Twincest is Best

The quintuplets game just came out on English-side DLsite, iirc.

Appears to be a Negima doujin game.

Who will like loli twins? :twisted:

Loli twin sisters has brother complex. >.>

Its manga title: Cherry x Cherry


One of the characters in Soul Eater, has twins for his weapons, named Fire and Thunder. For the longest time I always thought they were twin sisters, but the most recent chapter reveals they’re a brother-sister pairing. That makes at least one Soul Eater doujin I’ve seen, incorrect about those lolicons. :stuck_out_tongue:

In any case, apparently awakening their true forms takes a lot out of their Weapon Master.

I believe THIS INFO will make Narg very happy. :smiley:

Twincest got new TV series. :wink:

In the d20 RPG system there is a race known as the Dvati. It pure RPG twincest: shared level advancement, shared HP, shared effects (mind control, negative levels, etc), always bonded and linked… so forth and so on. Don’t know where they were originally published, but they appeared in the Dragon Compendium for the 3.5 rule set… so I think that makes them a canon option for the game system and not home brew.

Haven’t seen anything for them in 4th ED or Pathfinder though. :frowning:

Heh… since the Dvati twins count as a single character, I suppose that means a Thrallherd could get two sets of twins as thralls. :stuck_out_tongue:

They came from an old article of Dragon Magazine (obviously :wink: ), the Paizo messageboards have a specific thread somewhere.
Unfortunately, the Dragon Compendium was a Paizo idea, therefore I’m 100% sure that Ha$bro/WOTC have NO plans for a comeback :roll: …

By the way, Narg… talking about RPG elements, maybe you will want to check this game.

This game, Zettai Maou, is the future release from SCORE. It looks to have RPG elements… and have gnomes triplets, too! :smiley: (even thought i’m more interested in that cute dark-elf maid :stuck_out_tongue: )

I usually avoid Score titles, because it’s not a studio I prefer, but this time I’ll make an exception. :smiley:

Just discovered that for a single episode, Astroboy had twin sisters. They should have kept it that way. Uran versus Uran is so kawaii~! :o

Do you have a special circle of hell reserved for games that only reveal at the last minute that two characters are twins, tease you with twincest, and then not let you have it? :slight_smile:

The recently released LiLiM Darkness title Dark Blue has “twincest”… hmm. In this case I’m not sure if it’s actually Narg’s thing or not =P

Is it male twins? >_>

If you can’t tell until the very end of the game, I guess they aren’t proper twins :stuck_out_tongue: I think Narg has a thing for the symmetry of it :slight_smile:

No, but…

while I know Narg is into Black Cyc stuff, I found their scene quite traumatising, to the extent of which I had to stop playing the game for the time being. I’m all for eroguro, but it was just horrible.

It’s complicated. They are identical twins, but one of them has been changed by circumstances.

Namely, the circumstances of being turned into a magical loli, with a different hair color.

It might be possible to fix one or the other of them to make them more visually identical again. Or, given the circumstances, for you to twincest them while they share a body which is a whole new level of kinky!

That sounds like what they did in Shuffle! though, more or less, which just isn’t quite the same. Although in Shuffle! one was technically sleeping, but seeing everything as if it was a dream

In this case, one can astral project, and hang out in her twin’s body while both of them are conscious - an idea the game really didn’t go into in much depth, unfortunately. I can see all sorts of possibilities.

There are several things that bother me about “twincest” in several eroge that claim to feature them. Not to say they won’t cause me to not get a twincest title ¬ñ just that they rather annoying at times. In no particular order:

#1: Twins that don’t look alike. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean that twins have to be exactly identical, but they should have a high physical resemblance. Otherwise what’s the point? It be no different than romancing/screwing regular siblings.

#2: Oh lookie! It was twins all along! Kinda lame if you ask me. Naturally I’m all for sexing twins, but having a story suddenly reveal a girl was actually twins is a play from the deus ex machine playbook. On the other hand, it’s like every man’s dream come true: the hawt sexy girl you know and love is actually two hawt sexy girls you know and love who wanna do it together.

#3: Same “paper doll” sprites. Just because they’re identical twins, doesn’t mean the eroge should use the EXACT same paper dolls for the both of them. And no, mirror reversing them doesn’t work either. At least take some time to make two different sprite sheets for them ¬ñ it shows some care was taken into account.

#4: Twincide. WTF!? This is aberration to the fabric of reality itself. Twincest you sick bastards! I don’t wanna see twins killing each other. Doesn’t matter if they’re yandere either, because yandere twins see each other as two parts of the same person.

#5: One or the other. What is this shit? You don’t need choices when it comes to twincest. There’s the good ending ¬ñ both twins at the same time ¬ñ and everything else is a bad end. End of discussion.

#6: We have twins but they’re not winnable. I hate cock teasing. I really do.

#7: Temporary twins. Those kinds of twins where one turned out to be a vanishing ghost, a split personality, dreamworld, some figment of imagination that never existed, etc. If you’re gonna have twins, have twins… not some lame fake expectation of it.

Surprisingly I’ve got no problems with the individual personalities with twins. Hivemind, polar opposites, similar with only a few differences, etc. They all make Narg happy. I also don’t mind if it’s threesome twincest (two sisters) or true twincest (identical brother and sister) ¬ñ both appeal to me for different reasons.

Still bitter about Clannad? :stuck_out_tongue:

So twins have to get along / have an unbreakable bond between them? Interesting limitation.