Twincest is Best

While crutches like these are fine, I’d sort of warn against relying on them too much in case you end up hurting your ability to learn the language and/or get too used to relying on them. If you’re able to get such good results out of machine translation (especially when voices are present) I’d say you probably know more Japanese than you think.

It’s not so much for learning Japanese as it is for just enjoying the games really; whatever I know now I’ve just picked up from various media. The exception being learning Hiragana and Katakana; that was done purposefully. While playing I’ll usually skim the regular Japanese text first to see if I can understand it just from that (which is useful for not forgetting the kanas too), then read the machine translation. Quite often the Japanese text makes more sense than the machine translation, go figure. As for understanding games, dialogue is usually not all that hard to grasp since it often involves a fairly limited vocabulary until the “plot thickens”, so to speak. Sometimes I’ll look up various kanji I recognise but either can’t remember what mean or how they are spoken, since they are likely used fairly often and can be useful to remember. The machine translation is fairly useless without basic understanding like the kanas and simple words though, since surprisingly often the machine translation struggles a lot more with long sentences of hiragana rather than the kanji heavy ones, especially if the hiragana spells out words usually written with kanji. Probably can’t understand too well where one word starts and another ends.

Anyway, any Japanese learned from this is mostly an accidental, if useful side effect. . I’m already having to study about ball bearings due to my job, I don’t think I can do even more studying on top of that (not consciously at least :stuck_out_tongue: )

Hey Narg. I just found a new twincest eroge: :smiley:


Did you guys already checked these? They have twins, too.

GIRI-GIRI SCOOP 2 … id/1013618

AMAENBO … id/1013570

Lately, it seems to have lots of true incest eroges involving not only twins brother/sister, but twins mother/aunt too. :?

New company, new writer, new artist, looks oddly fascinating, shame about the res (800x450, as opposed to a larger widescreen res).

Ah man, that one looked promising … if only I spoke Japanese.

Yay! :o

And here I was fearing the twincest offerings would trickle in drops towards the end of the year. Good to know twincest is never outta fashion. :slight_smile:

Futago + Kango (available on dlsite)

I found a really neat program called Translation Aggregator to aid in playing Japanese PC bishoujo games. It integrates with AGTH (included), and with proper configuration, it can display ATLAS machine translation (optional, requires that ATLAS be installed), original Japanese, Japanese with injected furigana over Kanji (optional, requires installation of MeCab [included]), and word-by-word JDIC pop-up translations on scroll over–all accessible simultaneously in a single window you can run alongside the game. It’s the best thing since sliced bread for those wanting to learn Japanese by playing visual novels. The only problem is it’s a bitch to configure. Luckily I’ve done that for you already.

Here’s a link to download my pre-configured version (21MB):

The main execuatable, Translation Aggregator, runs without installation. Obviously you’ll need ATLAS to use the ATLAS translation window. Otherwise it should work as is. Latest version of AGTH is included. Just in case, you might want to create a folder called C:\unzipped and put the extracted folder in there (that’s where it is on my PC). I can’t link to the site I got it from, but if you know how to use AGTH, you should be able to figure the program out. MeCab has to be installed for furigana injection; the installation utility is provided in the Addons folder. TAHelper is included but I don’t use it; I suggest not messing with it unless you know what you’re doing, as it modifies the interface.

If you try it, let me know how it works out for you. For those with little to no knowledge of Japanese, it has a better interface than Atlas and AGTH alone, simplifying their use. It’s a great tool even for those with advanced knowledge of Japanese, since it saves a trip to the Kanji dictionary. However, those with basic to intermediate knowledge of Japanese (like myself) will get the most use out of it. The original author goes by the pseudonym “ScumSuckingPig”.

Do you think you could possibly post a screenshot or two of this in action? The furigana function you mention would be really useful to me, especially in cases of protagonist dialog and such where you can’t draw hints from what you hear.

I dunno; this is actually why I purposefully avoid electronic dictionaries for a while after starting out (now most of the stuff I don’t recognise isn’t in my paper dictionaries so =p) - you don’t actually WANT to make it easier to look up kanji, otherwise you’ll end up looking it up more often instead of learning it.

Double post, but the Blue Devil eroge I mentioned a while back is up on dlsite now.

Sensei Daisuki 2 is an older 2004 lolicon title that has twincest (one sister is ultra girly, the other is a tomboy)


[url=]Bad End[/url]


Now we know what happens when you date twins yanderes. :lol:

As predicted: total lack of meaningful plot. You individually pop 5 identical cherries and then proceed with a massive incestual orgy that makes you think you’re in a clone factory. Having said that: it promised quints, so it didn’t lie. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think triplets is the limit. Beyond that it seems a bit too forced.

But then I have a hard time with 5+ girl harems without incest, so it might just be me.

Incest makes everything better - you know it.

And five girls? It would be like having sex in a bowl full of boobies … I think I could tolerate that.

f you have issues narg, I’ll take those girls from you…
I can live with being suffocated by identical boobies.

I couldn’t have said it any better. :stuck_out_tongue:

:twisted: Incest+harem= WIN WIN. and my fantasy too :wink: