What about the *good* games?

Stories can only get better, and Kana was released nearly 10 years after Eve Burst Error and Desire (Their first releases were on the PC-98). I have not yet played Kana but I am not disputing this is probably one of the most amazing games ever considering all my good reviewers say so and all the bbs visitors say so. But it irks me to hear people say 'Where's the good games?' like they are writing off the current Bishoujo game offerings.

I'm going to have to disagree with your statement that "stores only get better." Sure, there are some 2003 games out there with some good stories like Aka (Nekoneko-soft) and such, but stories don't necessarily get better. It's the same with movies, books, etc. There's always some great classics that remain as great classics for a long period of time (Shakespeare, Lord of the Rings [book], etc.). In other words, I'm saying that just because it's newer doesn't necessarily mean it's better, but there are still a lot of very good new things (in the context of the previous sentence, an example would be the Lord of the Rings Movie).

Also, I'm wondering where you got your information. Kana ~Imouto~ (6/25/1999) was not released 10 years after EVE ~burst error~ (5/30/1997) and DESIRE (6/5/1998). At most, it's slightly more than two years newer than those two games.

Additionaly, I'm not writing off the curent bishoujo game offerings without reason. I've played most of the games that have been translated into English, and sure, they're okay, but there is stuff out there that is a thousand times better. If anything, I believe you would be the one living in the hole to not consider the fact that there are many great, great games that are not currently offered in English.

Originally posted by UFG the Spoony Bard:
Additionaly, I'm not writing off the curent bishoujo game offerings without reason. I've played most of the games that have been translated into English, and sure, they're okay, but there is stuff out there that is a thousand times better.

... like what? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/rolleyes.gif[/img]

No, gomen, that was perhaps a little too sarcastic-sounding, but actually, I'd liek to hear that games - orather, what ind of games - that you'd like to see an increase off in the engllish market, then? Perhaps stuff like the ones E-go makes: Lots of 3D and gmaeplay and such int heir games, but in terms of stories, they might leave quite a few things to be desired. Or perhaps stuff like the ones alicesoft is known for making; not always that much gamepaly, and certainly not always as nice-looking as E-go's stuff, but nearly always with a good story?

Hello everyone… I was gone a long time but I have seen and done many things.

I know that the big developers like Key and elf etc have no interest in bringing their games over. But I think they should out of the goodness of their hearts.

In all my honest belief I think that if Brave Soul does well, it will be the turning point of the Bishoujo Gaming industry.

If we can make the sales go really high where it would sell at least a million companies. It will turn some heads in Japan.

Himeya went down because it’s approach was all wrong. G-Collections is very serious and handled piracy very well. As a Adultbouncer subscriber I am happy to report that no Bishoujo game by G-collections has been found on any website in the avs network… Same with peachprincess. AB used to be a major piracy hide away for such things. Someone took care of business…

Anyways… Himeya was really good… I loved their games… (Except for Amy’s Fantasies, Love potion and some third one whos name I forgot).

I was STUNNED and AMAZED by the EVE series. I was up at night thinking about what would happen next during the entire MONTH AND A HALF of playtime. It was a long fullfilling game and I am very sad that I can’t see TFA translated since Adam the double factor ended on a major cliff hanger. To the pirates that are reading; I hope you’re happy… If Himeya was still operating today we would have amazing games… They have ties with all the major companies and C’s Ware’s Divi-Dead was something I wanted more of.

When Himeya went under I’m sure they gave the English Bishoujo game market a bad name amoungst the hotshot companies.

I have played some Japanese games and I am also quite impressed with them. Utawarerumono,Wordsworth,Dvine Luv,Kanon,Da Capo, Wind- a Breath of heart and many more of such games are truly a delectable change and are some of the greatest play experiences I had. I barely understood what was going on but it was fun.

I saw the Da Capo OVA and I must say it was truly stunning and great.I also saw the canvas OVA. I really wish I could play the games (and understand them), but I am more likely to die a horrible death than see such things become reality.

I for one shall purchase any game that catches interest. I strongly believe that if we can make it profitable for these existing companies to sell here to the point where their sales will outweigh the Japanese ones it will really get the attention of some of the bigger producers…

But even then after all the blood and sweat and money poured into such an endevour, it will still be a delicate situation. All it takes is one slipup and the the big companies will leave forever.

