What about the *good* games?

Be careful, knocking ZYX is like beating off with a chainsaw, don’t go there :P. There is nothing wrong with ZYX nor some of crowds games for that matter.It’s not easy getting agreements with companies either.

rips your heart out and feeds it to his retarded bird for knocking zyx

Ok, im done :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Isn't he one of the Transformers? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]
I think he is! Here's the link to unicron · Primus's Transformers E-Mail List!!!
Anyway, UFG the Spoony Bard, just look at the anime history: it took a decade for the Western audience to understand anime was more than giant robots, gore and sex... It took a decade and a lot of efforts from the anime fans. It's just the same for the bishoujo games... The general audience presently sees them as pron thus those buying them are the ones looking for porn; the same way, the Japanese companies feel there isn't a market, save for games with a lot of sex ('yarugee')...
Besides, when I agree with you with the usual lack of story in Will, CROWD, Zyx and CD-BROS's games, I think you're biased as they are big famous and successful companies in Japan (foremost Zyx). Oh, and, BTW, Sweet Basil released at least one game of note: "Maple" [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Besides, when I agree with you with the usual lack of story in Will, CROWD, Zyx and CD-BROS's games, I think you're biased as they are big famous and successful companies in Japan (foremost Zyx). Oh, and, BTW, Sweet Basil released at least one game of note: "Maple" [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

..... lack of story!? FEEL THE WRATH OF HEAVEN!!!! *something unimaginable terrible happens to Olf*

Well, of course I’m biased. In fact, I’ll admit it quite frankly that I’m VERY biased. But I also have to say that my biases don’t just come out of nowhere, and that I have a lot of experience with erogames. I’ve also seen a lot of artwork from different games. The main reason I don’t like ZyX games is mainly because of the artwork. Personally, I feel the artwork just lacks something. Perhaps it’s emotion; perhaps it’s feeling. I don’t know what exactly it’s lacking, but when I look at artwork from games like Wind -a breath of heart-, D.C. ~Da-Capo~, or Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, I can tell that something is there.

I would also like to address olf_le_fol’s point:

I think you’re biased as they are big famous and successful companies in Japan (foremost Zyx).

I’m going to have to say straight out that that statement is absolutely wrong. Although large and successful companies like ZyX and CROWD do not get my support, it doesn’t necessarily mean that I despise big, popular games makers. I’m very supportive of large, successful companies like F&C, minori, elf, and circus. In fact, F&C actually has an official American distributor of their games now, and although they are still in Japanese, they come with English manuals. http://www.mystix-anime.com

Personally, I haven’t bought anything from there yet, but I plan to once i get some extra expenses out of the way.

Well i guess your just gunna have to take what ya can get then… since ya can read japanese ur better off than most of us, i cant read but maybe 20 characters and i barely know enough to be able to say Hi… my name is… (no im not gunna go into a song about what my name is here…)

I guess what im trying to say is… until u can impress the companies, that you want to see games from, to the point of them deciding to release english games… ya need to enjoy what ya can get and keep supporting the companies willing to take a shot on an otherwise dead market.

I’m actually happy with the current situation of the English bishoujo game market even though I don’t play the English versions of these games. While the Japanese companies are making the good games for their Japanese audiences, they’re giving the foreign market their crappy games and making a profit off of them. And they don’t have to worry if the games are good or not, they just have to contain “weird sexual scenes” and they’ll sell, ensuring the company stays in business. Definitely a good use of recycled garbage. Sturgeon’s Law doesn’t seem to apply in this case; the foreign English speakers want the 90% crap titles. I guess one of these days, English bishoujo gamers will be playing their “shokushu” games while I’ll be playing my Kimi ga Nozomu Eien 2 or whatnot.

You know I’ve been thinking about the money issue raised earlier in this thread and I’ve come to a few conclusions:

A) The US is not Japan, whatever they do make in Japan should have no effect on what they make in the US (money wise that is). The issue should be on how much they may be able to make if they created a market for their product that they currently don’t. Of course like everyone else in modern coprorations they want as much for as little as possible, and this is the biggest reason they don’t port to the US…

B) What portion of games created in Japan make it to a release in the US, bishoujo or non-Bishoujo? I’m almost certain it’s less than 10% since I work at a store that sells games and part of my job is keeping up on games soon to be released or on the market. I see tons of japanese created games, but few if any ever arrive in the US as a offical release… So if we already see this trend why does anyone think Bishoujo games should be different? I think it’s just a lack of desire on the part of the japanese developers to translate and then market their games outside Japan…

C) I’ve done some research to double check and yes it seems like alot of these games do sell for ~$70-80 USD… To this my reply is… WTF is wrong with these insane people? Both on the pricing end and on the buying end… Not a single game (refering to just software) in the US these days retails for more than $49.99, yet this style of game sells for almost twice that… I think of myself as having a typical income for my age and sociopolitical background here in the US and I treat myself to buying a game at most once a month because even at $49.99 or below I can only afford so many games… But at the price these sell at in japan I would have to fork up 1/6th (roughly) what I make in two weeks for a single title… I don’t spend that much on food in two weeks and I’m going to spend it on a single game…?

If Japanese designers won’t to play in this market they have to adopt this markets pricing as well… Otherwise the market is going to be handicaped even more, but it won’t be because people don’t want to buy the product… This is one of the reson I like Peach Princess and some of the other companies I’ve come to rely on for this type of game, but even so I see a greater market for intro titles (aka ‘budget’ titles) which draw in more people because they can test what a game (or genre) is like before starting to dish out serious cash… Hence why in the console world Sony, Nintendo, and MS all have ‘value’ lines of software and PC game publishers support ‘gem case’ value software editiosn of their older games… Maybe not to suprisingly these are all in the $9.99 to $19.99 range… Or roughly the cost of a meal or two for most people…

That pricing issue is probably my biggest current complaint about Bishoujo games in the mass market more so then overwhelming quality… Games like XC2 have a style that appeals to people (or at least I think it does) and so do some other titles, but few people want to buy in to expensive products without experiencing one without quite the risk… When I bought XC1 (the first Bishoujo title I ever bought) it was due to wanting to try this type of game and the fact that the price was somewhat lower than average…

How do we fix these things though…? That I’m not sure and I think I’ll leave to someone else…

Well, I agree with what olf_le_fol said. Like anime, it will take awhile before Western audiences accept something like bishoujo games. But they have the additional stumbling block that in America, the attiude towards sexually oriented stuff is that it’s “bad” and it’s something that is not sold openly. So it’s extra difficult to raise awareness of bishoujo games.

In a best case scenario, it will still be awhile before Shadow99’s(and my) dream of cheaper games comes to be. Back in the early days of anime, our releases weren’t that much cheaper than the japanese ones, and we were getting mostly old shows. Only now do we get brand new shows for alot less money. While in Japan, they’re paying 6000 yen for 2 episodes of GiTS: SAC (now 52 episodes), we’ll probably pay 30 dollars for 4-5 episodes of the same show. But as olf said, this is after a decade+ of hardwork. So all we can do now, is support what we see.

Also, gaogao, I couldn’t tell: is your post sarcastic, or intentionally superior sounding? Sorry if I misinterpreted it…

Originally posted by woodelf:
Hey I want $50 for the whole season of anime! $50 will get you two DVD's or about
3 hours of TV. A typical B-game is about 8+
hours to play 75% of the events is my guess.
B-games are still the better value. Most 2 disk games have CD-rom audio that you can play too... a extra feature.

Casual Romance Club at $87 US still is a reasonable price for a new game.

Of course, you could also pay $50 for a traditional console RPG and get 50+ hours of gameplay. Most action games offer 10-20 hours now...

You could also get 5 volumes of manga. Who knows how long that will take you to read?

Bishoujo games exist at the crossroads of anime and games. And most people in the West just don't know what to do with them. I think they're worth the price, but it can be hard to convince other people at first.

Heh, I think I payed $40 for all of Blue Seed... and $60 for Nadesico.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Isn't he one of the Transformers? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
I think he is! Here's the link to unicron · Primus's Transformers E-Mail List!!!

Great, so thanks to a small spelling-mistake I am now heavy metal! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Originally posted by UFG the Spoony Bard:
I'm going to have to say straight out that that statement is absolutely wrong. Although large and successful companies like ZyX and CROWD do not get my support, it doesn't necessarily mean that I despise big, popular games makers.

My comment was an answer to the fact that you wondered why "the English bishoujo game companies don't partner up with some of the better Japanese game companies". My comment was that ZyX and TRABULANCE are major in Japan, meaning they are quite successful and popular, meaning that they are "good" companies. Of course, you may be of the people who thinks that popular != good, but... ^^;;;;;

Originally posted by gaogao:
I'm actually happy with the current situation of the English bishoujo game market even though I don't play the English versions of these games. While the Japanese companies are making the good games for their Japanese audiences, they're giving the foreign market their crappy games and making a profit off of them. And they don't have to worry if the games are good or not, they just have to contain "weird sexual scenes" and they'll sell, ensuring the company stays in business. Definitely a good use of recycled garbage. Sturgeon's Law doesn't seem to apply in this case; the foreign English speakers want the 90% crap titles. I guess one of these days, English bishoujo gamers will be playing their "shokushu" games while I'll be playing my Kimi ga Nozomu Eien 2 or whatnot.

Who says that they're just giving their crappy games to the english market? At least in the case of PP, there's a certain infludence on what might be accuried and not. And while many of the games released amy in amny senses not be the best games, they're not necressiary the worst ones either.

Let ke just weigh in here with my two cents. We aren’t seeing many titles translated in the States, period. This statement being true, does not affect the ratio of ‘good’ games to ‘bad’ games that come out in Japan.

Now I’m the first to admit I know nothing in this respect, but I personally think it’s more likely that what comes out in the States reflects what comes out in Japan, and that it’s simply that more games like Kango Schicyauzo come in in general than it is to say that the Japanese market is glutted with all these good titles.

We haven’t got ANY titles that are truly A-class, from what I understand…and there are all types of titles from that class.

So…I know at least some people here know (cough cough Olf wheeze), so…

What is the approximate ratio, in Japan, of story-heavy games to sex-heavy ones?

Originally posted by Nandemonai:

We haven't got ANY titles that are truly A-class, from what I understand...and there are all types of titles from that class.

Kana Imouto is the only A-class title that got translated. Of the companies that are working with GC, the only other A-class title I see that has a chance of being translated is D.O.'s Kazoku Keikaku. Just so you know, the scenario writer who wrote Kana Imouto, also wrote this title and Hoshizora Planet... but I don't see these titles in the lineup. Maybe they don't have weird sexual scenes and become inferior goods in the foreign market?

Well, 90% of everything mass-produced is crap, it is said (just look at the quality of the mass-produced GMs ). The bishoujo world doesn’t escape from that rule, IMHO, if it’s what you wanted to say. So, considering how little were translated into English and considering that in the lot we got the EVE series and Kana, I think it’s not as bad as people may think it is…

This stuff looks like it needs to go into a faq. Just because it has adult content it should not be automatically graded into crap. People who play Kana and think it’s awesome seem to be living in a hole and totally oblivious to the C’s Ware stuff, which is inarguably the AAA grade of Bishoujo games.

Until i really have another choice… im going to simple take em all… but i dont see the time coming with in the next few years where i will have the choice between which games i get Romance… or Bunnies type game…

so until that day… horny bunnies(as well as other g-collection and peapri games)… here i come…

Originally posted by bokmeow:
This stuff looks like it needs to go into a faq. Just because it has adult content it should not be automatically graded into crap. People who play Kana and think it's awesome seem to be living in a hole and totally oblivious to the C's Ware stuff, which is inarguably the AAA grade of Bishoujo games.

I disagree when you say that to think Kana is awesome means that I have been living in a hole...

*SOME* of Himeya's games were good I admit, Eve, Desire and Dividead were excellent games. Yet I still think they fall short of Kana. Thats just opinion, I have played almost every Himeya game and I believe pretty much every game translated to English excluding Water Closet and Fatal Relations. Also I have played a *TON* of RPG's on different consoles. Story wise few games I have ever played compared with Kana. None compared emotionally, but then I am not a emotion person so for me to get emotionally involved in a game it has to be a extremely touching story.

Originally posted by Bigdog:
I disagree when you say that to think Kana is awesome means that I have been living in a hole...

*SOME* of Himeya's games were good I admit, Eve, Desire and Dividead were excellent games. Yet I still think they fall short of Kana. Thats just opinion, I have played almost every Himeya game and I believe pretty much every game translated to English excluding Water Closet and Fatal Relations. Also I have played a *TON* of RPG's on different consoles. Story wise few games I have ever played compared with Kana. None compared emotionally, but then I am not a emotion person so for me to get emotionally involved in a game it has to be a extremely touching story.

Sorry, it was worded badly.

Let me reword this. People see to have not seen the C's Ware games, I've visited a good number of BBSs and they tout Kana as the only good game, and say the Himeya stuff is crap. I say that is living in a hole. Stories can only get better, and Kana was released nearly 10 years after Eve Burst Error and Desire (Their first releases were on the PC-98). I have not yet played Kana but I am not disputing this is probably one of the most amazing games ever considering all my good reviewers say so and all the bbs visitors say so. But it irks me to hear people say 'Where's the good games?' like they are writing off the current Bishoujo game offerings.

Originally posted by bokmeow:

Sorry, it was worded badly.

Let me reword this. People see to have not seen the C's Ware games, I've visited a good number of BBSs and they tout Kana as the only good game, and say the Himeya stuff is crap. I say that is living in a hole. Stories can only get better, and Kana was released nearly 10 years after Eve Burst Error and Desire (Their first releases were on the PC-98). I have not yet played Kana but I am not disputing this is probably one of the most amazing games ever considering all my good reviewers say so and all the bbs visitors say so. But it irks me to hear people say 'Where's the good games?' like they are writing off the current Bishoujo game offerings.

And that is exactly what I was trying to say as well, bokmeow. Thanks for phrasing it for me. Now I have to go buy stuff to make S'mores.