Twincest is Best

You’re damned right I am.

grumble grumble

Seeing how the same people ended up doing Futari de Hitotsu no Koigokoro, they must have realized there was a cosmic balance that needed to be restored. :wink:

They don’t have to exactly get along all happily - infighting, competition, tension, and disagreement are always fine… but at the end of the day, when the sun is down, they’d best be waiting on the same bed for evening delight or understand the concept of bipartisanship. 8)

Several posts back I quoted some info about the feasibility of identicle boy-girl twins being real: scientific consensus being it was possible but highly unlikely. Ran across this genome article that challenges the notion with new evidence.

Previously twins were classified as identical (~99% genetic similarity) or fraternal (~50% genetic similarity) - research indicates there should now be a third category designated semi-identical (~75% genetic similarity). A set of twins of this kind were discovered - or rather born - under this condition. One was male, the other was a true hermaphrodite. Only known case. Odds of such an occurance were actually LESS than the chance of identicle boy-girl twins.

Following the 4-chan rule of pix or it didn’t happen ([color=red]NSFW[/color]; very graphic; PDF format): … lltext.pdf

I think I may have seen something about this in an issue of Science News I was browsing. I don’t think I ever got around to reading the article though, what with other things keeping me busy.

Someone told me there’s this late night for adults cartoon called The Venture Bros. An episode entitled Dr. Quymn, Medicine Woman has a pair of twin sisters try to seduce one of the cast members - first individually; then agree to share together - but because he’s an idiot, never gets to take their virginity.


However while the twins lose this battle, they embrace the ideology of twincest without him.

Just curious, Narg, but have you played Suikoden Tierkreis? If not, I reccomend it, especially since I’m sure you’ll enjoy one particular chapter in the game

There seems to be a pretty good support of twincest when it comes to Chrodechild and Fredegund. First, they’re probably the best physical fighters in the game and they both have a powerful attack unique only to the two of them (True Falcon) that put together makes for a pretty good boss killer. They each seem pretty happy when you put them in the same party, they shield each other if one’s HP is low, and they get enraged when one of them is knocked out.
Also, while this game like the other Suikodens (except 5) is pretty ambiguous about possible romantic pairings with the hero, conversations seem to imply that Chrodechild might like the hero (of course that would mean competition with Asad) and Fredegund doesn’t seem to mind the two of them being close (whilst in Asad’s case, he mentions that the biggest obstacle in getting close to Chrodechild could be Fredegund). Twincest possibilities? :smiley:

Wow, you didn’t know about Venture Bros.? Quite an amusing show that parodies many well known media, such as Jonny Quest (the main parody from which the show’s title is derived) and GI Joe among others. It should be quite interesting to see if those twins show up again in the series. I think there is a chance those twins could even be yandere.

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones also features twincest with Ephraim and Eirika. Kinda surprising, given Nintendo’s internal censorship policies, since it’s quite obvious and in your face. They did change an ending though: in the Japanese original their A Support ending implied they got married, while the English version only has them remain inseparable. However they overlooked the solo endings for the twins, as it gives them the respective titles of Restoration King and Restoration Queen: it’s mentioned in-game that only one of them could be a king/queen unless they got married, which gets the twins embarrassed, but they don’t deny it as a possibility - just change the subject. :o

I wished that the such censors would lay off titles… I hate them changing such themes simply because some American prude might get offended. Offend them, damn it! Don’t try to please everybody.

… I find it odd that books, from epic fantasy to horror to a thriller, can have intense erotic scenes (and twincest… George R.R. Martin…) but the other media still treats such scenes as “offensive”.

Sadly that’s what Nintendo wanted: the game was rated E for Everyone.

Grrr… I hate it when artistic integrity is sold for money. It disgusts me.

In fact, it is the reason I am looking at self-publishing instead of the normal publishing houses. I want complete creative control that doesn’t compromise the story just to sell a few more books!

Rant is over… for now :evil: .

George R R Martin is godlike. I see him as so far above anyone else that writes fantasy it’s ridiculous. Thankfully most of these people that insist on the censorship can’t actually read so generally books remain safe. Unless they’re viewed as books for children.

Only do this if existing publishing houses have refused to publish your book unaltered - you’d really be far better off that way, since you’ve got practically zero chance of getting your work on shelves (or even on places like Amazon) otherwise.
I’d get a literary agent, personally, and let the agent find a publishing house that will publish your book without excessive modification.

Actually, self-publishing is far more “easy” today, especially since most of the recognised businesses work with Amazon now for electronic publishing. I am not as much about selling my books as I am simply about writing them. But then money was never a motivator for me.

Anyway, I like Martin but Jaqueline Carey is far better in my opinion. Kushiel’s Legacy… it is just… well, it is my favourite saga period, and quite possibly my favourite story across all mediums.

There’s an anime/manga/novel series called Toaru Majutsu no Index. Features over 9000 (seriously) clones of the same girl. They share a collective hivemind and call themselves The Sisters. They view themselves as a single entity. No emotion robot like personality. Pretty complicated origin: there used to be 20,000 of them, but some genocidal jerk with a god complex was killing them in an experiment. Setting features psychics, magicians, robots…

Oh… and the original of the clones is still around. Major tsundere. Loves her thousands of sisters - tried to save them during the experiment - but kinda annoyed at their lack of emotion, and the fact they’re competition for a guy she likes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Aaah, Misaka Mikoto, great character. Too bad that her spin-off series, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun, really sucks :frowning:

Wow, If they made that into an Ero-game you might actually die from an overdose, Narg :stuck_out_tongue:

According to one CG, they “unite” the twins into only one… body, so I don’t think Narg would like it~ :wink:

Once you get one of the non-bad endings, restart the game and play up to that scene again, and you’ll get to see what happens before it. Oh god :(((
The writer manages to somehow bite deeper with Dark Blue than he ever managed to with any of the Black Cyc titles he wrote, and the game is both miserable and compelling at the same time. I feel revulsion at the thought of playing more of it, but I keep thinking about it and wanting to know what’s going to happen next >_>

I’m. Not. Really. Sure. I. Want. To know.

Yet, otoh, I’m wouldn’t say I’m not curious about knowing. ^^;;;;;

Hey, Narg. I just found one more twincest for you. :twisted:

That’s the fandisk of another eroge, already released. I believe the original game already had twins. They’re not just twins… they will call you “master”, too! :lol:

There’s just one little problem…IT’S A TRAP!! :shock:
Wich one, is up to you to discover.

Come on, when one of them is the protagonist it’s not exactly going to surprise you >_> and I’m pretty sure you can tell which is which by NOW