"Virgin Roster -Shukketsubo-" 19th

Originally posted by kmusky:
The problem is that the reason that this game was released is because Sensei2 and Tsuki both sold well. This game was released because there is a market for this stuff.

The flip side of this is that they know there is a market for the renai games as well. (Renai meaning games like Private Nurse and Snow Drop; sweet romance stories). So they're releasing Heart de Roommate and Crescendo; they're just also releasing dark titles.

I personally don't care that dark titles are available, as long as that's not ALL that's available. And the good sales figures for Do You Like a Horny Bunny tell me that's not going to happen.

We certainly have it a lot better than adult anime, where almost every R1 DVD release is dark-themed. Only three games out of what GC has released so far is pretty good going.

I know what you mean, even the anime that aren’t necessarily “dark-themed” often have scenes I could live without.

As for the sales figues, I’m waiting until the next release so I can guesstimate how Shukketsubo did in terms of numbers. It may be interesting to see.

Originally posted by ekylo:
I know what you mean, even the anime that aren't necessarily "dark-themed" often have scenes I could live without.

As for the sales figues, I'm waiting until the next release so I can guesstimate how Shukketsubo did in terms of numbers. It may be interesting to see.

It also means that if they are: Sensei 3 (D.O.), and Kadowakishi (Zyx) are probably going to be released as well.

Originally posted by woodelf:
And with out the $$$ made by the darker games the other B games can't get released.

I've heard this said by various people, but honestly, it seems like a non sequitur. I mean, what difference does it make to GC whether its revenue comes from Shukketsubo or say, Crescendo? If nobody buys Shukketsubo, but everyone buys an extra copy of Crescendo, then it's likely that fewer Shukketsubo-like titles will be released [a good thing, imho] and that more Crescendo-like titles will be produced [another good thing, imho]. So why not buy a title you already like and give it to a friend? You'll be doing twice as much good in terms of promoting the kind of games you enjoy, and you won't have to buy a morally repugnant rape game and encourage future releases of the same.

[This message has been edited by perigee (edited 12-31-2003).]

Ok i somewhat agree… however what your saying would more that likely backfire as well… D.O. the original company will look at the sales and say, “why are we wasting time with GC when they priduce sales like this” and drop their contract, in which im sure GC is barely holding on to as it is.
All it would take for D.O. to drop a contract with a company like GC is 1 thing, they might look and say, well this game sold like crazy here, why waste our time on a market that is unwilling to try it.

See they are inbetween a rock and a hard place really, they need to make enough buisness to stay afloat, as well as impress the japanese companies enough to keep the titles coming in, see its not easy to get a title to bring over unless you can say “well check these sales!” like horney bunnies 2, they are bringing it over because the first one sold well enough, had it not… there would be NO chance they would have got the licence for it as fast as they did.

[This message has been edited by Gambit (edited 12-31-2003).]

But you’re still missing my point.

If you take all the money received for a game like Crescendo, put it on a table and mix it with all the funds collected for Shukketsubo, it all looks the same and does just as much good for G-C. While D.O. might say, Hey! Rape games don’t sell well in the English market., they will also observe Hey! Look at all these sales for Crescendo. Maybe we should release more romance/comedy games to G-C. After all, we can use the extra royalties with our domestic market being depressed right now.

Don’t sell out your ideals because you think it’s necessary to sustain the b-game industry. There are ways to support the business and send the right message. You could even add a note to your order saying "I’m buying this game instead of Shukketsubo because I want to see more English b-games on the market, but don’t enjoy the kichiku variety. It’s up to the consumer to set the pace.

[This message has been edited by perigee (edited 12-31-2003).]

Back to topic

Can anybody tell me more about the main chara,whether he’s like sensei2’s or tsuki’s main chara

I need to know coz while I can still enjoy Sensei2 I decided to skip almost all of Tsuki’s H-scene thanks to his evilness of paying good deed with “deadly poison”

Im one of those people who like these kind of games. <BR>My girlfriend is the romantic type and I dont get much perversion, so I play games like Tsuki or Sensei 2. I dont want to force her into things she doesnt like. Most people like Kana, Crescendo,... but for me they are rather boring. <P>Everybody rides his own horse, it doesnt mather if its latex or flowers. ;-)<P>Maybe it is sick, to listen to Mozart, Verdi and Chopin while playing Tsuki, but who cares Im happy with it.

Everybody has his own fetish, like Freud would say.

…::|The end justifies the means|::… ~by Niccolo Machiavelli~

Don’t agonize too much over your reluctance to purchase Shukketsubo guys. You’re looking at it as if you’re caught in the dilemma of a Mark who is trapped in a confidence game. Right now the Bishoujo game market is small because the industry hasn’t got the eyes of large headliners, and games will continue to come out at a snail’s pace until we get a killer app that will impress the pants off of everyone and their friends. You have only to look at the current Anime and manga explosion to realize this was a long and arduous process. A demand for Anime and manga was slowly permeated into consumers’ consciousness through 2 decades. Consider the current releases of Bishoujo games business decisions, and yours consumer decisions. You need not purchase the velvet jacket if you only wear wool jackets, capiche?

And Dave Endresak is just a troll, you can read his stuff but for god’s sake, don’t feed him.

I couldnt get myself to read most of this post. Anyways, I really don’t like these games either, but its ZyX and I have a soft spot in my heart for them. I’ll buy it just because it was ZyX. Although I’m the kind of person who will buy every game in english good or bad eventually.

Tsuki was pretty bad, but at least the character kinda redeemed himself at the end. From all tyhe gossip, the protaginist in this game has no redeeming qualities -.- Oh well, I’ll order this along with the 5 or so other games I am missing from my g-collections collection.

Has anyone posted a review of the game yet?

Originally posted by bokmeow:
And Dave Endresak is just a troll, you can read his stuff but for god's sake, don't feed him.

In other words "Don't feed the troll"?

I myself haven't brought Shukketsubo yet and I dunno if I will. Not that I don't like dark games, but I still don't think this game is really my style since I like to have both dark and good endings in a game, and from what people's saying here, it doesn't sound like this game has both...

Nah, there's better stuff to waste my money on for now, I think [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img].

Originally posted by smog:
Has anyone posted a review of the game yet?

Nah, and I think I am not going to do this or for any other upcoming new game either.

After all, "Something Awful" is now the official reviewer and PR for bishoujo-games, so I think there is no need for me to do any of this work in my amateurish style anymore.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Nah, and I think I am not going to do this or for any other upcoming new game either.

After all, "Something Awful" is now the official reviewer and PR for bishoujo-games, so I think there is no need for me to do any of this work in my amateurish style anymore.

In other words, you're going back to make reviews of japanese games? ^_^

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
In other words, you're going back to make reviews of japanese games? ^_^

At least I know that olf awaits my review of Imouto de Ikou with anticipation. So, I ought to work more on this one.

Now that I have no longer any reason to worry about any english bishoujo games remaining without a review, I should perhaps concentrate more on japanese games...

I understand a lot of people won’t like games like Virgin Roster, I don’t know how bad it is as I haven’t received mine yet, and understand that few would have the courage to actually they like this sort of thing. But regardless of how bad it is I would never say they shouldn’t translate games with rape in them and only have really long drawn out romantic ones like Kana just because some of you people don’t like them. If they’re selling well and making them money and there is a demand for them, they have a right to sell them. That’s the great thing about America, the freedom to release stuff like this. If you disallowed all games with all this stuff, we’d never have gotten X Change 1 and 2, 3 sisters story, Tokimeki Check-in!, critical point, and even one of perigee’s favourites Crescendo. They’d either be banned or heavily cut so bad it wouldn’t make any sense. The fact is some of them like Crescendo have good redeeming qualities nice story lines after a rape scene has taken place, and the fact that the girl was raped yet the guy still accepts her after that enhances it immensely. If you want to start restricting and censoring it, where would it end. If you wanted to please everybody who might be offended eventually you’d be having people wanting to be banning them all. When you have a country of people protesting the game Panty Raider where all he does is take pictures of women in their panties because they call that rape??? and a country where a man was able to convince a jury to convict a guy selling adult Manga comics in an adult section of his store because he was able to convince them comics are only for children!!! they could do the same with these games, so you’re damn lucky to be able to get these games at all. The country is full of people who would say every game here is morally repugnant. I don’t like S&M, but I know a lot of people do, so I don’t campaign to have it stopped and restrict other people’s freedom to do so. For you to want to restrict mine or anyone else’s freedom because you don’t like these games is offensive to me.
You have the right not to like these games and the right not to buy these games, but you do not have the right to tell me that I cannot buy them and definitely cannot say that all consumers do and should only like certain types of Bishoujo games that you like. There are likely going to be people who will not buy Kana and those other long drawn out romantic ones you like yet will buy ones like Virgin Roster, and if they only did the kind you like they probably would not be able to afford to make the ones you do like. Saying people should instead buy more copies of Crescendo for themselves because you’d rather see more like that is just stupid. If I could I would buy 1000 copies of each game to keep the industry going and the games coming out at a faster rate, but for most people that’s not practical and games makers do different kinds of games for different tastes.

What they do in some of these games may be morally repugnant, but no more so than the majority of first person shooters where you are killing lots of people extremely graphically. Some of us are able to separate fantasy from reality and are able to enjoy playing these games doing stuff they’d never do in real life and would be disturbed by this in real life. I’d never do most of the stuff in these games in real life, and I doubt anyone who was not already extremely memntally disturbed would either. If you Americans value your freedom as much as you say you do, then do not try to force your will on me.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
After all, "Something Awful" is now the official reviewer and PR for bishoujo-games, so I think there is no need for me to do any of this work in my amateurish style anymore.

I could be wrong, but I get the impression that this statement is some sort of temper tantrum and can't quite work out why...?

Since when has Something Awful impacted on reviews anyone else wishes to write ?

Originally posted by Unicorn:
At least I know that olf awaits my review of Imouto de Ikou with anticipation. So, I ought to work more on this one.

Now that I have no longer any reason to worry about any english bishoujo games remaining without a review, I should perhaps concentrate more on japanese games...

As I with your MJ reviews [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] Though I don't think there's been any new MJ releases since Lime-iro MJ.

Originally posted by smog:

Has anyone posted a review of the game yet?

Nope I was hoping some would have posted a review oh well since I'm back from vacation and Just ordered this title. When I get it in my hands I might go and do one of my quickie reviews for it. We'll see how things go first

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Nah, and I think I am not going to do this or for any other upcoming new game either.

After all, "Something Awful" is now the official reviewer and PR for bishoujo-games, so I think there is no need for me to do any of this work in my amateurish style anymore.

...how to put this delicately...hmm...

I'd say your reviews are more useful than sarcastic, unserious reviews ever could be.