My next few statements may offend some religious people so if you are offended I extend my sincere apologies. My intention is not to offend, I myself have nothing against any religious group, only certain people who see it fit to control our lives through thoughts opinions and beliefs with no circumstantial evidence to prove anything.

I must express extreme disgust with the church however. They are the ones responsible for the age limits and the sheer taboo of anything with even a modest erotic theme. They DECIDE what people will do and not do and use it as a method to control us.

They preach illogical things about how the thigns we do are unwholesome and immoral. WHO ARE THEY TO DEFY HUMAN NATURE IN THE NAME OF HUMANITY? To deny us these things is to deny humanity it self so they are contradictory.

My philosophy is that if you are old enough to want to see that stuff then why should anyone stop you. You will find a way to do it anyways.

I’ll tell you right now the #1 reason for piracy of these games is because the pirates are underaged and can’t buy it themselves. But they want to see it. They are too ashamed of asking their parents to get it for them. When those people grow up they are gonna start buying these games (if they truly understand how the industry works they will).

Right now an old generation controls the world. When the underaged grow up and get a steady income things wil change for the english industry.

On another note even if the taboos and age limits on sex were gone many people think naked anime women and anything related is sick and uninteresting. Not to mention the fact that many would rather play graphic intensive action shoot em up games over slow deep plotted adventure games where you date anime girls. There is a level of appreciation given by fans (like me) to these bishoujo games that many people just don’t understand.

I don’t want to offend anyone in particular but the american gaming community has a farely short attention span (in my experience) and would rather pull out a sword and start slashing some things instead of clicking through tons of text.

As for me I hope to see more erotic themed games with plenty of romance,love and plot and not just sex. I don’t play these games for the sex. If I want just sex I’ll watch a few hentai movies. For me the sex comes on the side as a bonus benefit.

Originally posted by UFG the Spoony Bard:
I'm going to have to disagree with your statement that "stores only get better." Sure, there are some 2003 games out there with some good stories like Aka (Nekoneko-soft) and such, but stories don't necessarily get better. It's the same with movies, books, etc. There's always some great classics that remain as great classics for a long period of time (Shakespeare, Lord of the Rings [book], etc.). In other words, I'm saying that just because it's newer doesn't necessarily mean it's better, but there are still a lot of very good new things (in the context of the previous sentence, an example would be the Lord of the Rings Movie).

Also, I'm wondering where you got your information. Kana ~Imouto~ (6/25/1999) was not released 10 years after EVE ~burst error~ (5/30/1997) and DESIRE (6/5/1998). At most, it's slightly more than two years newer than those two games.

Additionaly, I'm not writing off the curent bishoujo game offerings without reason. I've played most of the games that have been translated into English, and sure, they're okay, but there is stuff out there that is a thousand times better. If anything, I believe you would be the one living in the hole to not consider the fact that there are many great, great games that are not currently offered in English.

Both Desire and Eve Burst Error were Pc-98 games, before they were released again for the Sega Saturn and for the Windows 98. They were from something like 93 or before if I recall correctly.

After doing some research:

PC-98 version of EVE ~burst error~ release is sometime in November of 1995.

DESIRE ~Haitoku no Rasen~ was released in July of 1994.


Anyway, addressing the comment be Spectator Beholder, I’ll just make a list (in no particular order):
CANVAS ~Sepia Iro no Motif~
Sense Off ~a sacred story in the wind~
Wind -a breath of heart-
D.C. ~Da-Capo~
Sekai no Subete
univ ~Koi-Hajimaru yo~
univ ~Ai-Omatase~
Mizunatsu ~SUIKA~
Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
Triangle Heart series
Boku to Bokura no Natsu
flutter of birds ~Tori-tachi no Habataki~
Ashita no Yukinojo
Kaze NO Uta
"Hello, world."
Nanairo ~Koi no Tenki Yohou~
Oyakusoku LOVE
Natsuiro no Sunadokei
Natsu Shoujo
Shu -Aka-

Honestly, I’m not actually all that interested in games by Studio e-go!, although IZUMO was pretty good. As for types of games, I’m all for action. In terms of action, BALDR FORCE is the only good one. I’m also all for story w/ good art and music (D.C., Wind, Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, Sense Off, etc.).

Originally posted by UFG the Spoony Bard:
Additionaly, I'm not writing off the curent bishoujo game offerings without reason. I've played most of the games that have been translated into English, and sure, they're okay, but there is stuff out there that is a thousand times better. If anything, I believe you would be the one living in the hole to not consider the fact that there are many great, great games that are not currently offered in English.

Did you only read the reasons that were posted about why the current situation is as it is and about how it's not as bad as you want to believe it is?
You're just acting like those fans back in the beginning of the 90ies who were wondering and complaining about why the anime shows translated back then were so baaaaaad when there were soooooo many beeeeeetter anime in Japan, and wouldn't listen nor understand the explanations given.
Besides, BTW, if you can read Japanese and play to the games in Japanese, why does it bother you *that* much?

Spec: tsk tsk, lots of 3d in E-go games? I can tell you haven’t played to many of them
I have yet to find an E-go game with any “real” 3d in it,but you are correct in the gameplay department though.
And I dare to say that most E-go games have good stories,I have as of yet to find a B-game that has a better storyline then Ebenborough :stuck_out_tongue:

P.s Death to japanese 3d games,they suck horribly and will melt your eye’s O_o
(but then again,japan has always sucked when it comes to 3d in any form)

Huh americans have short attention spans thing has come up again, huh? Well I’ll argue that due solely to the success of Biowares titles (SW:KOTOR being the latest) that this is not true when it’s done right… I could also add the FF series to that list for some more console long gaming experience loving… Oh & PS from Sega has to be added as well… And all those RPG’s on the GBA…

Heck even true adventure games are on a come back with games like Syberia… Which if you haven’t played you should go find a copy for $19.99 or $29.99 somwhere… Though Syberia has little to no replay value since it has only 1 ending, which is one area most Bishoujo games have an edge over it…

So in short no I don’t think it’s fair to say that American gamers can’t sit down and play a game with a long complex story, even if we tend to get written off as being like that…

Once Again I have to agree with Spoony. My Japanese friends told me all about many of the games he mentioned in that list… Especially Triangle Hearts series.

If you’re going to charge 49 american dollars for games like these then at least make games that are worth that kind of money.

I spend this much money becuase I’m either crazy or just damned generous but many others don’t want to.

I’m sure there would be more money to be made if games like Kanon Da Capo or Triangle Hearts came out.

But even if there were licensing deals made to release games from the hotshots in Japan the fact that a lot of these games are a bit too aged will make sure they never get released in English.

Based on what I’ve seen I’d have to say Brave Soul is one of the games that are worth the money I’m going to spend on it.

I have a little theory. My theory is that if Brave Soul does well companies like G-Collections might get deals to release DO’s Sumeragi or something similar.

I’m sure all the B-Game companies right now are in some kind of loose alliance because of the nature of how badly the industry is doing. But once one company starts doing better than the others the Japanese competative spirit is gonna drop down on them like a plague.

But perhaps it’s a good thing that we don’t have such popular games just yet… Think about it this way if we ever do end up getting more popular to the point where normal gamers know of the existance of such games then I’m sure the Media and government will be quick to criticize these games and get them banned or censored for us.

Just like how they are brutally making up stupid uninformed predjudice laws about the normal violent games out there every day.

[This message has been edited by Absurdist (edited 08-13-2003).]

Did you only read the reasons that were posted about why the current situation is as it is and about how it's not as bad as you want to believe it is?
You're just acting like those fans back in the beginning of the 90ies who were wondering and complaining about why the anime shows translated back then were so baaaaaad when there were soooooo many beeeeeetter anime in Japan, and wouldn't listen nor understand the explanations given.
Besides, BTW, if you can read Japanese and play to the games in Japanese, why does it bother you *that* much?

Basically, I've read every post on this topic (thanks for all of the information, guys), and I understand the current situation quite well. It's obviously not as bad as you think I want to believe it is, because I know that there are people out there who do buy the games and do enjoy them, but I can say for a fact that there are MANY games out there that are better. I can see why you might think I'm like one of those anime fans you explained, but, unlike them, I have both listened to and understood the explainations given. I have not pushed for any games to be translated after my first post. The rest of my posts are replies to questions based on my opinions.
Also, to answer your question about being able to read and play games in Japanese, as stated in my first post: "I can read quite a bit of Japanese, there are still a lot of things I don't understand." Basically, I can most of the story, and a few details here and there, but there are still many things that I don't understand.

Ah, okay then.
Hope we answered your questions.
And my best answer would that beggars can’t be choosers. You’ll have to wait, and perhaps the day will come when the full range of the bgames will come overseas as well… I personnally thinks it’s going a good way presently.
But bah, I’m only a n00b with no knowledge about the bgames world, so just discard my opinions. Better ask Lamuness or joe_kun or Kagami or all the regulars here.

Originally posted by Absurdist:
My Japanese friends told me all about many of the games he mentioned in that list… Especially Triangle Hearts series.
Oh, that game series? Personnally, I think it’s an awful game, with horrible stories and dull characters. Never understood how they could make three games that bad…
But then, a man’s treasure is another’s trash.

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 08-13-2003).]

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Oh, *that* game series? Personnally, I think it's an awful game, with horrible stories and dull characters. Never understood how they could make three games that bad...
But then, a man's treasure is another's trash. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Oh you mean that piece of trash. I was told by my brother's friend's cousin's father's uncle's son that it sucks so horrible. DON'T GET IT I say [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img].

Originally posted by Absurdist:
If you're going to charge 49 american dollars for games like these then at least make games that are worth that kind of money.

Whenever the games are worth it or not (in the eyes of the customers), they might _have to_ put that price. Or do you think that releasing a game is something that you do on just a few dollars? no, there are various expenses that has to be covered too. Take a few classes in business, and you might understand [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]. Besides, it's the standard price for just any game on the market, as far as I know, so why should it be unreasonable to give them out as such a price?

Originally posted by Absurdist:
I have a little theory. My theory is that if Brave Soul does well companies like G-Collections might get deals to release DO's Sumeragi or something similar.

That's a theory of many, but who can say for sure? That Brave Soul will likely be PP's miost successful release do far, that I don't doubt, but who can say what kind of effet it will have on the rest of the market?

Originally posted by: UFG the Spoony BardHonestly, I'm not actually all that interested in games by Studio e-go!, although IZUMO was pretty good. As for types of games, I'm all for action. In terms of action, BALDR FORCE is the only good one. I'm also all for story w/ good art and music (D.C., Wind, Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, Sense Off, etc.).

I see [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]. Well, those games are sure some games that many b-games would wish to see released here. However, many companies behind those games are not interested in releasign their games here, simply because that they don't see much of a profit in it (and indeed, with the status of the current market, being as small as it is, who could aruge ith that?). Many companies, however, would like to tery their hand at the english market, but they don't have enough re4sources to do so.. as I said earlier, releasing a japanese game here in the west don't mean that you have to spend just a few dollars to get it done. Then there's the matter of the mosaics too...

Originally posted by: UFG the Spoony BardSpec: tsk tsk, lots of 3d in E-go games? I can tell you haven't played to many of them
I have yet to find an E-go game with any "real" 3d in it,but you are correct in the gameplay department though.
And I dare to say that most E-go games have good stories,I have as of yet to find a B-game that has a better storyline then Ebenborough :P
P.s Death to japanese 3d games,they suck horribly and will melt your eye's O_o
(but then again,japan has always sucked when it comes to 3d in any form)

:d. Of course I haven't played many E-go games :3. Just played a little of MAW 1-2 and WoE at Unicorns... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]
And about 3D-games, i know about that. The kind of 3D-art you see in 100% 3D- bishoujo gmaes is something I think the games could o much better without [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]. However, since I've just seen a few screenshot's at Gamelex GS and Getchu.com, I perhaps shouldn't say that.. ^^;;

Eh Spec, that last quoted post was by Gurvon, not me.

Actually some of the 3D games are getting quite good. Illusion does fairly decent 3D in some of their games. The animated CGs in IPVR were some of the best I have seen to date. I think someone mentioned Savior as having some decent 3D animated CGs as well.

ILLUSION/Dreams puts 99% into their animated sqeuences and 1% into their gameplay. BattleRaper is just about the worst game I’ve ever played.

Talking about 3D… Did anyone ever try any of TEATIME’s games?

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Talking about 3D... Did anyone ever try any of TEATIME's games?

I have put "Maiden Breeder" on my shopping-list a long time ago, but I am still too attached to 2D. If I think of 3D, images of animated barbie-dolls keep popping up in my mind... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/eek.gif[/img]

Yeah I agree. I much rather prefer good old fashioned Cell Shading over 3D graphics.

Did you try “Toon” then?