Twincest is Best

Reading the author’s comments, that really sucks. Here she was trying to write a non pornographic story, but push some boundaries the way art is meant to do, and now she’s being shut down because of it. The alternative? Change it into a porno manga? It may well be that my exposure to adult only manga has been limited, but the stuff I’ve seen has had virtually no story or interesting character development, but merely ran as an excuse to get the characters in bed with one another in as many ways as possible. That would be a horrible fate for someone who actually wanted to tell a story.

There’s an argument to be made that it would be NICE to have some adult-oriented entertainment that WASN’T plotless crap intended to be nothing but sex sex sex…

(Like, you know, many of the games we play!)

I’ll be honest here: a large quantity of the adult-only manga I’ve read in my life is just porn. Not just wish-fulfillment porn; misogynistic, women-don’t-understand-me-so-they-can-all-just-die porn and mindless orgies devoid of realism or any semblance of character development (in other words, what you just finished describing). Unfortunately, these make up the majority of the titles have been licensed for English-language distribution (just look at Icarus Publishing’s lineup; it’s no coincidence that all but one of their titles that Canada Border Services got their hands on have been banned).

On the other hand, there are plenty of thoughtful story-driven adult manga out there. Off the top of my head, Fuuga’s characters and stories are quite well-crafted and not just vehicles to facilitate sex. I could say the same for Cuvie (not to be mistaken with QB), Chihiro Harumi, and Tosh. I’d give exact titles, but unfortunately, I can’t remember most of them off the top of my head since many scanslators insist on romanizing them rather than translating them into English (even when the title is relevant to the plot…). Just be advised that each of these authors have published underwhelming works as well, so a random sampling of their works might not be representative of their talents.

If you’re looking solely at official translations, here’s a short list of titles I can recommend:

Love & Hate by Enomoto Heights (Japanese Title: Yanagida & Mizuno)

  • The story of two teenagers that initially can’t stand each other who gradually learn to appreciate each other as more than verbal punching bags or frustration vents. Think of it as a more mature version of Toradora. Sex, while graphic, is handled very lovingly (pun intended). Only volume 1 has been officially released, but the story has been completely scanslated by RedComet. An official teaser can be found here.

Take On Me by Sessyu Takemura (published as “Domin-8 Me” since the title was already copyrighted in English)

  • A young geek with a thing for cameras accidentally snaps a telling crotchshot of the class oddball and uses it as an excuse to start a relationship with her. Naturally, this sets off an unusual series of events. I’ll warn you that sex scenes are extremely graphic and push the boundaries of good taste. Like Love & Hate, only volume 1 has been officially released, but the entire story has been scanslated.

Edit: Nargrakhan, volume 2 contains hardcore twincest, but it’s probably not of the variety you had in mind. Also, this title is banned in Canada.

A Wish of my Sister by Masahiro Itosugi (Engrish title; a proper translation would be “My Sister’s Wish”)

  • The prototype for Aki-Sora from (naturally) the very same author. The title story isn’t my cup of tea, but the later stories in the anthology are quite good. You can find the first chapter in the free Comics AG Digital Issue 00.

Aqua Bless by Yamatogawa

  • A very nice anthology of stories with impressive art. The quality of the stories varies considerably, but the ones that are good are really good. A sample chapter, “Travel and Love”, can be read in its entirety for free in Comics AG Digital Issue 01.

Swing Out Sisters by Taro Shinonome

  • A non-pretentious love story between a guy and his two step-sisters. In short, a mature rendition of Kiss x Sis that doesn’t question your intelligence (though I’ll admit it is fairly gratuitous). An official preview of the first chapter can be found here.

If you want to place an absolute cap on sexual content (ie: it’s there, but isn’t focused on for more than a few panels), you might want to consider checking out josei manga instead. Luv Luv Press has published a modest amount of such manga in English. Just be advised that a few female stereotypes about men are very much present in these works (they’re written by and for women, after all), so they may or may not appeal to you.

I admit I’ve never had the inclination to read eromanga / watch eroanime. I guess I’ve always been under the perception, true or false, that eromanga/eroanime were generally of little literary value and the ones I’ve seen appear on dlsite etc. have done little to dispel that notion.

Of course, a lot of people unfamiliar with eroge think the same thing about it, so I could certainly be wrong.

Queen’s blade comes to mind.
Of course, it is hard to break prejudice. But it is worth time to try.

I’ve come across a couple good ero manga and the occassional good ero anime (Masquerade and Space Ship Agger Ruter, both from the creator of the Tenchi series, are good and so wwas Mezzo Forte).

Interestingly, I used to think the same. Please forgive me as I go off topic for a moment (…again… :roll: ):

Back in college (2000), a friend of mine hired me to track down a bunch of eroanime titles for him (why he asked me to be a proxy, I’ll never know; he wasn’t ashamed of his tastes by any means). Out of sheer curiousity, I decided to watch a few of them to see what he was into. Let’s just say that, after watching the entirety of Cool Devices (among others), I wish Brain Bleach had been invented. For a good long while after that, I avoided eroanime like the plague, thinking it all to be misogynistic power fantasies or stories whose writing was every bit as bad as their live-action counterparts (ie: La Blue Girl).

