Twincest is Best

I don’t know … honestly, who cares?

If they were cute enough to get you into bed and start doing the naughty, who cares what little surprises pop up then? More stuff to work with - that is why god/evolution gave man a prostate - he knew you’d never avoid all the Traps.

Mind you - she’d have to be VERY cute and convincing … but if she was, I can be open minded.

Hmmm… I think when the player controlled protagonist is the male in a dress, it’s not really a trap, and more like dressing drag. :stuck_out_tongue:

From what I can tell, Akira is 100% male… just gets shoved in a dress by his twin Akiko.

Neat “enslaved twincest” CG though. Somehow the player gets himself and his sister subjugated. :o


So one’s a girl and one of them’s a guy?



I’d definitely love to bed both of them.

The best of both worlds right there!:slight_smile:

Hoshizora no Memoria - Eternal Heart has twincest.

I read new manga about slice of life of 11 year old triplets, Marui Mitsuba, Futaba and Hitoha (all girls).

I don’t know why, but I have a slight feeling I’m gonna get this one.


Not sure if this counts, but the picture that came with this article should: … snt-exist/

Narg approves of Vocaloid twincest.

Some people here could like the last chapter of Aki Sora

Ah… I’ve been reading that. Sorta-yandere twin sister (sorta because she can’t actually kill). Still… I can’t stand how Sora acts like a total doll: he does nothing but let things happen to him. Also I find that the love relationships are way to complex for their own good.

Nami also isn’t into twincest really… she only wanted Sora, because Sora had Kana, and through Sora she felt she was getting Kana. When she had Sora just to have Sora, she could only think of Kana.

Only solution is a harem orgy. :stuck_out_tongue:

Still… the recent twincest was fun: I’m sorry for raping you. Let me prove it by letting you screw my brains out.

Since Nami is clinically insane - not a bad thing mind you - she’s less likely to loving Sora, and more likely to having a Jailer’s Syndrome for him. Sora is terrified of her… but what the hell, free sex right? :stuck_out_tongue: She still wants her Kana though.

Technically, Rin and Len are not twins – they’re opposite sides of the same person. So it’s more like… masturbation?

Actually that’s a misconception. No one can find a single shred of canon evidence that proves that. :o

That idea came from their family name: Kagamine (mirror sound). Crypton originally imagined the pair as twins, but did not officially state they’d be twins, because they didn’t want to hurt anyone who wanted Rin/Len to be mirrored. However all the official image songs by Rin and Len have the duo as different individuals, not the same person. Note that in two of their songs, one dies but the other lives on (with total regret in losing the other).

They’re more like two bodies with the same soul, than two souls in the same body.

Besides… isn’t all twincest between identical siblings masturbation anyways? :stuck_out_tongue:

Does the Vocaloid panel at Anime Expo count? I assume someone representing a majority of the popular Vocaloid creators in Japan would have done his research. :stuck_out_tongue:
In either case, Wikipedia claims that Crypton had plans to state them as twins during the development process, but scrapped them in order to allow artists more freedom in determining the two character’s relationship. However, Crypton also proclaimed in an issue of DTM Magazine when CV02 was released that they are mirror images of one another.

That’s a problem then, because the vast majority of songs and fanart portray the pair as twins. He must be out of touch with the actually material being made. Find me one mirror material, and I can find ten twins material. From a numeric support standpoint, twincest wins out. If he did his research, he must have ignored all the evidence.

It was issue 15 of DTM (which you are referring to) when they said their names are mirrors of each other ¬ñ not the characters themselves. Few months later they said they intended the duo to be twins in an issue of Nikkei Electronics. The idea wasn’t scrapped: it was never announced at the time. So officially: Crypton doesn’t care so long as people just buy the software. Unofficially: Twincest by majority vote. Furthermore they were created and developed with the twin concept in mind, but they simply didn’t mention that part until much later: once twincest, always twincest. :wink:


Allow me to prove the truth of the twincest theory (and not because I just want an excuse to flood twincest). 8)

Well, that was a grand display. Quite appealing.

I am intrigued by your ideas, and would like to subscribe to your maling list.

Interesting… I didn’t know names could be reflections of each other; it sounds almost semantically invalid. And I guess Japanese wikipedia would be wrong, then, since they claim that they are mirror existences, using that issue of DTM Magazine as the source. Personally, I treat Kagamine Rin and Len as MPD with separate virtual manifestations. (Okay, playing too much Baldr Sky >_< (which, incidentally, has clonecest…

And you know that majority vote does not make for a convincing argument as far as I am personally concerned, right :wink:

For something like this? Seems pretty convincing to me. The makers of the software have every reason to go with what people are telling them they want to see: to sell more copies.

I don’t know who posted that info on Wikipedia, but I can tell you this much: their names are Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len.

?? = Kagamine

? = Kagami = Mirror
? = Ne = Sound

?? = Rin = Right (via some weird engrish thinking on Crypton’s part)
?? = Len = Left (via some weird engrish thinking on Crypton’s part)

So they’re symbolically: Mirror Sound Right and Mirror Sound Left (with all the sound context, something like living stereo I suppose). Which is what they are in the sound package. That’s all they said in that article: the origin and meaning of their names, not that they’re actually mirror images. Just their names, as I’ve explained. Someone embellished the info on Wikipedia. Plus as I stated in my last post, it was stated by the same person in another magazine, that they were designed as twins in mind.

I’ve quickly learned that just because it’s posted on Wikipedia, does not mean it’s true - which is why I checked the original source - and that Crypton probably considers canon the same way as George Lucas.