to the Kogokoro twincest. :smiley:

Oh… and speaking of twincest: Kiss x Sis first OVA episode is pure win. Follows the manga perfectly. Ettchi and more ettchi.

Twincest make sure their brother is never lonely at night. :o

Twincest take great seriousness to see who gets to wear their brother’s underwear. 8)

Twincest love their brother so very much. :mrgreen:

Brother tells all the twincest haters, what Narg would tell 'em. :stuck_out_tongue:

We all know the drill: Twincestis Best!!!

Saw this at a local shopping centre and was reminded of you, Narg. =)

As a note, I wonder how many people here followed your advice and bought the game. I know at least someone other than me did! :smiley:
It looks like their might be twincest in Crowds Newest title.

Theirs 2 Rusty’s standing side by side so I’m not sure.

I thought the story premise was that the Demon Lord Rusty took a “body strengthening potion” and ended up turning himself into a girl, and the hero fell in love with “her” at first sight.

I’m not sure I’m afraid. I’m just guessing based off their being 2 Rusty’s on the character screen.

So, basicaly, CROWD will be releasing an eroge about a guy (a devil dude, in this case) turning into a woman AGAIN?! :lol:

These guys seriously DO need some new ideas! :stuck_out_tongue:

From this day forth: CROWD = TRAP


Demon Lord “Rusty”? Maybe they should think up a more demonic name for the demon lord.

Why do you think he had to take a “body strengthening potion”? He was sealed inside some dark and small cave for millennia! :smiley:

I wonder if it’s supposed to be ‘Lusty’ or maybe Rathty <_<;

Is there a twincest path in Da Capo ? (probably not but who knows…)

No. There’s no twincest. Technically it could have been possible. Sorta kinda.

I’ve seen one or two hentai doujin manga have a “what-if” type deal with the possibility.

Major spoiler:

[spoiler]Sagisawa Yoriko, the neko mimi meido, is actually Sagisawa Misaki in another body… her cat’s to be specific. Misaki wished she could possess her cat’s body, transform it into a humanoid shape that looked like her, and then seduce Junichi. Why’d she go through all that hassle, and not just use her own body in the first place? Wouldn’t make a good story I suppose… plus neko mimi damn it.

In any case, you don’t get to plow Yoriko and Misaki at the same time (she can’t be in two places at the same time)… hell… you don’t get to plow Yoriko. You do get to plow Misaki though.

The anime is different from the game: Yoriko is super smart cat who took the form of Misaki. In that regard, technically there could have been twincest… well… doppleganger-cest… but obviously that didn’t happen.

Too bad… a cat is fine too. :P[/spoiler].

HAHAHA!! Nice one. He ain’t no Rusty Wallace!

I forgot about Sekirei anime and manga. It has twin sisters. Their names are Hikari, and Hibiki. … 354651.png

Their master was so lucky bastard.