Then, one day in 2003-2004, I chanced upon Wannabe Fansubs’ edited release of Suika ~Wet Summer Days~. After just one episode, I was impressed and decided follow the series. When I looked it up, I realized that the release I had seen was censored. I decided to track down the uncut version and found myself liking it despite my earlier experience with eroanime. Thus, my appreciation for couple-friendly eroanime was born.

As with eromanga, the majority of titles that receive US releases are ones that have unabashedly crossed the line. On the other hand, there are plenty out there that have very worthwhile stories. Off the top of my head, such titles include Suika, Koihime (not to be confused with Koihime Musou), Class Reunion* (and its follow-up, Class Reunion ~Again~), Step Up Love Story (a.k.a. Futari H), and One ~True Stories~ (curiously, this version has better writing than the all-age One ~To The Shining Season~ anime). Going into more explicit material, there’s A Strange Kind of Woman (a.k.a. Hatsu Inu, or “New Hound”), Sexfriend, Pure Mail** (by 0verflow, the creators of School Days), and many, many others whose names escape me at the moment.

Unfortunately, separating the quality titles from the trash is a very, very time-consuming process, especially among fansubs. It’s not something I’m inclined to undergo when I have a decent collection of visual novels I’d like to read through…

Coming back to the main topic of this thread: twincest-themed titles are pretty much always immediately banned in Canada, regardless of the quality of the story. Though it’s not an adult title, the Secret Sweethearts manga has won many awards and received animated and live-action adaptations, but we’ll sadly never see it released in North America. To this day, it remains one of my favorites.

  • (Whoever designed the box art for the US release of Class Reunion deserves to be shot. Seriously.)

** (To my knowledge, there are two different English DVD releases of Pure Mail. The story contains some dark material critical to the story (I won’t say what kind since I don’t want to spoil, but if you’ve seen School Days, you have a vague idea of what to expect). The Adult Source Media release seems to deliberately avoid acknowledging what’s going on in a particular scene, so please avoid it if you can in favor of the NuTech release.)

Henshin! 3 has oh-so delicious twincest in it.

Yeah… mindless sexfest… but twincest!!

The plot - or what little of it - is sorta funny in a crude humor sort of way. :stuck_out_tongue:

Right! :o

Found some low quality twincest. Not recommending these titles, but putting them here for record keeping sake. :expressionless:

Pure?Milk pretty much says it all in the title for: ???H???

anisetta has some in Tweleve Plus

Wow that’s bad art.

I’m told that Duke Nukem was so bad, even the twincest couldn’t save it. That’s like dividing by zero. :frowning:

It’s really quite impressive. I would have thought after fourteen years, they would have at least had kickass gameplay. Apparently even this was beyond them.

Games under development for an extended period almost inevitably disappoint.

If that’s Duke Nukem Forver, what would that make Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen?

That thing about the choice system is - to me, anyway - very telling: the game had to be released terribly incomplete. The first input panel segment was obviously intended to be a kind of tutorial segment to explain “OK, here’s our mechanic, this is how it works”. This works great if you then have a dozen more choice points following that actually use the input. What actually made it into the game (2 choice sections, 1 of which handholds you to the right answer and the other doesnt appear to matter) is what happens when a series of cuts leave you with a skeleton of what the original concept wanted to put there.

Hard to say what might have been intended to go there, since the review says that the story didn’t really have any room to expand. (But look at how Battle Angel Alita got its continuation: it retconned the last volume so it never happened.)

Maybe it’s better this way. I’ve only played one other eroge that had the only choices being the player typing stuff into an input bar and at least it let you TYPE instead of picking characters from a screen as if I was playing this on a console.

AliceSoft’s Little Princess and the only Japanese text adventure I’ve ever played. And probably the only Japanese text adventure I ever will play.

In any case, Duke Nukem Forever itself seems to have suffered the same death by a thousand cuts, especially considering the massive scope the trailers implied it had.

Looks like this live action twincest didn’t translate well to comic book form: … ncing.html

Thundercats reboot officially airs at the end of this month. Fanboys are already drooling over Cheetara. :roll: As for me? The loli twincest. :wink:

Seeing how there’s a whole planet of Thundercats now, I suppose Kit and Kat have a lot more people their age. However from the leaks I’ve seen, the two of them are orphans who’ve only had each other to rely upon, and highly trusting/protective of each other - they’re even more emotionally close than the original incarnations. Although I think the Tigra + Lion-O pairing is what really will get the fangirls going. :stuck_out_tongue:

Its been a long time since i last saw any thundercats, but im pretty sure that one of the twins is a boy

Wilykat is the male. Wilykit is the female. Twin bobcats. Badguys called 'em the “Thunderkittens” as an insult from time to time.

Twincest is more than just two brothers and/or two sisters hooking up with a third person. There’s also the “pure” version in which twins are just sexing themselves. Narg approves of that version too. :stuck_out_tongue:

In the old 80’s cartoon, Wilykit and Wilykat shared the same bed. They also skinny dipped together in a lake. Really. Not making that up.

Of course I’m sure those were just “innocent” things the animators did. No hidden messages. Not like the Thundercats crew didn’t do anything naughty behind the scenes or anything. :wink: