Twincest is Best

Since when the hell is twincest “generic” to begin with?

I was not saying a twincest TV series is generic… i was saying a harem TV series is generic.

Just look how many anime TV series have haremettes… no matter how stupid, boring and a wimp retarded the protagonist is. :stuck_out_tongue:

… I must admit I find it strange when on one hand, I see so many people complaining about how it’s always “wussy” characters that get the girls, and on the other hand, so many people complaining that “girls only want bad boys”. Of course, there are also plenty of studies showing that it’s MEN who are most impressed by other men’s macho posturing, not the women they’re supposedly trying to attract… evil grin

(I can understand complaints if heroes in games are too similar. When you’re playing games to fantasize, you don’t want to be stuck playing the same vaguely nice but useless guy all the time. Sometimes, you want to be awesome.)

Well, that’s not really a dichotomy. You can have someone who’s not a “wuss” and also not a “bad boy”. Although, I wonder if that just makes the story boring ;p

It’s like any debate that the mass public is involved in. (Just look at any hot-button political issue for more examples.)

The key thing is, you have group A saying one thing (“always wussy guys get the girls”) and another group B saying the exact opposite (“girls only want bad boys”). The number of people actually talking out of both sides of their mouths is very small.

Well¬Ö it was pretty obvious the TV show couldn’t have been as fun as the OVA, with all the airtime regulations and whatnot. :stuck_out_tongue:

In defense of the animators though: Kiss X Sis was a harem setting to begin with… just that the twincest were the “canon girls” he’d end up with. There’s Miharu (boobs + glasses), Mikazuki (lolicon), and Yuzuki (milf who really isn’t a mom) so far in the manga. The big difference is that all these other girls are vividly aware the twins have a better shot than they do. Keita loves the twins as much as they love him, he just has stronger willpower and is actively trying to deny those feelings (with total failure). Few chapters ago, the twins have finally begun to take steps towards sharing, rather than dividing (as real twincest should).

The “experts” (if they’re experts, they should have twins begging to date them) say being nice means you get less ass: … tml?hpt=C2



sadly, we know what a great and reputable news source CNN is lately…

Ask a girl instead of men trying to sell you their dating guides and they’ll tell you that the vast majority of “nice guys” whining about how they always fail are not nice guys at all, but just as much assholes as the bad guys, only less competent at it. (See also, “In the Company of Men”) If you’re annoyed because you bought a girl a present/dinner and she didn’t sleep with you, you’re not a nice guy. (And that’s not how the hapless harem leads would behave, either…)

Subscribing to the “nice guys always lose” mindset almost automatically makes you a dick, because it tends to come with “feeeemales are too stupid to know what’s good for them” attached to it.

Of course, if your only goal is getting laid as much as possible rather than relationships, then YES, being a talented dick is exactly what you want to do; you want to grab a lot of girls who swoon quickly for that sort of thing rather than have to take the time to build up luuuuv. I wonder how successful the movie-style plot of paying twins to accompany you around in the hopes of luring real twin dates would be?

Have to disagree with you Pap. Like the guy in the beginning of that article I spent most of my life being the nice guy - holding doors, listening to women’s thoughts, making them a priority, etc - and could never get a date to save my life. Sure I had plenty of women who thought of me as a friend, or as a “brother”, but none of them showed any interest. (and I am not a bad looking guy) Once I started sharing less and behaving more narcissistically women began showing much more interest. I think because narcissists tend to come across as more self confident and those who share less have that “mysterious” quality that many women want.

It’s funny, I have had female friends tell me “you’re a great guy and a woman would be lucky to have you”, but these women are themselves never interested.

The downside of acting the narcissistic, half interested sort, however, is that I tend to attract the blond, big breasted, airhead sorts - which is precisely not what I’m after … gentleman or not I can never seen to gain the interest of the intelligent girls I’m actually looking for. (and, yes, I am an intelligent person, so I know it isn’t that I come across as an idiot)

I think you’ll find that many of these men complaining that the nice guys never get ahead are actually the sorts looking for long term relationships, companionship, and anything but a sex buddy or one night stand. (I’ve done the sex buddy thing - when I started changing my outlook - and it is lacking because there is no deep emotional connection) Part of the issue, I think, is these guys try too hard and come across as desperate even when all they really want to be is nice. Humans are animals and females want the head of the Pride, not the scrawny lion.

These days I’m not even interested in a relationship and get more attention than I ever did when I was.

That’s the thing - being a jerk does attract a certain kind of woman, and as I said, it’s a good strategy if what you’re looking for is getting a lot of ass. :slight_smile: I can’t argue against being a jerk to pick up girls when the kind of girls you’re looking for are the kind of girls who DO go for jerks.

But over and over and over again, I see a lot of men complaining about what nice guys they are and how it never works out because all women are evil sluts (yeah, real nice guy!) Or guys who really were mostly nice guys, but when not everything in life worked out for them right away, they bought into this line of thinking to “explain” it rather than realising that life isn’t easy for anybody. People thinking this way tend to fall into… what’s the word? Confirmation bias? A tendency to only notice and remember data that confirms their viewpoint while disregarding or mentally rewriting anything that disagrees. (“She dumped me for him. Clearly, he’s a jerk, and this proves that girls only like jerks and nice guys like me never win.” Disregarding any details like why she dumped him or whether or not the new guy actually is a jerk at all…) And then some of them become increasingly more resentful (and creepy) and women start avoiding them more and more, and they get more bitter, etc.

So I protest against this line of thinking the same way I protest against people insisting that getting a date would be so easy if you were a girl. :slight_smile: Most people, even hideous basement-dwelling trolls, could get a date if they lowered their own standards enough; most people, no matter how attractive and popular you think they are, have difficulty finding the partners they actually WANT.

It’s not just “females” - guys tend to be turned off by women who act too desperate as well. Trying too hard is a problem on either side. Not the same problem as being ‘nice’ though - and again, I don’t think your typical “wussy” harem lead acts crazy desperate pursuing girls, does he?

Personally I probably share a lot of which Jack just wrote, however I never was considered a “nice guy” nor a “bad guy” for that matter… The lack of interest I showed for certain people always seemed to get me into trouble, mainly because of unwanted relationships and certain people who couldn’t grasp the fact that I really couldn’t give a damn about certain individuals.

So unlike him I probably was “cold” from the start, not mean in anyway but just not caring… which all in all was a bonus at school and later in life. I liked the attention, but rarely followed through, but the times I did get into something somewhat “serious” it always ended due to me being the way that I am, and them not being able to break me into the sweet and caring person they secretly seem to long for.
I’d probably end up saying that some girls seem to wish for the nice and caring person, but they want the cold and reserved guy to become that person… if it’s due to feeling that he’s less likely to show interest for others, or simply an accomplishment I don’t know but it’s has always made me ponder a bit.

As for one night stands and such it’s probably all in it’s place, it makes life a little more bearable if you’re not searching for something special, and you want a better option then your right hand. (not meant as an insult or anything, just the fact that we all have our needs)

Yeah, that is common. Being the one person who can tame the wild stallion or melt the heart of ice (which is also a popular fetish gender-reversed). I don’t know if deep down people think it means the person will be more faithful to them because theirs is the only love that is different and special and more important, or if they just really like feeling special. Too subconscious to have a true answer I suspect.

There was even a Star Trek Next Generation episode on this, with a girl trying to have a romantic relationship with Data, and then realising she had a tendency to fall for emotionally unavailable men and set herself up for heartbreak.

Yes, a thousand times yes.

I can only speak for myself, but I have virtually no standards other than ‘female’ and ‘alive,’ and I haven’t had a date in 9 years.

And I don’t know you, so I can’t possibly make insistent statements about your life. I can only reiterate that when I’ve talked to people enough, even if they were fat, spotty, disabled, unemployed, and living in a single room in their parents house (I am not saying that any of these things SHOULD rule out romance, just that they’re not considered mainstream appeal factors), it would turn out that SOMEONE had expressed an interest in them but they had rejected that interest because they found the other person creepy / too old / too ugly / too slutty / too stupid / wrong religion / wrong politics / wrong drug use / etc.

Now, moving this closer back to the original topic - where’s a dating site where I can find me some lesbian twincest? :slight_smile:

So you’re suggesting people should have no standards? It is true, as I said, that I have been attracting women since changing my attitude but that alone doesn’t mean I should just date those women because they are there. The big breasted, vacuous blond may be some guys’ fantasies, but it was never even on my radar and suggesting I should “lower my standards” seems rather a weak answer to the problem.

In the same way, suggesting that after more than a decade of failure I am just “giving up because I can’t get what I want right away” is rather overgeneralizing. So, for that matter, is assuming that men call any guy but themselves a jerk when he gets the girl. Men are quite capable of recognizing a jerk when they see one - whether that person has a girlfriend or not. You are correct that it is rather easy to demonize people who have something you don’t, but so is it to assume people who complain are really exaggerating their problem.

And, I agree, we need more lesbian twincest here: Narg?

Wrong drug use?

On topic: NEED!!! More Pics!!! Damn it!!! (I’m terrible at find any good ones.)

Wrong drug use = smoking, or not, drinking, or not, using hard drugs, or not… People who are into a substance often want their partner to do the same, or at least to tolerate it, while many people who don’t do a substance will have serious problems with a potential partner who does. The sexiest guy in the world is going to have trouble with me if he smokes.

I never said you should lower your standards; having standards is a good thing. What I’m trying to achieve is just chipping away at people believing that all their problems would be solved if they were bastards, or female, or richer, or had a different hair color. Your problems would be different; you’d still have problems.

Finding the right partner is not easy. It never is.

Along the same lines, breaking up with someone doesn’t necessarily mean you failed, it may mean you succeeded… in finding out that that other person is not the right one for you.

I’m referring to particular cases without naming names. Not saying that every guy does this. Just that I have seen guys do this. :slight_smile: I have seen people make sweeping statements that all the successful guys MUST be jerks, and I have seen guys looking at particular situations with their exes and demonising the other party with little resemblance to reality, while refusing to consider any part they might have had in their own breakup.

Along with personal experience, I hang out in a lot of advice forums, which colors my viewpoint slightly - while the people who show up with the same problems over and over again are obviously not a complete representation of men, it ooes mean seeing the same problem a lot.

Restoring the void. :o

No SubaHibi, Narg? For shame!

He already posted it:
Oh wait…