Twincest is Best

I’m not dead. My lack of presence in the eroge world can be summed in five words: Star Wars: The Old Republic. Between that and developing SOL Invictus, I spend the rest of my time either at work or asleep. Unfortunately that also means I haven’t played any eroge since December, so I’ve been out of the loop for awhile.

Also waiting on JAST to get Yumina the Ethereal on the shelves, so the world can have more twincest in English.

Same here. I have playing SWTOR a lot lately. And when my preorder of MASS EFFECT 3 finally arrives, i will have no life anymore! :lol:

Nitro+Chiral’s newest title DRAMAtical Murder has twins (Virus & Trip) and a twincest ending.

:slight_smile: BL Twincest ya’ll

JammerG55, if memory serves, that’s Maru Imo!? by Youtarou Sena. I’m almost positive that it’s a Sena work because of the distinctive art style; if I’m wrong, it might be Joker instead.

You got it right. That’s the manga. It’s an incest story, with the twincest taking place during the last arc.

In other twin relatedness: Ocelot has a non-hentai VN with yummy gothic lolita twincest: Reginald

Very gothic and Victorian. Of course since it’s only 3800 yen, the title is very short. For someone who needs a good quickie story without porn. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s worth noting that this is a spinoff of Polyphonica and that Phoron and Corticarte are part of the cast.

There’s some lack of twincest here, so let me add some news, maybe old news already but whatever! :lol:

After YOSUGA NO SORA, we will have another series with an imouto wanting to bang her twin older brother. :stuck_out_tongue: … y-visuals/

Downside: It’s anime.

On the other hand, Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hiragete is out now, maybe someone’s playing it and will comment on it. Or maybe not.

Heh… the reviewer must not play many imouto games or read many imouto manga… unless he’s being sarcastic.

That’s pretty much par-the-course for several dozen imouto settings. Even going back to the daddy of the modern imouto, Sister Princess, the sisters weren’t afraid of showing their love, and the brother tried valiantly to keep a respectable realistic relationship. Series not as fairytale innocent as SisPri delve into the sister either breaking down her brother’s inhibitions, or revealing the brother has been suppressing his own feelings… or the sister just going yandere, which is sooooo delicious. :twisted:

Regardless… looking forward to seeing the twincest be victorious in this one. 8)

I just played … 81727.html (NSFW) - yandere ending was the only good thing about that game.

Finally got a chance to watch Otome Y?kai Zakuro, as someone suggested many posts ago in this thread, and I wish I had seen it sooner. Great stuff! Bonbori and Hozuki are pure love, and I actually found myself liking Zakuro, despite not being a fan of tsundere. I like how the girls are far more powerful than the guys (who are really just scene furniture when a fight begins), and rather surprised it’s considered seinen rather than a josei.

IMHO about the cast…

Zakuro: Wonderful character. Her tsundere makes a non-tsundere follower like me even melt. Not only love at first sight with Agemaki, but he quickly earned it (back) as well by two episodes.
Agemaki: Perfect match for Zakuro. He never gives up and never wavers in his love. His phobia is great foil.

Susukihotaru: Never been a Yamato Nadeshiko fan, so I wasn’t keen on her character as a whole. She’s all weepy and timid, so you never actually see her do anything useful. She’s either using her friends as a crutch, or being blushy around Riken.
Riken: Weakest character in the main lineup. His lack of emotion was huge turn off for me. I understand that it represents the ideal warrior samurai persona from feudal Japan (one can easily maintain face if they never betray expression), and his personality is the perfect match for Susukihotaru (he the ideal samurai, she the ideal wife), but they just seemed so… stiff together…

Bonbori and Hozuki: Twincest is Best!! Not the main stars of the show, but always steal the scene. Then there’s the whole Stepford Smiler thing, making it hard to tell how much of their joy is a front or actual happiness.
Ganryu: Disappointed with his character. He’s supposedly a genius, but never actually shows it. My biggest beef with him however, is that he never did anything to earn the twins love. They just liked him from the start. At least Riken had to do a few things for Susukihotaru… and Agemaki spends the entire series getting Zakuro to admit her love. Ganryu had the twins in the palm of his hands from day one (or rather, they had him at the mercy of their body smothering).

Nonetheless, it’s the combination of all these characters that’s entertaining. The story is about Zakuro and Agemaki, so I can understand why the rest of the cast takes a backseat… but I do wish a bit more time was taken for them. Reading the manga source, I can see that it’s the same on that end as well, so I can’t blame the animation studio. In fact, they put characters in story plots they were absent in the manga (for example the twins and Ganryu during the evil sword episode).

Yeah. It’s a great show indeed.

As for Agemaki, he was a lovable coward, but somehow he looked more down-to-earth to me than anyone else. After all, who would NOT be afraid seeing lots and lots of monsters all day? :lol: And his partner was a powerfull tsundere walking all day with a sword able to destroy monsters and cut large colums in half. I would be afraid too!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Like you said, Ganryu was useless. Even Agemaki with his youkai-phobia was more valiant and useful than him, like when he got pissed at that youkai eating women and children at third episode. On the other hand Ganryu never did anything useful. When they met that spider-woman for the first time he froze, forcing Hozuki and Bonbori to fight separated, one protecting him and the other fighting the spider-woman alone at 50% of their full power. For me he was nothing more than the twins’ “pet”.

As for Susukihotaru she had her use. She was more like the sensor of the team, with Zakuro as the atacker and Hozuki/Bonbori as the defender/shield. At least, she and Riken were cute together. :roll:

I’m surprised you never mencioned the OTHER twins here. :roll:

I thought the show was decidedly average. By no means was there anything bad about it, but at the same time it didn’t really stick with me at all.

As for the other set of twins, it’s much harder to talk about them without getting into the realm of spoilers. Either that or they’re so much background characters Narg forgot to mention them :wink:

Agreed. In fact, I don’t think Ganryu even successfully fought anyone. Agemaki fought at least three times off the top of my head, and Riken even won a few times (he was clearly the best fighter among the guys). Ganryu only goes into a fearful shock… seriously… what kind of soldier is he? I say he’s less a pet, and more of a toy: at least a pet can protect you.

I’ve heard someone make the excuse that he’s only a kid. The guess work is that Riken is at least 17, Agemaki is around 16, and Ganryu is 14. Still… he supposedly is a genius, and should have gone through the same training as Riken and Agemaki. Riken was clearly fearless, and Agemaki is brave to everything except Yokai because of his phobia (and grows out of that by the end of the series). Ganryu was just plain pathetic, not worthy of the twincest.

I’m not even sure if Daidai and Byakuroku were actually twins. In fact, Hozuki and Bonbori specifically made a remark about that, to which no answer was given. Neither refer to themselves as twins either, unlike Hozuki and Bonbori. They looked and dressed alike though, so I guess Occum’s Razor goes in effect. Either way, all the bad guys sucked. They were just thrown in there to take screen time away from Hozuki and Bonbori. :stuck_out_tongue: Though seriously… the bad guys were just there to give Zakuro someone to fight. Omodaka was an overall total dick and failed to see his own harem and the quite obvious yandere in it (who even claim she was willing to share, until Omodaka bluntly said she was trash).

I don’t mention the other twins, because there really isn’t anything to say about them. They were, as Nandemonai put it, forgettable and only there to show how much the yandere was a heartless bitch.

I’m surprised no one admonished me for ignoring the Tanuki Triplets. They even had their own episode, with them gossiping about the couples, eating those crackers, and screwing with Zakuro. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yay! Latest chapter in Sora no Otoshimono centers around the twincest Gamma angeloids: Harpy. Oh yes… they have a normal girl mode too! Very cute!

Details of their specs reveal, they’re Interceptors (for the record: Ikaros is ranged combat, Astraea is close-quarter combat, Nymph is electronic warfare, Chaos is asymmetric warfare, Zeta is environmental warfare, and Oregano is medical).

I was wondering when that asshole Master of Synapse would throw them away. They were his loyalest followers, but he treats all the women like trash, and I was fearing he’d destroy them before having a chance to be freed. Naturally, Tomoki is making them part of the harem.

Odd though… he’s making them fall for him without much effort whatsoever. I understand that the angeloids don’t have a concept of kindness, so his actions alienate and endear them to him, but the Harpy arc is showing it’s almost a reflexive nature he has. It’s always been clear that Tomoki is special… his dreams of Synapse are real, and he has awareness the Master does not. I think this arc is showing more so than the others, but exactly how Tomoki is doing this with the angeloids, and what purpose uniting all the angeloids will serve, is still unclear. Overthrowing the Master? Sure. But why can he do it when no one else can?

Anyways… Go Tomoki! Get the twincest!!

I should probaly start watching the anime then

Sora no Otoshimono anime is incredibly fun. Two words: flying panties.

The anime has some major differences from the manga however.

Season 1 is about Ikaros and Nymph. It holds true to the original.

Season 2 is about Astraea and Chaos. It goes off course.

PS: Chaos is love. PURE LOVE!! MWA, HA, HA, HA!! Daisuki… AISHITERU!!

Oh… sorry… where was I? Ah yes…

The theatrical movie is about Zeta. It totally throws the series into a new plot course. I dislike the movie BTW.

Season 3 is upcoming. I suppose Oregano and Gamma will be the center of attention… hard to say, with the major change thanks to the movie.

For example In the manga, the Chaos arc is still on going; the anime has completed it with a made-up ending.

Twincest defeats censorship: … tokyo-ban/

Was there ever any doubt? Twincest is protected by divine mandate! All is good and holy with twincest! Amen!

Though in all seriousness, I think the real issue the censors were pushing, was that the Yosuga no Sora anime contained a lot of erotic and “deviant activity” when the anime itself was not specifically categorized as ero (18+). In other words: they wanted the anime to be reclassified as ero, and then killing to birds with one stone, increase the level of censorship in late night anime. Fortunately, Yosuga no Sora is not your typical “10 minutes of story, 15 minutes of sex” fuckfests, and there’s a serious plot behind it. Given the meeting notes, it looks like they showed either episodes 11 or 12 (perhaps even both), since they contain the most twincest. I’m guessing 12, because that has more sex in it. Well that fucked them (PUN!), because 11 and 12 are the drama filled episodes about WHY the twincest are in love and the justification of WHY their committed to it. Episode 12 has the drama filled suicide attempt.

That’s right motherfuckers: artistic merit. Suck on that bitches. :twisted:

Not like twincest itself is banned in Japan. In fact, some of the most hardcore twincest you can find on legal commercial media comes from Japan: [url=]Airi and Meiri[/url]. They’ve gone full oral and penetration with each other, without a stud in the scene. Even in American porn, [url=]Lyndsey and Lacey[/url] have never performed a duo scene… nevermind oral on each other (they’ve shared a single cock; that’s as far as they’ve gone) or penetration. The only time you’ll see them kissing each other, is via footage filmed in a convention or home collection. I remember in a convention interview, the Love twins said they’ve gone all the way with each other, but no one in the industry has the balls (PUN!) to film and sell it. Especially when the FBI obscenity patrol, was throwing lawsuits at the porn industry during their time. On the plus side, the FBI lost those cases (read the History section in that Wikipedia article)… so someone may just film true American twincest in the future. RAWR!

Go Japan! Twincest is Best!!

Was bored today, and remembered something from a few years back. Does anyone know anything new about Wichai Tao? After the marriage I mean.

I am still, and ever will be, jealous of that man.