Twincest is Best

So you escaped? Hurry, run before he comes back!

You know… far be it for me to say anything bad about multiple identical siblings… but [u]Quints[/u]? Doesn’t Dieselmine think they’ve bitten off more than they can chew? Good twincest is hard to pull off… triplets are almost unheard of… but they’ve skipped four and gone to [u]FIVE[/u]? Narg is certainly getting… but Narg is worried he will be mighty disappointed. :frowning:

On a totally different topic: just finished Haruka na Sora.

Yea… the “now not missing” Kozue and Yahiro routes are just as fantastic as the original girls… but more importantly: MOAR SORA!!!

Now I’ve always been a strong supporter of twincest sisters, because it equates to the divine threesome scenario… but Haru + Sora seriously meets my requirements for the “pure twincest” of the brother and sister variety.

In Yosuga no Sora, the Haru + Sora interactions were mostly centered around the (awesome) emotional drama of twins sharing an incest relationship. However it wasn’t until the end, that Haru finally accepted the truth and embraced Sora for everything that she was. In Haruka na Sora, the Haru + Sora interactions are centered around them having accepted being truly twincest, and thus life as a couple without the nagging issue of them worrying about the criminality of it all (well sorta). Admittedly it’s not as emotionally drama driven as the original, since the taboo morality is gone, but oh-so deliciously moe and down right satisfying. Seeing Sora with Haru is just so damn right, despite it being so damn wrong. 8)

If you’re into incest eroge, there’s absolutely [u]NO[/u] reason why you should be passing up these two titles.

Oh yea… you get to see Kozue with her hair down. Not as awesome as MOAR SORA mind you… but noteworthy. :wink:

Formal review forthcoming. Seriously. This eroge has sparked the fire in me again. That good. :o

I can think of one reason… I barely understand a word Japanese :stuck_out_tongue:

Have to agree here… I tried my Japanese with Shuffle!. It’s in a coma.

Now, now, you could learn it!

Hell, I’m sure it’s not that hard if people like ME managed it >_>

Well, it used to be passable for me when I lived in Japan. But years of not being used regularly or being immersed in the language has dulled my ability considerably.

I’m thinking about getting the Rosetta Stone program to at least have some type of “intimate” interaction with the language. Maybe that with some imports would revive my Japanese.

Surprisingly, I can learn the written language easily enough. I just have a heard time with the spoken portion of languages. I have problems with English… people really need to learn to articulate, speak loud enough, and not speak at light speed.

If you can read written Japanese just fine, what’s the problem?

Seriously, VNs are literally ALL written Japanese. Except for the few that have voiced segments that aren’t shown in text (like Forest) you should have no trouble.

(I’m the same. My written Japanese is far superior to my spoken)

My written is in shambles at the moment as well. I could probably relearn it rather quickly, but I have just been busy with my writing that I haven’t gotten around to learning Japanese again.

As strange as it might seem to those who haven’t attempted learning Japanese, this is pretty much the norm in my experience. Everyone in my Japanese II class last semester that I talked to about the listening portion of the mock JLPT level 4 test we had to take bitched about what a pain in the ass it was. I can only imagine the complaints I’ll hear at the end of this semester when we have to take a mock version of JLPT level 3.

Wait until everyone realizes that they need JLPT level 2 at the minimum for any serious work in Japanese :wink:

Same for me, but with an interesting twist: I can grasp (but not speak) spoken japanese with some difficulty (started self study of japanese 8-9 years ago), I CAN NOT do the same with spoken english (started self study of english 20+ years ago).
Japanese is the easy (spoken) language here :stuck_out_tongue: .

What do you think about it being written by the MinDead Blood writer? Because it is =P

Ooooh… Very promising then! He clearly has experience of twintopian lov’in. 8)

However unless it involves quintuplet yuri yandere kyuketsuki raping the hell outta a city in a bloody orgy of lusty tentacle driven carnage, I’ll still have some lingering doubts. :wink:

I don’t really he’s really playing to his strengths in this one though, so while I pay attention to the dieselmine titles he works on, I’m probably not going to get this one.

Pity; he’s quite a good writer and this is underutilising him!

This isn’t really all that surprising. It does point to an interesting feature of the Japanese language, however. In Japanese, a given syllable is always pronounced exactly the same way, except for ‘N’ and a handful of cases where a syllable changes depending on what’s around it. In general, however, Japanese is almost mechanically easy: if you can spell it, you can pronounce it, without exception.

English on the other hand is so messed up that there are words even native speakers get confused by. Pronunciation changes at random, for any number of reasons. Even how to break words into syllables is highly variable. A given group of letters can have huge numbers of different pronunciations, with only very loose reasoning trying everything together.

The oddities of English aren’t really a surprise, given that it is descended from both the Italic (specifically Latin) and Germanic groups, with some of the Celtic group and a few bits from others. Mix those all together, and then throw in the Great Vowel Shift, and you have quite a strange beast indeed. It is a bit more complicated than that, but my description gives some insight in to why it is so bizarre.

The Japanese courses I took during my undergraduate (1 year) focused almost completely on the spoken langauge. This was rather unfortunate for me because I learn much better from reading than I do by listening–and I ended up learning words in romanization rather than actual Japanese text, even though learning the Japanese text wouldn’t have been that much more work for me. My subsequent self study has focused almost completely on the written language. Now I’m in the awkward position of knowing some words only by speech, and others only by reading. Kanji are a blessing and a curse. On one hand, some basic knowledge allows you to guess the meaning of a word without any knowledge of its pronunciation. On the other hand, if you know the word by its pronunciation but don’t recognize the kanji, then you can’t recognize the word in writing. I do expect that picking up the written language will come easier to me than the spoken language did. It may require more time in the end, but it’s something that’s not too difficult to accomplish alone at least.

Who’d have thought it would be my turn to make sure this thread stays on topic? Anyway, here’s a link to a game I found that at least looks like it has twincest in it (haven’t played it yet):

You’re quick to the mark =P

I know I said this a little over a week ago, but I’ve recently found that AGTH+Atlas+a very basic understanding of Japanese goes a long way towards making a VN plot understandable. Quite a bit still remains a mystery, and playing the game takes a long time due to having to decipher much of the translated output, but most of the time the events that unfold are understood. Sometimes it only takes one word translated (correctly) to understand what’s going on too. Studio e.go titles are arguably the easiest to understand due to the vast majority of the text being contained in spoken dialogue as well as the male protagonist always being voiced (in the titles I’ve played at least).

Anyway, I gave Yosuga no Sora a spin, AGTH worked well enough with it, and played through Nao and Sora’s scenarios. It really is awesome, even if it’s like 30-40% gibberish for me (but hey, at least I get to practice Japanese), and I loved Sora’s scenario. Anyway, Haruka na Sora is looking mighty tempting and I want to buy the game and fandisk now. Thankfully Erogeshop has them since I’d rather not try wrestling the Japanese webshops (getchu was cheaper, but I couldn’t make sense of the checkout page and I’m not even sure they ship internationally).

$204 including shipping, + ~$80 in tax and customs once it gets here. I’m not sure whether to cry or just think we’re being spoiled with cheap games in the west. I am looking forward to more Sora though. Also, this is the sort of title we need to see translated here in the west. Make it so please, so I can stop making my head hurt trying to remember Kanji.