Walkthroughs - the deadly disease

Aw rats,not even a month is passed away since this game’s release, and we already have Doushin spoilers and walkthroughs circulating on the net… :frowning:

What’s the point in purchasing games if you already know plots? :frowning:

Those guys are evil! They spoil us of our gaming pleasure, and all of this before purchasing and playing games! I can understand hints, like we do, in BBS or reviews, but not this!

Can’t you PP staff do something about that? :confused:

[ 06-09-2006, 08:24 PM: Message edited by: Italicus ]

There are plenty of people who will not play the game if it doesn’t have a walkthrough available.

If you don’t want to read it, DON’T!

And exactly i didn’t.

The point is, can’t PP staff set a minimum delay time - let’s see, a month or two… - before posting walkthroughs?

[ 06-09-2006, 08:27 PM: Message edited by: Italicus ]

EDIT: before allowing to post walkthroughs?

PS Lamuness my post edit button went blank…sorry. :slight_smile:

Wouldn’t they just go to GameFAQ’s then?

some people use walkthroughs for when they get stuck… I havnt requested one and wont until i get at least 1 happy ending… The problem is with Doushin its very complex… and very hard to get the people to be exactly where u need em to be… otherwise u end up with a rather disturbing ending, and i know alot of people here dont like that kinda thing, some of us do… some of us dont, its just how it is.

And in the end PP is here to let us play the game how we wanna play it, if we desire cheats hints and tricks… so be it… Persionally id like to see people posting on Doushin a little more… so we can discuss what we do and havnt done… as opposed to just an outright walkthrough.

Gamefaqs does not have Doushin board/forum yet.

I understand some people like walkthrough, but there are people that don’t like them,too. At least, since this is a company BBS,with a brand new private message feature, i suggest from now on to use that feature to exchange them. To not spoil other gamers’ pleasures is the minimal thing to do at this point.

[ 06-10-2006, 02:20 AM: Message edited by: Italicus ]

Oh, and, RonXE, i didn’t mention GameFAQS. :frowning:

[ 06-10-2006, 02:19 AM: Message edited by: Italicus ]

I really don’t see the point of this. People who don’t want the game spoiled for them wouldn’t be reading a walkthrough anyway.

I’m going to have to agree with the don’t read it if you don’t want to see it group. Although I guess for these forums the mods can enforce a policy of clearly labeling when something is a walkthrough so no one reads without realizing it? Not sure how anyone can make that mistake but still. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t see the point of this topic. So there are walkthroughs roaming on the Internet… Big deal. If you don’t want things spoiled, don’t read them.

I’d be curious as to what exactly prompted Italicus’ topic in the first place.

See the PM. Testing it. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: Kidding.

I got your PM. So you found a walkthrough. Now how did it spoil your fun or do anything bad? I really don’t get it.

There are many reasons. I’ll list only most important ones:

A) Because i’ve found it searching a review. People should name their releases good and true.

B) Most B-games have limited replay value. The only challenge left is to memorize choices you made to obtain CGs. IMHO to find something that explains you everything about the game reduces its value.

C) Since PP games are copyrighted, that means plots are, too. Why some guys willingly goes infringing these rights? I really don’t get it.

I think walkthroughs about PP games should be limited - speaking of their distribution - to PP B-games Help BBS, and not roaming on the Net.

Wanna read a walkthrough? Go to PP board. Simple for me.

PS IIRC, there was a walkthrough already set from PP staff. This is only helping weallknowwho.

[ 06-12-2006, 06:51 AM: Message edited by: Italicus ]

As long as they don’t claim the plot as theirs, and recognise that it’s “(C) Peach Princess, Crowd”, I don’t think there’s a problem.

I think the opposite, pal.

A written permission to publish them should be the best way to control them - or to enforce a policy to publish them on PP board.

Just throwing my pointless two cents here. :smiley:

Wouldn’t that mean most FAQ’s are then infringing on corporate rights? I mean, if you get a walkthru for say… Final Fantasy 7… it outlines the entire plot step by step. That would make GameFAQ’s 50% illegal… especially since a lot of their FAQ’s take material out of the instruction manual or intro screens (like the story or endings). Some FAQ’s are just a text format of the game’s script. Crazy as that seems and all, I’ve never seen Square-Enix go nuts on the matter.

I’m no lawyer or anything, but that might be openning a can of worms not worth openning. :eek:

On a side note, I’ve actually bought games based on my opinion of a walkthrough and/or official strategy guide. Fire EmblemHarvest MoonDragon Quest 8. I’d read them and think: that games sounds fun, or look at the images and say, “cool character designs and boss monsters.”

Not that I do it for daters as much…

[ 06-12-2006, 11:08 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

italicus, you are thinking too much

peter makes these walkthroughs (or pays me to make them) to give out to users if they contacted peach princess for them (as stated on the manual); it was his intention

i personally dont find walkthroughs a problem myself; i use gamefaqs alot for my console gaming help too.

while i personally am not 100% supportive of peter’s decision, if you have a problem with it, go whine to him

For something as hard as Doushin, we need to have the walkthrough ready. Actually not that many people have asked us for it. Note that this should not be being posted around, as we specifically mention this in the walkthrough – we need verificationt that the game has been bought first. Is the walkthrough you’ve seen the one we made?